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报告题目:Physical Security Monitoring and Distributed

Load Shedding at Power Substations

报告人: Prof. Chen-Ching Liu

Boeing Distinguished Professor

Washington State University

时间:2015年12月25日 3:00-4:00pm


Abstract: As a critical infrastructure, the electric power grid is vulnerable with respect to malicious physical attacks. The importance of physical security for smart grids has been highlighted by recent intrusion incidents worldwide. Physical intrusions into substations of a power grid are a source of vulnerability. As most substations are unmanned and located in isolated, remote, rural, or mountainous areas, the security personnel cannot reach these facilities easily. Thus, an advanced system to monitor physical security of substations is essential to maintain system integrity. The damage on power facilities caused by successful physical intrusions can weaken the functionality of the power grid. Large disturbances can cause cascading events, leading to a system collapse and power system blackouts. As a last resort action, load shedding is critical for mitigation of large disturbances on a power grid. This research provides the analytical and computational techniques for physical security monitoring and distributed load shedding at power substations.

About the Speaker:

Chen-Ching Liu is Boeing Distinguished Professor at Washington State University (WSU), Pullman, USA. At WSU, Professor Liu serves as Director of the Energy Systems Innovation (ESI) Center. During 1983-2005, he was a Professor of Electrical Engineering at University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Liu was Palmer Chair Professor at Iowa State University from 2006 to 2008. From 2008-2011, he served as Deputy/Acting Principal of the College of Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sciences at University College Dublin, Ireland. Professor Liu received an IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000 and the Power and Energy Society Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award in 2004. In 2013, Dr. Liu was recognized with a Doctor Honoris Causa by Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania. Professor Liu chaired the IEEE Power and Energy Society Fellow Committee, Technical Committee on Power System Analysis, Computing and Economics, and Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award Committee. He served on the U.S. National Academies Board on Global Science and Technology. Professor Liu is a Fellow of the IEEE and Member of the Washington State Academy of Sciences.

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