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Topic: Mitigation Actions Plans for the Climate Change in the Chilean Power Sector and Comparison of some Incentive Policies for Renewable Energy

Lecturer: Dr. Enzo E Sauma Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Time: 10:00-11:00, July 12, 2017

Site: 2-203, West Main-building


I will present two research projects conducted by my research group. The first one is related to mitigation actions for climate change and the second one focuses on a comparison on the performance of different policies to encourage renewable energy penetration.

We also compare different incentive policies to encourage the development of renewable energy (RE). These incentive policies (carbon tax, feed-in tariff, premium payment and quota system) are modeled in a simplified radial power network, using price-responsive demand. Most results are derived assuming an oligopolistic Cournot competitive framework and that the costs of subsidies are covered by the government (i.e., customers do not directly pay back for the subsidies). We compare the different RE incentive schemes at different congestion levels in terms of energy prices, RE generation, CO2 emissions, and social welfare. We find that the effectiveness of the different incentive schemes varies significantly depending on the market structure assumed, the costs of renewable energy, and the subsidy recovery method considered.


About the Speaker:

Enzo Sauma is both Ph.D. (Dec. 2005) and M.S. (Dec. 2002) in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at University of California, Berkeley. He also holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. His interest includes power systems economics, environmental economics, mathematical programming, energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy policy. He has received several awards as the “Best Publication in Energy Award”, conferred in October 2008 by the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Science (INFORMS), and the “Best Application paper award in the name of Professor B. G. Raghavendra”, conferred in December 2005 in The International Conference on Operations Research Applications in Infrastructure Development (ICORAID). He was awarded with a Fulbright Commission Scholarship to participate in the first cohort of the “Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) Scholar Program”, during 2011 and 2012. He was also awarded with the Chilean Government Fellowship from 2001 to 2004.

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上一篇:Voltage Stability Assessment, Monitoring and Control in the New Environment

下一篇:Big Data Paradigm For Risk-based Predictive Asset And Outage Management
