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时 间: 2017年4月20日10:00am-12:00am

地 点: 清华大学西主楼3区102会议室

联系人: 孙宏斌 62783086

Speaker: Professor NIKOLAOS

CHATZIARGYRIOU- Editor in Chief of the IEEE Trans on Power Systems

Nikolaos D. Chatziargyriou received the Diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from NTUA (National Technical University of Athens) in 1976 and the MSC and PhD degrees in Electrical Power Engineering from UMIST, Manchester, in 1979 and 1982, respectively.

Since April 2015, he is Chairman and CEO of the Hellenic Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO), the Distribution Utility of Greece.

Since 1984 he is with the Power Division of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the National Technical University of Athens and since 1995, he is full professor in Power Systems. He is currently Director of the Energy Systems Laboratory of the National Technical University of Athens and founder of the "SmartRue" research unit.

From February 2007 until January 2010 he was executive Vice-Chair and from February 2007 until September 2012 he was Deputy CEO of the Public Power Corporation (PPC), the national Utility in Greece, responsible for the Transmission and Distribution Divisions, island DNO (Distribution Network Operation) and the Center of Testing, Research and Prototyping. He was Chair of PPC Telecommunications. He was Vice-Chair of PPC Renewables from June 2007 to Feb 2010. He is member of the “Energy Committee” of the Athens Academy of Science. He has served as Vice-president of the “Centre of Renewable Energy Sources” in Greece.

He is Fellow Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), past Chair of the Power System Dynamic Performance (PSDP) Committee, honorary member of CIGRE, chair of the strategic CIGRE WG “Networks of the Future” and past Chair of CIGRE SC C6 “Distribution Systems and Distributed Generation”. He is Editor in Chief of the IEEE Trans on Power Systems.

He is former chair of the European Technology Platform on SmartGrids and vice-chair of the European Technology and Innovation Platform for Smart Networks for Energy Transition. He is member of the Energy Committee of the Athens Academy of Science.

He has participated in more than 60 R&DD Projects funded by the EC and the industry, and has coordinated among others the EC "CARE", "MORE CARE", "MERGE", “Microgrids” and “More Microgrids” projects. He is author of the book “Microgrids: Architectures and Control” and of more than 200 journal publications and 500 conference proceedings papers.

He is included in the 2016 Thomson Reuters' list of the top 1% most cited researchers in any field and discipline.

Topic: EU Megagrid and Microgrids


The EU Megagrid is foreseen in order to exploit the very large resource of solar energy in southern Europe and of wind power in northern Europe. Microgrids with enhanced control capabilities can integrate and coordinate local distributed resources enhancing the resilience of the EU Megagrid and providing local supply restoration capabilities. The future modeling challenges of Microgrids and in particular the shift to distributed control, enhancing further the EU system resilience, are highlighted.

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下一篇:Power System Oscillations Workshop
