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清华大学 黄播app 副教授


电力系统稳定与优化控制、新能源发电并网及调度消纳、 电力系统决策与控制的博弈论方法


[email protected]


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1999年7月于清华大学黄播app 本科毕业,获工学学士学位;2004年7月博士毕业,全国百篇优秀博士论文获得者。2004年-2006年中科院系统所博士后,2006年12月职称评定为副教授;2006年-2009年上海市电力公司电力调度(通信)中心工作;2009年-2011年清华大学博士后,出站后留校任副教授。曾获教育部科技进步一等奖和国家自然科学二等奖。2013年入选基金委创新群体,2014年任清华大学副教授博导。目前主要从事电力系统稳定与优化控制、新能源发电并网及调度消纳、电力系统决策与控制的博弈论方法等方面的教学和研究工作。

2014.05~ 清华大学黄播app ,副教授博导

2011.05~ 清华大学黄播app ,副教授

2009.05~2011.04 清华大学黄播app ,博士后

2006.08~2009.04 上海市电力公司电力调度(通信)中心,主管

2004.07~2006.07 中科院系统所,博士后

2001.09~2001.12 英国Brunel大学黄播app ,访问学生

2000.12~2001.03 香港大学黄播app ,访问学生




2005年教育部科技进步一等奖士论文奖 2005年教育部科技进步一等奖









2012.1 -2014.12,科技部/国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)重大项目,“智能电网关键技术研发(二期)”,“多类型新能源发电综合消纳的关键技术”,(2012AA050201)

















1) 梅生伟, 刘锋, 薛安成. 电力系统暂态分析的半张量积方法, 清华大学出版社, 2010.12

2、Book Chapter

S. Mei, F. Liu, Q. Lu, Nonlinear Control of A Class of Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems, “Advanced Robust And Adaptive Control Theory and Applications”, edited by Daizhan Cheng, Yuanzhang Sun, Tielong Shen, Hiromitsu Ohmori, Tsinghua University Press,2004


1) Yanbo Chen,Liu Feng,Shengwei Mei,Jin Ma, A Robust WLAV State Estimation Using Optimal Transformations,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.

2) Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Nash Bargain and Complementarity Approach Based Environmental/Economic Dispatch, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.

3) Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei, Dispatchable Region of the Variable Wind Generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.

4) Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Offering Non-Dominated Strategies Under Uncertain Market Prices, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, in press.

5) Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Energy Pricing and Dispatch for Smart Grid Retailers Under Demand Response and Market Price Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, in press.

6) Yanbo Chen, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Jin Ma, Toward adaptive robust state estimation based on MCC by using the generalized Gaussian density as kernel functions, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2015, 71, 297-304

7) Wei Wei,Liu Feng,Mei Shengwei,Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch Under Variable Renewable Generation,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2015,6(1):369-380

8) Mei, Shengwei,Zhang, De,Wang, Yingying,Liu, Feng,Wei, Wei,Robust Optimization of Static Reserve Planning With Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power: A Game Theoretic Approach, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2014,5(2):535-545

9) W Wei,F Liu,S Mei,E Lu,Two-level unit commitment and reserve level adjustment considering large-scale wind power integration,International transactions on electrical energy systems,2014(24):1726-1746

10) Wei, Wei,Liang, Yile,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,Tian, Fang,Taxing Strategies for Carbon Emissions: A Bilevel Optimization Approach, Energies,2014,7(4):2228-2245

11) Chen, Yanbo,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu,Lu, Qiang,Fu, Yanlan, An Improved Recursive Bayesian Approach for Transformer Tap Position Estimation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(3):2830-2841

12) Yang, Su,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Mei, Shengwei,Polynomial approximation of the small-signal stability region boundaries and its credible region in high-dimensional parameter space,International transactions on electrical energy systems,2013,23(6):784-801

13) Qi, Junjian,Mei, Shengwei,Liu, Feng,Blackout Model Considering Slow Process, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2013,28(3):3274-3282

14) Feng Liu,Jian Sun,J. Si,Wentao Guo,Shengwei Mei,A boundedness result for the direct heuristic dynamic programming,Neural Networks,2012,32(specical issue):229-235

15) Yanbo Chen,Feng Liu,Guangyu He,A Seidel-Type Recursive Bayesian Approach and Its Applications to Power Systems,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2012,27(3):1710-1711

16) Shengwei Mei,Yingying Wang,Feng Liu, Game approaches for hybrid power system planning,IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2012,3(3):506-517

17) Zhu JianQuan,Liu Feng,Mei ShengWei,An assessment framework for branch parameter estimation of power systems,Science China Technological Sciences,2012,55(6):1631-1643

18) Ni JingMin,Shen Chen,Liu Feng,Estimation of the electromechanical characteristics of power systems based on a revised stochastic subspace method and the stabilization diagram,Science China Technological Sciences,2012,55(6):1677-1687

19) Liu Feng,Wei Wei,Mei ShengWei,On expansion of estimated stability region: Theory, methodology, and application to power systems, Science China-Technological Sciences,2011,54(6):1394-1406

20) Mei, S.,Wei, W.,Zheng, S.,Liu, F.,Development of an industrial non-linear robust power system stabiliser and its improved frequency-domain testing method, IET Generation Transmission & Distribution,2011,5(12):1201-1210


1) Wentao Guo,Feng Liu,Shengwei Mei,Jennie Si,Dawei He,Ronald Harley ,Approximate Dynamic Programming Based Supplementary Frequency Control of Thermal Generators in Power Systems With Large-Scale Renewable Generation Integration,2014 IEEE PES General meeting,1-5, 2014.7.27-2014.7.31。

