报告题目:Global Power & Energy Internet: Is It Real?
报 告 人:Prof Xiao-Ping Zhang (张小平)
University of Birmingham, UK
联 系 人:康重庆
Abstract: The 3rd energy industry revolution necessitates the revolutionary changes to energy generation, energy transmission & distribution and energy consumption as well as energy storage. All the revolutionary changes will bring highly networked energy systems, namely Global Power & Energy Internet.
In this presentation, Professor Zhang will discuss the scope of the Global Power & Energy Internet and explain the architecture of Global Power & Energy Internet.
Professor Xiao-Ping Zhang (张小平) is Professor of Electrical Power Systems at the University of Birmingham. He is currently Head of Electrical Power & Control Systems Group, Co-Director of Birmingham Energy Storage Centre and Director of Smart Grid of Birmingham Energy Institute. Professor Zhang has some twenty years international engineering and academic R&D experience ranging from China and Germany, to the UK with a focus on Electrical Power Systems Engineering.
Internationally he pioneered the concept of ‘Global Power & Energy Internet’ and ‘Energy Union’. Professor Zhang has many publications including 3 books on FACTS/HVDC and Energy Market Modelling where 2 of them have been translated into Chinese. Professor Zhang is an Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and Chair of the IEEE Power & Energy Society Working Group on Test Systems for Economic Analysis