报 告 人:Dr. Tongxin Zheng Technical Manager at
ISO- New England Inc. President of NACPPA (主席,北美华人电力协会)
联 系 人:康重庆
Abstract: This presentation provides an introduction to ISO-New England Electricity Market, from both architecture-wise to component-perspective. The important building blocks within ISO-New England Market including day-ahead market, hour-ahead market, real-time market, financial transmission right market, and network model management system will be covered. The uncertainty model in market scheduling and optimization will be discussed.
Dr. Tongxin Zheng is currently the Technical Manager at Independent System Operator of New England Inc. (ISO-NE). He manages both research and development projects for the regional wholesale electricity market design and operations, and collaboration projects with the research community. He provides technical consultation to market and system operations, and oversees the development of the market clearing engine and the market simulation software. Prior to ISO-NE, he was a senior software engineer at Interface Technology, Inc (ITI), and an application engineer at ABB information system.
Tongxin received his B.S. degree from North China Institute of Electric Power in 1993, his M.S. degree from Tsinghua University in 1996, and his Ph.D degree from Clemson University in 1999, all in electrical engineering. He has published over 50 journal and conference papers in the area of power system operation, optimization and power quality, and delivered many presentations at various conferences, forums, workshops, NACPPA seminar and universities.
Tongxin was also a two-time recipient of the Employee of the Quarter Award at ISO NE. He has served as an industry advisor of DOE-sponsored and PSERC projects, an ISO-NE liaison for PSERC, a dissertation committee member, and a member of IEEE power system operations and economic committee. He is an editor of IEEE Transactions on Power System, and the co-chair of the IEEE task force on Gas-Electric Coordination, and the chair of several penal sessions at IEEE PES general meetings.