
  • 清华大学黄播app
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[email protected]


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2004年华北电力大学博士毕业;2005年清华大学博士后出站后留校任教至今,2008年任副教授,2019年任长聘教授,博士生导师,IET Fellow,亚太雷电防护会议执行委员会秘书长,CIGRE WG C4.50工作组召集人,IEEE P2869和P2970工作组副主席、P3148工作组秘书长。获得国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金、全国百篇优秀博士论文提名、IEEE EMC技术成就奖和雷电防护国际会议科学委员会奖。主要研究高电压工程数值计算、智能电网电磁环境和电磁兼容、输变电系统的智能监测和数字孪生。主持国家自然科学基金5项。研究成果获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级科技一等奖3项,其他奖励多项。发表SCI论文100余篇,出版专著1部,合作出版英文专著1部,已授权发明专利70余项。

2003.10—2005.6 清华大学黄播app 博士后、助理研究员

2005.7—2008.12 清华大学黄播app 助理研究员

2008.12—2019.6 清华大学黄播app 副教授

2019.7至今 清华大学黄播app 长聘教授

2013.8—2014.8 加州理工学院工程与应用科学系 访问学者




1. 电工技术与电子技术,2007年起,本科生

2. 高电压工程与数值计算,2011年起,本科生

1. 国家重点研发计划课题,2021YFB2401505,干式直流电容器系统试验与可靠性评价,2021.12-2025.11,负责

2. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体,20191311252,高电压与绝缘技术,2020.01-2024.12,参与

3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目,U1866212,冲击暂态下智能电力设备动态失效机理及电磁干扰分层协同防护技术,2019.01-2022.12,主持

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51777109,空间离子流作用下直流输电线路电磁暂态特性及仿真方法, 2018.01-2021.12,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金,51322703,电力系统电磁环境机理和数值仿真,2014.01-2016.12100万元,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51277107,冲击大电流下考虑土壤参数频变与时变的大型接地装置特性与模型研究,2013.01-2016.12,主持

7. 国家自然科学基金重点基金,51237004,复杂条件下交直流特高压输电线路无线电干扰和可听噪声特性的基础研究,2013.01-2017.12,参与

8. 中国科学院国家天文台,20122000638FAST电磁干扰保护限值,2012.05-2012.12,主持

9. 973子课题,2011CB209402-4,电晕电流测试方法及无线电干扰本征特性研究, 2011.01-2015.12,主持

10. 国际合作项目(LS Cable & System)20113000443,高压直流输电线路设计电磁环境研究,2011.10-2012.3,主持

11. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60771010,电磁混响室用于辐射发射测试的若干基础问题研究,2008.01-2010.12,主持

12. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,50507010,沙尘暴和沙尘电对330kV输电线路铁塔塔头工频电压下空气间隙闪络放电的影响及机理研究,2006.01-2006.12,主持


[1]  张波、何金良,输电线路电晕放电及环境效应,北京:清华大学出版社,2020(国家科学出版基金)

[2]  Jinliang He, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Methodology and Technology for Power System Grounding, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012. First Edition.


[1]  Bo Zhang*; Yongchang Meng; Jinliang He, A simple method to measure DC electric field with space charges, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54: 165203

[2]  Pengfei Xu; Soren Hedtke; Bo Zhang*; Martin Pfeiffer; Christian Franck; Jinliang He, HVAC Corona Current Characteristics and Audible Noise during Rain. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(1): 331-338

[3]  Fengnyu Xiao, Bo Zhang*, Yaqiang Deng, Experimental Study on Impulse Corona Characteristics of HVDC Conductors With Space Charges, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(3): 1705-1713

[4]  Fengnyu Xiao, Bo Zhang*, Transient Overvoltage on HVDC Overhead Transmission Lines with Background DC Space Charges and Impulse Corona, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2021, 36(5): 2921-2928.

