1949-1955 重庆南开中学学习
1955.09 清华大学黄播app
1959-1960 清华大学黄播app
电工厂 长工班 车间管理及半工半读
1961.07 清华大学黄播app
1965.07 清华大学黄播app
1965-1978 清华大学电机工程系助教
1983-1985 教育部派遣赴美国马里兰大学物理系及美国史蒂文斯理工学院物理系访问学者
1978-1988 清华大学电机工程系讲师
1988-1994 清华大学电机工程系副教授
1994-2002 清华大学电机工程系教授、博士生导师
2002.07 退休至今
1961.07 清华大学校优秀毕业生奖
1988.07 国家教委科技进步奖 二等 等离子体焦点中物理过程的理论和实验研究
1990.12 国家机械电子工业部科技进步奖 三等 高压断路器机械特性测试系统
1994.10 国防科工委科技进步奖 二等 DPF-200 脉冲X射线源
1997.03 国家教委科技进步奖 二等 脉冲放电等离子体产生高强度软X光的研究
2006 教育部 2006年全国优秀博士学位论文指导教师
1) 杨津基、罗承沐等, 《冲击大电流技术》,科学出版社,1978
2) 罗承沐、张贵新等, 《电子式互感器与数字化变电站》,中国电力出版社,2012.05
1) 罗承沐等,等离子体焦点中离子束能谱的测量,第二届全国惯性约束聚变学术讨论会,厦门,1986.11
2) 罗承沐等,等离子体焦点中X射线产额的测定,第二届全国惯性约束聚变学术讨论会,厦门,1986.11
3) 罗承沐、余鹏雁,热电偶-光纤测温装置,自动化技术,1989,No.1, p.1-4
4) 罗承沐、李成榕、杨津基、富耀宗,高强度脉冲软X光源,光学机械,1991,No.1, p.50-53
5) 罗承沐、王新新等,脉冲等离子体中离子束能谱的测量,电工电能新技术,1993年,No.3, P.36-41
6) 罗承沐、赵秀山、高英,一种紧凑型的高压毫微秒脉冲信号发生器,高电压技术,20卷(1994年)No.2, P.77-80.
7) 罗承沐、苏进喜、郭小明,无源光纤电压传感器测量高速暂态电压,高电压技术,1996年22卷4期14
8) 邹晓兵、王新新、罗承沐、韩旻,喷气Z箍缩负载的质量线密度确定,强激光与粒子束,V.14, N.3, p.473-475 (2002.5)
9) 邹晓兵 王新新、罗承沐,测量喷气Z箍缩负载的气流马赫数,强激光与粒子束 , 2002年 05期 ,771-774页
10) 王鹏、罗承沐、 李成榕、丁立健、王景春,新型绝缘子离子迁移试验测量系统的研制,高电压技术 , 2002年 S1期,59-60,65页
11) 张贵新; 罗承沐; 王新新; Sing Lee; Paul Lee; M.H.Liu,高重复率紧凑型等离子体软X射线源,高电压技术 , 2002年 S1期,32-34页
12) 钱政、罗承沐,一种新型积分电路的性能分析及其应用研究,仪器仪表学报 , 2004年 S1期 ,944-945页
13) 邹晓兵; 王新新; 罗承沐; 韩旻,喷气式Z箍缩等离子体发射离子束能谱的研究,物理学报 , , 2005年 05期,2133-2137页
14) M.J. Rhee, C.M. Luo, R.F. Schneider and J.R. Smith, Charge State Resolved Energy Spectra of He, N2, Ar and Ne Ions, Proc. of 3rd Intern. Workshop on Plasma Focus Research, p. 47, Stuttgart, September, 1983
15) J.R. Smith, C.M. Luo, M.J. Rhee and R.F. Schneider, Study of the Electron Beam Production by a Plasma Focus, Proc. of 3rd Intern. Workshop on Plasma Focus Research, p. 51, Stuttgart, September, 1983
16) C.M. Luo, M.J. Rhee, R.F. Schneider and E.S. Sim, Compact Thomson Parabola Analyzer and Magnetic Electron Analyzer, 25th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, Nov., 1983
17) M.J. Rhee, C.M. Luo, R.F. Schneider and J.R. Smith, Thomson Spectrometer Analysis and Energy Spectra for Heavy Ions Produced by Current Charged Line with Plasma Focus, 25th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Los Angeles, Nov., 1983
18) R.F. Schneider, C.M. Luo, M.J. Rhee and J.R. Smith, Ion Beam Production Efficiency in a Plasma Focus, 25th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, APS, Los Angeles, Nov., 1983
19) J.R. Smith, C.M. Luo, R.F. Schneider and M.J. Rhee, Electron Beam Produced by a Plasma Focus, 1984 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science
20) R.F. Schneider, C.M. Luo and M.J. Rhee, Thomson Spectrometer Resolution Analysis, 1984 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science
21) W.H. Bostick, V. Nardi, C. Powell, C.M. Luo, A. Morchio, A. Bortolotti, A. Fuschini and F. Mezzetti, Breakdown Field Effect on the Neutron Yield and Ion Beam of Deuterium Plasma Discharge, 26th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Boston, Nov., 1984
22) R.F. Schneider, C.M. Luo and M.J. Rhee, Resolution Dependence of Thomson Spectrometer, J. Appl. Phys., 57(1985) Jan., p.1 (SCI)
23) J.R. Smith, C.M. Luo, M.J. Rhee and R.F. Schneider, Operation of a Plasma Focus as a Compact Electron Accelerator, Phy. Fluids, 28(1985) July p. 2305 (SCI)
