
  • 清华大学黄播app
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清华大学 黄播app 特别研究员/助理教授、博士生导师




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清华大学黄播app 特别研究员,助理教授,博士生导师。入选国家级青年人才计划(2022)。2013年7月于清华大学黄播app 本科毕业;2018年7月于清华大学黄播app 博士毕业。2017.3-2017.8为英国莱斯特大学访问学者。2018.10-2022.3在美国康涅狄格大学Electrical Insulation Research Center(EIRC)从事博士后研究,2022.4-2022.11为研究助理教授(Research Assistant Professor)。2022.12入职清华大学黄播app 。

主要研究方向为输变电系统有机外绝缘;电热耦合严酷条件下的装备绝缘;电气设备与绝缘电介质领域的人工智能与数字化技术。聚焦电热耦合严酷条件下电介质分子结构对电荷输运和弛豫过程的作用机制、电介质与电极界面有缺陷时电荷注入的可控性等科学问题,将分子工程技术与界面工程技术相结合,与合作团队首次提出模块化协同的电介质分子结构设计方法和抑制界面缺陷的二维涂层自组装技术,将人工智能应用于电介质新材料研究,开发出了耐受电热耦合严酷条件的电介质材料新体系。已在PNAS, Nature Communications, Adv. Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., Appl. Physic. Lett., Matter, IEEE Trans. DEI, High Volt.等期刊共发表论文90余篇。获国家电网公司科技进步三等奖、南方电网公司科技进步二等奖。












2023,黄播app 自主创新科研计划项目,在研,主持


2022,DOE ARPA-e,Substation in a Cable for Adaptable, Low-cost Electrical Distribution (SCALED),参与

2019, DOD ONR,Accelerated Co-Designs of High K Polymer Dielectrics,参与

2018,DOD ONR MURI,Tracking, Diagnosing and Impeding Dielectric Breakdown in Polymers,已结题,参与

2015,国家重点研发计划“±1100 千伏直流换流站绝缘子与外绝缘关键技术研究”子课题,已结题,参与


[1] C. Wu, A. Deshmukh, O. Yassin, Z. Li, A. Alamri, J. Vellek, P. Zhou, M. Sotzing, G. Sotzing, Y. Cao, “Flexible cyclic-olefin with enhanced dipolar relaxation for harsh condition electrification”. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), US. vol. 118, no. 45, pp. e2115367118, 2021.

[2] C. Wu, A. A. Deshmukh, Z. Li, L. Chen, A. Alamri, Y. Wang, R. Ramprasad, G. A. Sotzing, Y. Cao, “Flexible temperature-invariant polymer dielectrics with large bandgap”, Advanced Materials, vol. 32, pp. 2000499, 2020.

[3] A. Deshmukh, C. Wu, O. Yassin, A. Mishra, L. Chen, A. Alamri, Z. Li, J. Zhou, Z. Mutlu, M. Sotzing, P. Rajak, S. Shukla, J. Vellek, P. Vashishta, M. Cakmak, R. Ramprasad, Y. Cao, G. Sotzing, “Flexible polyolefin dielectric by strategic design of organic modules for harsh condition electrification”. Energy & Environmental Science, DOI: 10.1039/d1ee02630e, 2022.(共同一作)

[4] B. Zhang, J. Liu, M. Ren, C. Wu, T. Moran, S. Zeng, S.E. Chavez, Z. Hou, Z. Li, A. M. LaChance, T. R. Jow, B.D. Huey, Y. Cao, L. Sun, “Reviving the Schottky barrier for flexible polymer dielectrics with a superior 2D nano-assembly coating”. Advanced Materials, vol. 33, pp. 2101374, 2021.(共同一作)

[5] C. Wu, L. Chen, A. Deshmukh, D. Kamal, Z. Li, P. Shetty, J. Zhou, H. Sahu, H. Tran, G. Sotzing, R. Ramprasad, Y. Cao, “Dielectric Polymers Tolerant to Electric Field and Temperature Extremes: Integration of Phenomenology, Informatics, and Experimental Validation”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 13, pp. 53416-53424, 2021.

[6] C. Wu, A.A. Deshmukh, L. Chen, R. Ramprasad, G.A. Sotzing, Y. Cao, “Rational design of all-organic flexible high-temperature polymer dielectrics”. Matter, 5(9), pp.2615-2623, 2022.

[7]. Z. Li, C. Wu, L. Chen, Y. Wang, Z. Mutulu, H. Uehara, J. Zhou, M. Cakmak, R. Ramprasad, and Y. Cao, Probing Electronic Band Structures of Dielectric Polymers via Pre-Breakdown Conduction. Adv Mater, 2024: p. e2310497.(共同通讯)

[8]. S. Shukla, C. Wu, A. Mishra, J. Pan, A. P. Charnay, A. Khomane, A. Deshmukh, J. Zhou, M. Mukherjee, R. Gurnani, P. Rout, R. Casalini, R. Ramprasad, M. D. Fayer, P. Vashishta, Y. Cao, and G. Sotzing, Pendant Group Functionalization of Cyclic Olefin for High Temperature and High-Density Energy Storage. Adv Mater, 2024: p. e2402133.(共同一作)

[9]. R. Gurnani, S. Shukla, D. Kamal, C. Wu, J. Hao, C. Kuenneth, P. Aklujkar, A. Khomane, R. Daniels, A. A. Deshmukh, Y. Cao, G. Sotzing, and R. Ramprasad, AI-assisted discovery of high-temperature dielectrics for energy storage. Nature Communications, 2024. 15(1). (共同一作)