[5]  B. Zhang, S. Wang and J. Wu, Effect of Soil Moisture on Arc Discharge in Sandy Soils Under Lightning Struck, IEEE Letters on Electromagnetic Compatibility Practice and Applications, 2020, 2(4): 111-114

[6]  Caowei Huang, Han Yin, Pengfei Xu, Bo Zhang*, Jinliang He, Jianben Liu. Prediction of radio interference from HVDC transmission lines based on corona discharge characteristics. High Voltage, 2020, 5(6): 679–687.

[7]  S. Hedtke; P. Xu; M. Pfeiffer; B. Zhang; J. He; C.M. Franck, HVDC Corona Current Characteristics and Audible Noise during Wet Weather Transitions. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(2): 1038-1047.

[8]  Bo Zhang*, Fengnv Xiao&, Pengfei Xu, Zhuoran Liu, and Jinliang He. Measurement of Space Potential Distribution Around Overhead HVDC Transmission Lines based on Potential compensation on Suspended Conductor. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(2): 523-530

[9]  Fengnyu Xiao, Bo Zhang*, Zhuoran Liu, Calculation of Ion Flow Field around Metal Building in the Vicinity of Bipolar HVDC Transmission Lines by Method of Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2020, 35(2): 684-690

[10] Bo Zhang, Zhizhong Li, Sen Wang. Onset electric field of soil ionisation around grounding electrode under lightning. High Voltage, 2020, 5 (5): 614-619

[11] Bo Zhang, Fangyuan Cao, Rong Zeng, et al., "DC Current Distribution in Both AC Power Grids and Pipelines near HVDC Grounding Electrode Considering Their Interaction". IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2019, 34(6): 2240-2247

[12] Bo Zhang*, Jinliang He, Yiming Ji. Prediction of average mobility of ions from corona discharge in air with respect to pressure, humidity and temperature. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26(5): 1403-1410

[13] Fengnyu Xiao, Bo Zhang*, Zhuoran Liu, Calculation of Accumulated Charge on Surface of Insulated House near DC transmission lines by Method of Characteristics, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 2019, 55(6): 1-5.

[14] Fengnyu Xiao, Bo Zhang*, Jianghua Mo, Jinliang He, "Calculation of 3-D Ion-Flow Field at the Crossing of HVdc Transmission Lines by Method of Characteristics." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2018, 33(4): 1611-1619

[15] Caowei Huang, Bo Zhang, Yutang Ma, Fangrong Zhou, Jinliang He, "Analysis of Short-Circuit Current Characteristics and Its Distribution of Artificial Grounding Faults on DC Transmission Lines", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2018, 33(1): 520-528

[16] Bo Zhang, Fangyuan Cao, Xiaobo Meng, Yongli Liao, Ruihai Li, "Numerical approach of impressed potential on buried pipelines near high-voltage DC grounding electrodes", IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION, 2018, 12(5): 1177-1182

[17] Zhang Shuai, Li Qi, Hu Jun, Zhang Bo, He Jinliang. Electroluminescence and electrical degradation of insulating polymers at electrode interfaces under divergent fields. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS2018123(13): 135106

[18] Chuanjie Lin, Chuanyang Li, Jinliang He, Jun Hu, Bo Zhang. "Surface Charge Inversion Algorithm Based on Bilateral Surface Potential Measurements of Cone-type Spacer." IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(3): 1905-1912

[19] Bo Zhang*, Zhen Li, and Jinliang He. "A numerical model of acoustic wave caused by a single positive corona source." Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24, 103521

[20] Bo Zhang, J. L. He. Y. Ji, "Dependence of the Average Mobility of Ions in Air with Pressure and Humidity." IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2017, 24(2): 923-929

[21] Bo Zhang, Wenzhuo Wang, Jinliang He. "Theoretical Study on Radio Interference of HVDC Transmission Line Based on Cage Tests." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017, 32(4): 1891-1898.

