报告题目:Trust-Tech for Nonlinear Optimization:Theory, Methods and Practical Applications
报 告 人:Prof. Hsiao-Dong Chiang
ECE, Cornell University EE&A, Tianjin University
联 系 人:梅生伟、康重庆
Trust-Tech Paradigm for Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Methods and Practical Applications
Abstract: Optimization technology has practical applications in science, business and engineering. The solution space of nonlinear optimization problems generally contains only one global optimal solution and many local optimal solutions. From a practical viewpoint, there are strong motivations to develop effective methods for finding the global optimal solution. We have developed a novel paradigm, termed Trust-Tech, for nonlinear optimization. which has been applied to machine learning, optimal power flow, image and signal processing, artificial network training and was awarded three USA patents. In this talk, I will present the theoretical basis for and practical applications of Trust-Tech to machine learning, and large-scale Optimal Power Flow. (of 200,000 dimension). In addition, a new meta-heuristic-assisted Trust-Tech optimization methodology will be presented.
Prof Hsiao-Dong Chiang received the Ph.D. degree in EECS from the University of California at Berkeley. He was elected IEEE Fellow in 1997 and has been Professor of Electrical Engineering at Cornell University since 1998 and Professor of EE&A at Tianjin University, Tianjin. He and his research team have published more than 350 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. His current research interests include nonlinear system theory, computation, nonlinear optimization and their practical applications to circuits, systems and signals. He and his team have developed and installed on-line tools for more than 30 major power companies world-wide. He holds 18 U.S. and oversea patents. He is Author of the book “Direct Methods for Power System Stability Analysis: Theoretical Foundation, BCU Methodology and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, USA, 2011 and of the book “Stability region of nonlinear dynamical system: theory, optimal estimation and applications”, Cambridge Press, UK, 2015. He founded Bigwood Systems Inc. (Ithaca, NY) in 1995 and Global Optimal Tech. Inc. (Ithaca, NY) in 2000.