[10]. W. Huang, B. Wan, X. Yang, M. Cheng, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, C. Wu, Z. M. Dang, and J. W. Zha, Alicyclic Polyimide With Multiple Breakdown Self‐Healing Based on Gas‐Condensation Phase Validation for High Temperature Capacitive Energy Storage. Advanced Materials, 2024. (共同通讯)

[11]. A. A. Deshmukh, C. Wu, O. Yassin, L. Chen, S. Shukla, J. Zhou, A. R. Khomane, R. Gurnani, T. Lei, X. Liang, R. Ramprasad, Y. Cao, and G. Sotzing, Effect of Fluorine in Redesigning Energy-Storage Properties of High-Temperature Dielectric Polymers. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023. 15(40): p. 46840-46848. (共同通讯)

[12]. 王乾, 周颖, 高岩峰, 卢毅, 邓靖宇, 刘瑛岩, 梁曦东, 仵超, 电热耦合条件下聚合物电介质的分子结构设计与新材料研制. 中国电机工程学报, 已接收.

[13] C. Wu, X. Liang, L. A. Dissado, N. M. Chalashkanov, S. J. Dodd, Y. Gao, S. Xu, “Dielectric Response of Nano Aluminium Tri-hydrate Filled Silicone Rubber”. Composites Science and Technology, 163, pp. 56-62, 2018.

[14] C. Wu, Z. Li, G. M. Treich, M. Tefferi, R. Casalini, R. Ramprasad, G. A. Sotzing, Y. Cao, “Dipole-relaxation dynamics in a modified polythiourea with high dielectric constant for energy storage applications”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 115, pp. 163901, 2019.

[15] Q. Wang, C. Wu, A.M. LaChance, J. Zhou, Y. Gao, Y. Zhang, L. Sun, Y. Cao, X. Liang, “Interfacial polarization suppression of P (VDF-HFP) film through 2D montmorillonite nanosheets coating”. Progress in Organic Coatings, 172, p.107119, 2022.

[16] C. Wu, A.M. LaChance, M.A. Baferani, K. Shen, Z. Li, Z. Hou, N. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Sun, Y. Cao, “Scalable self-assembly interfacial engineering for high-temperature dielectric energy storage”. iScience, 25(7), p.104601, 2022.

[17] Q. Wang, W. Bao, Y. Gao, S. Liu, Z. Zuo, C. Wu, X. Liang, “Influence of Surface Discharge on Resin Degradation in Decay-like Fracture of Composite Insulators”. Polymers, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 790, 2023.

[18] C. Wu, L.A. Dissado, Y. Gao, Q. Wang, Y. Liu, Y. Cao, X. Liang, “Dielectric response—A nondestructive approach to probing the micro‐interface of aluminium hydroxide filled silicone rubber composites for outdoor insulation”. High Voltage, 2023.

[19] C. Wu, A. A. Deshmukh, Z. Li, L. Chen, A. Alamri, Y. Wang, R. Ramprasad, G. A. Sotzing, Y. Cao, “Remarks on the Design of Flexible High-Temperature Polymer Dielectrics for Emerging Grand Electrification - Exemplified by Poly(oxa)norbornenes”. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., vol. 28, pp. 1468-1470, 2021.

[20] C. Wu, M. A. Baferani, J. Ronzello, Y. Cao, “Charge Transport Dynamics and Space Charge Accumulation in XLPE Composites with 2D Platelet Fillers for HVDC Cable Insulation”. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., vol. 28, pp. 3-10, 2021.

[21] C. Wu, X. Liang, S. Xu, S. Li, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, “Effect of Alumina Tri-hydrate Surface Modification on Liquid Permeation and Electrical Performance of Silicone Rubber”. IEEE Trans. Dielectr. Electr. Insul., 24(1): 543-551, 2017.

[22] C. Wu, Y. Gao, X. Liang, S. M. Gubanski, Q. Wang, W. Bao, S. Li, “Manifestation of Interactions of Nano-Silica in Silicone Rubber Investigated by Low-Frequency Dielectric Spectroscopy and Mechanical Tests”, Polymers, 11, pp.717, 2019.

[23] Q. Wang, X. Liang, C. Wu, N. Wang, S. Liu, Z. Zuo, Y. Gao, “Temperature Dependence and Correlation of Polarization Processes in P(VDF-HFP) Films”, Polymer, 229, 124016, 2021.

[24] Alamri, C. Wu, A. Mishra, L. Chen, Z. Li, A. Deshmukh, J. Zhou, O. Yassin, R. Ramprasad, P. Vashishta, Y. Cao & G. Sotzing. “Improving the Rotational Freedom of Polyetherimide: Enhancement of the Dielectric Properties of a Commodity High-Temperature Polymer Using a Structural Defect”. Chemistry of Materials, 34(14), pp.6553-6558, 2022.

[25] Alamri, C. Wu, S. Nasreen, Y. Cao, G. Sotzing, “High Dielectric Constant and High Breakdown Strength Polyimide via Tin Complexation of the Polyamide Acid Precursor”. RSC Advances, DOI: 10.1039/d1ra06302b, 2022.

[26] S. M. Fica-Contreras, Z. Li, A. Alamri, A. P. Charnay, J. Pan, C. Wu, J. R. Lockwood, O. Yassin, S. Shukla, G. Sotzing, Y. Cao, M. D. Fayer, “Synthetically tunable polymers, free volume element size distributions, and dielectric breakdown field strengths”. Materials Today, 2023.

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