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Topic: Transportation Electrification-Land and Air: Enabler for future of MobilityStorage

Lecturer:Prof. Kaushik Rajashekara(University of Houston, Texas)

Time: 9:00-11:00, July. 23, 2019

Site: 西主楼3区102


The aerospace industry is facing challenges similar to those of automotive industry in terms of improving emissions, fuel economy, and cost. Another similarity is the move towards replacing mechanical and pneumatic systems with electrical systems, thus transitioning toward “more electric” architectures and hybrid propulsion systems. To meet these challenges in the automotive industry, significant work has been done in the areas of electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles. In the case of airplanes, more electric architecture and hybrid propulsion strategies are the emerging trends. Recently, there is also an increasing interest in flying cars, and vertical take-off and landing vehicles (VTOL) to be used as Air taxis. The electrification, in addition to reducing emissions, is also enabling expedient operation for connected vehicles. This presentation examines the synergies between the electrical systems for electric/hybrid vehicles, electric and hybrid aircrafts, and flying cars/VTOL vehicles. In addition, this presentation also discusses how the electrification is enabling the advancement of connected cars, Air Taxis, and changing the future of mobility.

About the Speaker:

Kaushik Rajashekara received his PhD (1984) degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Science. In 1989, he joined Delphi division of General Motors Corporation in Indianapolis, IN, USA as a staff project engineer. In Delphi and General Motors, he held various lead technical and managerial positions, and was a Technical Fellow and the Chief Scientist for developing electric machines, controllers, and power electronics systems for electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicle systems. In 2006, he joined Rolls-Royce Corporation as a Chief Technologist for More Electric architectures and power conversion/control technologies for aero, marine, defense, and energy applications. In August 2012, he joined as a Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. Since September 2016, he is a Distinguished Professor of Engineering in University of Houston.

Prof. Rajashekara was elected as a Member of the National Academy of Engineering in 2012 for contributions to electric power conversion systems in transportation. He was also elected as 2015 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors and 2013 Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering. He is a recipient of the IEEE Richard Harold Kaufmann award, IEEE Industry Applications Society Outstanding Achievement Award, and IEEE IAS Gerald Kliman award for contributions to the advancement of electrical systems in transportation; for contributions to the advancement of power conversion technologies through innovations and their applications to industry. He is a Distinguished Alumnus of Indian Institute of Science, Fellow of IEEE, and a Fellow of SAE International. He has published nearly 200 papers in international journals and conferences, has 35 U.S. and 10 foreign patents. He has given more than 150 invited presentations in international conferences and universities. His research interests are in the area of power electronics, drives, subsea electricals, transportation electrification, renewable energy, and microgrid systems.

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上一篇:Academic Lecture|Food safety and biosensors

下一篇:Academic Lecture|Wireless Inductive Charging for Electric Vehicles
