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未来电力与能源系统(FPES)暑期学校由清华大学黄播app (DEE)主办,将于2024年8月12日至20日在清华大学举办。



申请条件为非中国公民,且为电气工程或相关领域的大二或大三本科生。申请人需准备以下材料,并于6月25日之前发送至[email protected][email protected]。申请结果将在6月30日之前通过电子邮件通知。


1. 个人陈述,需包含简历、研究兴趣和经历的介绍;

2. 在读证明和成绩单等;

3. 护照个人信息页复印件;

4. 一封由申请人所在大学教授出具的推荐信(电气工程教授优先)。

申请人无需缴纳注册费。暑期学校将提供免费住宿和餐饮,并承担集体活动的旅行费用。学生可向清华大学黄播app 申请暑期学校奖学金,用于支付部分国际旅费。

如需了解更多信息,请通过电子邮件联系我们:[email protected][email protected]

2024 Summer School for Future Power and Energy System (FPES)

The summer school for Future Power and Energy System (FPES) is hosted by the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) of Tsinghua University, which is a leading institute of research and education in China. FPES will be held between 12-20, August, 2024.

Recent years, energy structure transition and carbon neutrality are the focus of scientific research and industrial applications. The fast development of renewable energy, distribution generation and storage system, smart grid and micro-grid, as well as DC-transmission and distribution is starting great revolutions in power systems, including the power grid structure, running control and power equipment. In China, there are the world's largest renewable generation, longest DC transmissions and most complex power systems.

What the future power systems will be, involved with more and more other energies, is becoming an interesting question for the scientists and engineers. How to turn virtual power plants into reality? How can the vehicle to grid (V2G) be integrated by the power grid and then help the grid run in a more economic state? How does the energy storage system support the grid running more stably under random renewable energy generation and complex load composition? You can find the answers in this summer school.

This summer school offers the course for the running technologies of modern power system with more renewable and more power electronics, as well as the course for the innovative DC transmission and DC power equipment. We will visit the renewable generation plants and energy storage factories during the course. We will also have face-to-face communications with the researchers and engineers from the State Power Grid Cooperation and the associated institutes. Colorful cultural tour and Chinese culture immersion courses are also included.

After the summer school, you will receive a certificate for FPES from Tsinghua University.

An applicant should be a non-Chinese citizen and in their second or third-year undergraduate study in electrical engineering or related areas. Applicants should prepare the following materials and send them to [email protected] , [email protected], before June 25. The files will be examined and the results will be informed by email before June 30.

Application materials

(1) Personal Statement including curriculum vitae, research interests and experiences.

(2) An official schooling certificate, or the photo of the student card.

(3) A copy of the personal information page from the passport.

(4)A Recommendation Letter by a professor in your university (Professors in Electrical Engineering are preferred).

There is no registration fee for the applicants. The summer school will provide free accommodation and meals and will afford the travel expenses for collective activities. Scholarships for international travel support can be applied.

For further information, please contact us via email: [email protected], [email protected].

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