联 系 人:张宁
9.00 - 9.30 Towards pricing of uncertainty and variability in electricity markets Prof. Pierre Pinson
9.30 -10.00 Multiple energy systems towards renewable energy integration Dr. Ning Zhang
10.00-10.30 A stochastic market design with revenue adequacy and cost recovery by scenario: benefits and costs Dr. Jalal Kazempour
10.30-11.00 Data-driven insights into smart meter data: a door to the energy internet Mr. Yi Wang
11.30-14.00 Lunch
14.30-15.00 Market mechanisms for integrated heat and electricity systems Dr. Lesia Mitridati
15.00-15.30 Energy trading with regulated prices in China's industrial park Dr. Jin Lin
15.30-16.00 Information uncertainty in electricity markets: Introducing probabilistic offers Dr. Athanasios Papakonstantinou
16.00-16.30 Stochastic Scheduling Ensuring Air Quality through Wind Power and Storage Coordination Mr. Zhaowei Geng