24) C.M. Luo, V.Nardi and C. Powell, Anisotropy of the Energy Spectrum of Plasma Focus Iom Beam, 1985 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science, Pittsburgh, June 1985
25) R.F. Schneider, C.M. Luo, M.J. Rhee and J.R. Smith, Compact Magnetic Electron Energy Analyzer, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 56(1985) August, p. 1534 (SCI)
26) V. Nardi, C.M. Luo and C. Powell, Anisotropy of the Ion Energy Spectrum from Thomsom Spectrometers, Proceedings of the fourth International Workshop on Plasma Focus and Z-pinch Research, Warsaw, Poland, Sept., 1985, p. 112
27) V. Nardi, C.M. Luo and C. Powell, Position Dependence of Ion Energy Spectrum with in a Plasma Source, 27th Annual Meeting, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Nov., 1985
28) V. Nardi, C.M. Luo, C. Powell and J. Brzosko, Confinement of MeV Ions in a Dense Pinch, 13th European Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Schliersee, April 14-18, 1986, p.368
29) V. Nardi, CM. Luo and C. Powell, Ion Clusters from Focused MA Discharge, Proceedings of 6th Intern. Conf. on High Power Particle Beam, Kobe, Japan, June 9-12, 1986, p. 447
30) C.M. Luo, M. Han, J. Wang, J.H. Xiong and T.C. Yang, X-ray Measurement in a Dense Plasma Focus Device, 1987 IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science, Arlington, VA, June 1987
31) V. Nardi, A. Bortolotti, J. Brzosko, C.M. Luo, C. Powell and D. Zeng, Stimulated Acceleration and Confinement of Deuterons in Focused Discharge- Part I, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 16(1988)368 (SCI)
32) J.Wang, S.T. Wen, C.M. Luo and S.T. Pai, Analysis of the Characteristics of Gas Insulated, Multiple-Stage, High Voltage Switches, 2nd International Conf. on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials, Beijing, China, Sept., 1988, E-07
33) C.M. Luo et al, A Nanosecond Voltage Divider for Plasma Focus Experiments, 6th Intern. Symp. on High Voltage Engineering, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Aug., 1989((SCI)
34) S.Y. Dong, K.L. Wang, Y.Y. Feng, L. Chang, C.M. Luo, X.Z. Li et al, Precursors to “Cold Fusion “ Phenomenon and the system, Fusion Technology, 20(1991)330
35) C.R. Li, T.C.Yang, C.M. Luo, M.Han, The Effect of the Puffed Gas Shell Profile on Plasma Dynamics in a Small Gas-Puffz-Pinch, Fusion Technology, 21(1992)25
36) S.T. Pai, C.M. Luo et al, Magneto-optical current sensors constructed with ZF glass, Sensors and Actuators A, 35 (1992)107-112 (SCI)
37) X.Z.Li, S.Y.Dong, K.L.Wang, Y.Y.Feng, L.Cheng, C.M.Luo et al, The precursor of Cold Fusion Phenomenon in Deuterium Solid System, Conf. on Anomalous Nuclear Effects in Deuterium/Solid Systems, Provo, UT, 1990, AIP Conf. Proceedings Vol.228, p419.
38) K.L.Wang, X.Z.Li, S.Y.Dong, D.W.Mo, C.M.Luo et al, Search for Better Material for Cold Fusion Experiment Using CR-39 Detector, 2ed Annual Conf. on Cold Fusion, Como, Italy, June 29-July 4,1991, Italian Physical Society Conf. Proceedings, Vol. 33, p.157.
39) C.M.Luo, C.R.Li and S.T.Pai, Experimental Studies on X-Ray and Ion Beam Emitted from a Small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch, Plasma Device, 20th Intern. IEEE Conf. on Plasma Science, Vancouver, Canada, June 7-9, 1993.