[22] Pengfei Xu, Bo Zhang, et al. "Dynamic corona characteristics of water droplets on charged conductor surface." J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2017, 50: 085201

[23] Pengfei Xu, Bo Zhang, Zezhong Wang, Shuiming Chen, Jinliang He. "Dynamic characteristics of corona discharge generated under rainfall condition on AC charged conductors." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, 50: 505206

[24] Bo Zhang, Jianghua Mo, et al. "A Time-Domain Approach of Ion Flow Field Around AC/DC Hybrid Transmission Lines Based on Method of Characteristics." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2016, 52(3): 7205004

[25] Pengfei Xu, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of humidity on the characteristics of positive corona discharge in air." Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23(6): 063511.

[26] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Effect of Coke Bed on the Electrical Performance of HVDC Ground Electrode." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2016, 52(6): 4595-4600.

[27] Zhen Li, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of frequency characteristics of soil parameters on ground-return transmission line parameters." Electric Power Systems Research, 2016, 139: 127-132.

[28] Jinpeng Wu, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of grounding impedance model on lightning protection analysis of transmission system." Electric Power Systems Research, 2016, 139: 133-138

[29] Bo Zhang, Yukuan Jiang, et al. "Experimental and numerical study of division factors of fault current and measuring current due to ground wires of transmission lines." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015, 51(6): 4978-4986

[30] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Safety performance of large grounding grid with fault current injected from multiple grounding points." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015, 51(6): 5116-5122

[31] Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Maximum Limit of Allowable Ground Potential Rise of Substation Grounding System." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015, 51(6): 5010-5016

[32] Jinpeng Wu, Bo Zhang, et al. "A Comprehensive Approach for Transient Performance of Grounding System in the Time Domain." IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2015, 57(2): 250-256

[33] Bo Zhang, Sen Wang, et al. "Decreasing Electric Field in Soil Near Grounding Device by Building an Underground Insulating Wall." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2015, 30(1): 273-280.

[34] Jinliang He and Bo Zhang, "Progress in Lightning Impulse Characteristics of Grounding Electrodes with Soil Ionization." IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2015, 51(6): 4924-4933

[35] Bo Zhang, Jianghua Mo, et al. "Calculation of ion flow field around HVDC bipolar transmission lines by method of characteristics." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51(3): 7204604

[36] Yuesheng Zheng, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He. "Current-voltage characteristics of dc corona discharges in air between coaxial cylinders." Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22(2): 023501

[37] Yuesheng Zheng, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He. "Self-sustained criterion with photoionization for positive dc corona plasmas between coaxial cylinders." Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22(6): 1152

[38] Pengfei Xu, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of humidity on the characteristics of negative corona discharge in air." Physics of Plasmas, 2015, 22(9): 093514

[39] Bo Zhang, Wenzhuo Wang, et al. Impact Factors in Calibration and Application of Field Mill for Measurement of DC Electric Field with Space Charges. CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2015, 1(3): 31-36.

[40] Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of wave propagation process on measurement of corona current." IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(1): 201-208.

[41] Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of gap spacing on the characteristics of Trichel pulse generated in point-to-plane discharge gaps." Physics of Plasmas, 2014, 21(1):012113

[42] Han Yin, Bo Zhang, et al. "Measurement of positive direct current corona pulse in coaxial wire-cylinder gap." Physics of Plasmas. 2014, 21(3): 032116

[43] Shuai Zhang, Bo Zhang, et al. "Comparison of direct current and 50 Hz alternating current microscopic corona characteristics on conductors." Physics of Plasmas 2014, 21(6): 063503

[44] Han Yin, Bo Zhang, et al. "Modeling of Trichel Pulses in the Negative Corona on a Line-to-plane Geometry." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2014, 50(2): 7011604

[45] Bo Zhang, Yukuan Jiang, et al. "Influence of Potential Difference within Large Grounding Grid on Fault Current Division Factor." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2014, 29(4): 1752-1759

[46] Jinpeng Wu, Bo Zhang, et al. "Optimal design of tower footing device with combined vertical and horizontal grounding electrodes under lightning." Electric Power Systems Research, 2014, 113: 188–195

