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报告题目:Coupon-Based Demand Response Considering Wind Power

Uncertainty: A Strategic Bidding Model for Load Serving Entities

报 告 人: Dr. Fangxing Li

报告时间: 2015年6月12日上午10:00 – 12:00

报告地点: 清华大学西主楼2区203会议室

联 系 人: 孙宏斌 电话:62783086-803

Fangxing Li is presently an associate professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at The University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK). He also serves as the Campus Director of CURENT, a NSF Engineering Research Center and one of the largest research centers in electric power engineering in the U.S.

Dr. Li received his BSEE and MSEE degrees both from Southeast University (China) in 1994 and 1997, respectively, and then his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech in 2001. Prior to joining UTK in 2005, he had worked at ABB Electrical System Consulting (ESC) in Raleigh, NC, from 2001 to 2005, as a senior engineer and then a principal engineer. During his employment at ABB, he was the lead developer of GridView Releases 1.0 and 2.0. Presently, GridView is a major power-market simulator with a number of users at power utilities and Independent System Operators (ISOs), as well as being an internal consulting tool for ABB consultants.

His current research interests include power markets, renewable energy integration, smart grid, and distributed energy resources. He has published more than 70 journal papers and 100 conference papers and holds a US patent and an international patent.

Dr. Li is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, an Editor of IEEE PES Letters, a guest editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, the Vice Chair of IEEE PES Power System Planning and Implementation (PSPI) committee, and IEEE PES General Meeting TCPC member, an editorial board member of Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, the President of North America Chinese Power Professional Association (NACPPA), a Fellow of IET, and a registered Professional Engineer (P.E.) in the state of North Carolina.

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