40) X.M. Guo and C.M. Luo, Measurement of Energy Spectra of Ion Beam Produced in Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma, Proc. of 12th Intern. Conf. on Laser Interaction and Related Plasma Phenomena, Osaka, Japan, April 24-28, 1995
41) M. Han, C.M. Luo et al, Observation of X-ray Emission From a Plasma Focus Device, 22th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science, Wisconsin, USA, p.3GP01, June 5-8, 1995
42) X.M. Guo and C.M. Luo, Experimental Study of Energy Spectra of Ion Beam from Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma, J. Phys.,D: Appl. Phys. 29(1996)388-391 (SCI)
43) H.L. Zhou and C.M. Luo, Standoff Voltage of Pseudospark, Intern Conf. on Plasma Technology for Pollution Control and Waste Treatment, Beijing, May 9-11, 1996
44) V. Nardi, C. Powell and C. Luo, Basic Disintegration Mode of Ion Supercluster from PF Discharge, 23th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 1996, p.4D01
45) C.M. Luo, Z.X. Zeng, X.Y. Ma and J.X. Su, The Study of Accuracy of a Magneto-optical Current Transformer, 10th Intern. Symposium on High Voltage Engineering, Montreal, Canada, Aug. 24-30, 1997, p.PS8
46) V. Nardi, C. Powell and C.M. Luo, Fine Structure of Ion-cluster Disintegration Modes in PF Discharge, 24th IEEE Intern. Conf. on Plasma Science, San Diego, CA, USA, May 19-22 1997, p.278-279.
47) Huiliang Zhao, Chengmu Luo, Zifeng Xie and Youlin Wang, Experimental Study of Pseudospark Switch, 25th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 1-4, 1998, p295.
48) C.M. Luo, C.R. Li, Experiment with a Small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma Device, 25th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 1-4, 1998, p.322.
49) V. Nardi, C. Powell and C.M. Luo, Spectral Characteristics of Ion Emission in Pinched Discharge, 25th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, June 1-4, 1998, p.297.
50) X.Y.Ma and C.M. Luo, A Method to Eliminate Birefringence of a Magneto-optic AC Current Transducer with Glass Ring Sensor Head, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, 1998, Vol 13, Iss 4, pp 1015-1019 (SCI)
51) Chengmu Luo, Chengrong Li, Xinxin Wang et al, Experimental Study of a Small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma Device, 12th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, Monterey, California, June 27-30, 1999, PA019.
52) Chengmu Luo and Xinxin Wang, A Small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma device, 13th IAEA Technical Committee Meeting on Research Using Small Fusion Device, October 18-20, Chengdu, China.
53) 53. Chengmu Luo and Xinxin Wang, Research of Ion Beam and X-Ray Emitted From a small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma Device, Second Research Co-ordination Meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Coordinated Project "Engineering, Industrial and Environmental Application of Plasma Physics and Fusion Technology", Vienna, Austria, 29 Nov.-3 Dec., 1999.
54) Chengmu Luo, Huiliang Zhao and Zifeng Xie, Experimental Study of the Pseudospark Switches, 13th High power Particle Beams, Nagaoka, Japan, June 26-30, 2000.
55) Chengmu Luo, Xinxin Wang, Min Han and Chengmu Li, Diagnostics for a Small Z-Pinch Plasma Device, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, v.28, No.5, p.1599, Oct. 2000. (SCI)
56) Chengmu Luo, Xinxin Wang, Min Han and Chengmu Li, Diagnostics for a Small Z-Pinch Plasma Device, IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 28, 1599(2000) (SCI)
57) Luo CM, Zhao HL, Xie ZF, Experimental study of the pseudospark switches, JPN J APPL PHYS 1 40 (2B): 984-986 FEB 2001 (SCI)
58) Tingyu Wang, Chengmu Luo, and Shengxuan Zheng, A Fiber-Optic Current Sensor Based on a Differentiating Sagnac Interferometer, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 50, NO. 3, JUNE 2001 705 (SCI)
59) Zhu Shen, Zheng Chen and Chengmu Luo, The Error Analysis of Rogowski Coil for Pulsed Current Measurement, 2nd International Symposium on Pulsed Power And Plasma Applications, October 18-19, 2001, Korea
60) X.B.Zou, X.X.Wang, C.M.Luo, M.Han, Z.C.Guan. Study on the Gas Shell from Gas Puff Nozzle for Z-Pinch. IEEE International Conference on Pulsed Power & Plasma Sciences, June 2001, USA, EI收录。
61) Xiaobing Zou, Xinxin Wang, Chengmu Luo, Min Han. Measuring the gas flow from a supersonic nozzle used in a 1.5-MA gas puff z pinch. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol.30, No.2, April 2002, pp.482~487 (SCI)
62) Qian, Z.; Zhang, G.J.; Luo, C.M.; Design and realization of an electronic current transformer applied in GIS,Proceedings of 2005 International Symposium on Electrical Insulating Materials, 2005. (ISEIM 2005). Volume 3, 5-9 June 2005 Page(s):752 – 755
63) Luo, C.M.; Wang, X.X. and Zou, X.B. Experimental Study of a Small Gas-Puff Z-Pinch Plasma, Nucleonika, Vol. 51, No: 1, 2006, pp. 43-46 (SCI)
1) 可开启悬挂式光电电流互感器
2) 高频大电流光纤传感器
3) 智能化预付费电度表
4) 多功能臭氧消毒清洗机
5) 组合波发生器
6) 输电线路故障点定位方法及装置