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报告题目: Engineer’s Key Function on Sustainable Development of Energy

报 告 人: Prof. Jorge Spitalnik (世界工程组织联合会(WFEO)主席)

报告时间: 2017年5月23日15:00 – 17:00pm

报告地点: 清华大学西主楼3区102会议室

联 系 人: 孙宏斌 电话:62783086

报告人简介:Jorge Spitalnik

University Titles: DIC Nuclear Power (Imperial College, University of London, U.K.); Génie Atomique Engineer (INSTN-University of Paris, France); Mechanical Engineer (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Industrial Engineer (University of Uruguay).

Professional Experience: Director, Nuclear Research Center Project, University of Uruguay. Professional Officer, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for Nuclear Power Technology and Economic Studies. Project management functions at CBTN (Brazilian Nuclear Technology Company), NUCLEBRáS, NUCLEN and ELETRONUCLEAR of Brazil. Director of UNDP/BRAZIL Project on Manpower Qualification and Training. IAEA Consultant for Nuclear Project Management, Operational Safety Services and Nuclear Safety Culture. Advisor to the President at INB (Nuclear Industries of Brazil) and ELETRONUCLEAR.

Activities at Professional Organizations: Currently: President, World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO); Executive Director, Pan American Union of Engineers (UPADI); Member of the Executive Council of the Brazilian Federation of Engineering Associations (FEBRAE); Member, Pro-Tempore Committee of the Developing World Engineering and Technological Academy; Member of WFEO-UN Relations Committee. Previously: WFEO Representative at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development; Member, Board of Directors of the American Nuclear Society (ANS); Chair, WFEO Standing Energy Committee; Vice-Chair of WFEO Standing Committee for Technology Transfer, Exchange and Evaluation; Vice President of FEBRAE; Chair, INSC (International Nuclear Societies Council); Chair, INEA (International Nuclear Energy Academy); Chair, Latin American Section of ANS.

Professional Societies and Academies Membership: Fellow, American Nuclear Society; Chartered Engineer and Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), U.K.; Member, Pan American Academy of Engineers (API); Member, International Nuclear Energy Academy (INEA); Member, Editorial Advisory Panel of “Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Energy”, U.K.

Awards and distinctions: INSC – “Global Award”; ANS - 2015 Bennett Lewis Award for Sustainable Energy and Development; LAS/ANS – Award on “Publication of the Year” and Award on “Personality of the Year for Nuclear Energy Development in Latin America”.

Publications: More than 140 publications on Energy Generation and Economics, Education and Professional Qualification.

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上一篇:Saifur Rahman客座教授聘任仪式暨学术报告会

下一篇:Sustainable power systems: Operational, Modelling and Control challenges