[47] Bo Zhang, Jinpeng Wu, et al. "Analysis of Transient Performance of Grounding System Considering Soil Ionization by Time Domain Method." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2013, 49(5): 1837-1840

[48] Jinliang He, Jinpeng Wu, Bo Zhang, Rong Zeng, "Fault Current-Division Factor of Substation Grounding Grid in Seasonal Frozen Soil." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(2): 855-865

[49] Bo Zhang, Wei Li, et al. "Analysis of ion flow field of UHV/EHV AC transmission lines." IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2013, 20(2): 496-504

[50] Bo Zhang, Han Yin, et al. "Computation of Ion-Flow Field Near the Metal Board House Under the HVDC Bipolar Transmission Line." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(2): 1233-1234

[51] Bo Zhang, Wei Li, et al. "Study on the field effects under reduced-scale DC/AC hybrid transmission lines." IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2013, 7(7): 717-723.

[52] Han Yin, Bo Zhang, et al. "Restriction of Ion-Flow Field Under HVDC Transmission Line by Installing Shield Wire." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2013, 28(3): 1890-1898

[53] Zhen Li, Bo Zhang, et al. "Specific characteristics of negative corona currents generated in short point-plane gap." Physics of Plasmas, 2013, 20(9): 093507

[54] Han Yin, Bo Zhang, et al. "Time-domain finite volume method for ion-flow field analysis of bipolar high-voltage direct current transmission lines." IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2012, 6(8): 785-791.

[55] Jinliang He, Zhanqing Yu, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang. "Vibration and Audible Noise Characteristics of AC Transformer Caused by HVDC System Under Monopole Operation." IEEE Transaction on Power Delivery, 2012, 27(4): 1835 - 1842.

[56] Shunchao Wang, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Time-Domain Simulation of Small Thin-Wire Structures Above and Buried in Lossy Ground Using Generalized Modified Mesh Current Method." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011, 26(1): 369-377.

[57] Rong Zeng, Zhanqing Yu, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, Ben Niu. "Study on Restraining DC neutral current of Transformer during HVDC monopolar operation." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011, 26(4): 2785-2791.

[58] Yuesheng Zheng, Bo Zhang, Jinliang He. "Onset conditions for positive direct current corona discharges in air under the action of photoionization." Physics of Plasmas, 2011, 18(12): 123503

[59] Wei Li, Bo Zhang, et al. "Discussion on the Deutsch Assumption in the Calculation of Ion-Flow Field Under HVDC Bipolar Transmission Lines." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011, 25(4): 2759-2767

[60] Han Yin, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Finite Volume-Based Approach for the Hybrid Ion-Flow Field of UHVAC and UHVDC Transmission Lines in Parallel." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011, 26(4): 2809-282

[61] Yuesheng Zheng, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Surface electric field for negative corona discharge in atmospheric pressure air." IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011, 39(8): 1644-1651

[62] Yuesheng Zheng, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Photoemission replenishment criterion for inception of negative corona discharges in air." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011, 26(3): 1980-1987

[63] Yuesheng Zheng, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Ion Flow Effects on Negative Direct Current Corona in Air." Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2010, 30(1): 55-73

[64] Wei Li, Bo Zhang, et al. "Dynamic Simulation of Surge Corona With Time-Dependent Upwind Difference Method." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010, 46(8): 3109-3112

[65] Shunchao Wang, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "A Time-Domain Multiport Model of Thin-Wire System for Lightning Transient Simulation." IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2010, 52(1): 128-135

[66] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Effect of Grounding System on Electromagnetic Fields Around Building Struck by Lightning." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2010, 46(8): 2955-2958

[67] Jinliang He, Zhanqing Yu, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Shuiming Chen, Jun Hu. "Power Frequency Voltage Withstand Characteristics of Insulations of Substation Secondary Systems." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2010, 52(2): 734-746

[68] Chijie Zhuang, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, et al. "The Optimization of Entering Route for Live Working on 750 kV Transmission Towers by Space Electric-Field Analysis." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2010, 25(2): 987-994.

[69] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Voltage distribution along a long ceramic insulator string in a high-voltage tower window." Compel-the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2010, 29(3): 811-823

[70] Wei Li, Bo Zhang, et al." Calculation of the ion flow field of AC-DC hybrid transmission lines." IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2009, 3(10): 911-918

[71] Fan Chen, Bo Zhang, et al. "Influence of coke bed on HVDC grounding electrode heat dissipation." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2008, 44(6): 826-829

[72] Bo Zhang, Rong Zeng, et al. "Numerical analysis of potential distribution between ground electrodes of HVDC system considering the effect of deep earth layers." IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2008, 2(2): 185-191.

[73] Bo Zhang, Jie Zhao, et al. "Numerical analysis of DC current distribution in AC power system near HVDC system." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2008, 23(2): 960-965

[74]  Rong Zeng, Xuehai Gong, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, Yangqing Gao. Lightning Impulse Performances of Grounding Grids for Substations Considering Soil Ionization. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.23, no.2, April, 2008, pp.667-675

[75] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Calculation of ion flow field under HVdc bipolar transmission lines by integral equation method." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2007, 43(4): 1237-1240.

[76] Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, et al. "Calculation of DC current distribution in AC power system near HVDC system by using moment method coupled to circuit equations." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 703-706.

[77] Jun Zou, Bo Zhang, et al. "Efficient evaluation of the Z matrix with method of moment in grounding analysis by using adaptive spatial sampling approach," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2006, 48(1): 33-41

[78] J. Zou, J. Guo, B. Zhang, J. L. He, J. Lee and S. Chang. "Creating Multivariable Response Surfaces by Using the Two-Stage Adaptive Sampling Techniques and Its Application in Optimization of Grounding Grids." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 1311-1314.

[79] J. Guo, J. Zou, B. Zhang, J. L. He, and Z. C. Guan. "An Interpolation Model to Accelerate the Frequency Domain Response Calculation of Grounding Systems Using the Method of Moments." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006, 21(1): 121-128

[80] Bo Zhang, Shejiao Han, et al. "Numerical analysis of electric-field distribution around composite insulator and head of transmission tower." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2006, 21(2): 959-965.

[81] Sanqiang Gu, Jinliang He, Bo Zhang, et al. "Movement simulation of long electric arc along the surface of insulator string in free air." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 1359-1362.

[82] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, Xiang Cui, et al. "Electric field calculation for HV insulators on the head of transmission tower by coupling CSM with BEM." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2006, 42(4): 543 – 546

[83] Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, et al. "Parameter estimation of horizontal multilayer earth by complex image method." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2005, 20(2): 1394-1401

[84] Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, et al. "Numerical analysis of the influence between large grounding grids and two-end grounded cables by the moment method coupled with circuit equations." IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2005, 20(2): 731-737

[85] Bo Zhang, Jinliang He, et al. "Numerical analysis of transient performance of grounding systems considering soil ionization by coupling moment method with circuit theory." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2005, 41(5): 1440-1443.

[86]  Jinliang He, Gang Yu, Jingping Yuan, Rong Zeng, Bo Zhang, Jun Zou, and Zhicheng Guan. Decreasing Grounding Resistance of Substation by Deep-Ground-Well Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.20, no.2, April 2005, pp.738- 744

[87]  Jinliang He, Yanqing Gao, Rong Zeng, Jun Zou, Xidong Liang, Bo Zhang, Jaebok Lee, Sughun Chang. Effective Length of Counterpoise Wire under Lightning Current. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.20, no.2, April 2005, pp. 1585-1591

[88] Bo Zhang, Xiang Cui, et al. "An electromagnetic approach to analyze the performance of the substation's grounding grid in high frequency domain." Compel-the International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2003, 22(3): 756-769.

[89] Bo Zhang, Zhibin Zhao, et al. "Diagnosis of breaks in substation's grounding grid by using the electromagnetic method." IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2002, 38(2): 473-476

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