2) Wentao Guo,Feng Liu,Dawei He,Jennie Si,Ronald Harley,Shengwei Mei,Reactive Power Control of DFIG Wind Farm Using Online Supplementary Learning Controller Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming,IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,1453-1460,2014.7.6-2014.7.11

3) Wentao Guo,Feng Liu,Jennie Si,Shengwei Mei,Online Adaptation of Controller Parameters Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming ,IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,256-262,2014.7.6-2014.7.11

4) Wentao Guo,Jennie Si,Feng Liu,Shengwei Mei,Policy Iteration Approximate Dynamic Programming Using Volterra Series Based Actor ,IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,249-255,2014.7.6-2014.7.11

5) Wentao Guo,Feng Liu,Jennie Si,Shengwei Mei,Online and Model-Free Supplementary Learning Control Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming,2014 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference,1316-1321,2014.5.31-2014.6.2

6) Wentao Guo,Feng Liu,Jennie SI,Shengwei Mei,Incorporating approximate dynamic programming-based parameter tuning into PD-type virtual inertia control of DFIGs,Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2013 International Joint Conference on,2013.8.4-2013.8.9

7) W Wei,S Mei,F Liu,On dispatching power systems with significant wind generation using disturbance feedbacks ,in Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control Conference,2013.7.26-2013.7.28

8) Wei Wei,Feng Liu,Shengwei Mei,Game Theoretical Scheduling of Modern Power Systems with Large-scale Wind Power Integration ,General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society,San Diego, CA,2012.7.22-2012.7.26

9) Wei, Wei,Mei, Shengwei,Liu, Feng,Chen, Liang,Smart scheduling of power system under energy saving policy and renewable energy integration ,31st Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2012,6809-6814,Hefei, China,2012.7.25-2012.7.27

10) Qi, Junjian,He, Guangyu,Mei, Shengwei,Liu, Feng,Power System Set Membership State Estimation,General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society,San Diego, CA,2012.7.22-2012.7.26

11) Zhu, Jianquan,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,Electric Load Modeling Based on Characteristic Fusion,General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society,San Diego, CA,2012.7.22-2012.7.26

12) Mei, Shengwei,Wang, Yingying,Liu, Feng,Imputation schemes for the cooperative game in the hybrid power system planning ,30th Chinese Control Conference, CCC 2011,6213-6217,Yantai, China,2011.7.22-2011.7.24

13) Wang, Kefei,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Yang, Su,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu ,Calculation of the eigenvalues with least damping ratios based on the DAE model in the power system small-signal stability analysis,2011 IEEE PES General Meeting: The Electrification of Transportation and the Grid of the Future,Detroit, MI, United states,2011.7.24-2011.7.28

14) Yang, Su,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu,Polynomial approximation of the damping-ratio based small-signal security region boundaries of power systems,2011 IEEE PES General Meeting:The Electrification of Transportation and the Grid of the Future,Detroit, MI, United states,2011.7.24-2011.7.28

15) Sun, Jian,Liu, Feng,Si, Jennie,Mei, Shengwei ,Direct heuristic dynamic programming with augmented states,2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Network, IJCNN 2011,3112-3119,San Jose, CA, United states,2011.7.31-2011.8.5

16) Wang, Kefei,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu ,A modified general Cayley transformation for the calculation of critical eigenvalues of large-scale power systems with DAE models,2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2011,2713-2718,Mianyang, China,2011.5.23-2011.5.25

17) Liu, Feng,Wei, Wei,Mei, Shengwei,On the estimation of stability boundaries of nonlinear dynamic systems,2011 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2011,1465-1472,Mianyang, China,2011.5.23-2011.5.25

18) Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Yang, Su,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu,Equivalence of three methods for computing small-signal stability boundaries for power systems ,4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2010,143-150,Phuket,2010.11.24-2010.11.26

19) Liu, Feng,Wei, Wei,Mei, Shengwei ,On the expansion of stability region estimation,4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2010,135-142,Phuket,2010.11.24-2010.11.26

20) Yang, Su,Liu, Feng,Zhang, De,Mei, Shengwei,He, Guangyu,Polynomial approximation of small signal stability region boundary in parameter space ,4th IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems, AsiaPES 2010,155-162,Phuket,2010.11.24-2010.11.26

21) Sun, Jian,Liu, Feng,Si, Jennie,Mei, Shengwei ,Direct heuristic dynamic programming based on an improved PID neural network and initial weighs choosing method ,2010 5th International Conference on Critical Infrastructure, CRIS 2010,Beijing, China,2010.9.20-2010.9.22

22) Zhu, Jianquan,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei,Branch parameter error identification and estimation in power systems,1st International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, PCSPA 2010,504-507,Harbin, China,2010.9.17-2010.9.19

23) Mao, Yanbin,Liu, Feng,Mei, Shengwei ,On the topological characteristics of power grids with distributed generation ,29th Chinese Control Conference, CCC‘;10,4714-4720,Beijing, China,2010.7.29-2010.7.31


1) 梅生伟,龚媛,刘锋,三代电网演化模型及特性分析 ,中国电机工程学报,2014,(07):1003-1012。

2) 付艳兰,陈艳波,姚锐,刘锋,梅生伟,黄良毅,基于最大指数绝对值目标函数的抗差状态估计方法,电网技术,2013,37(11):3166-3171

3) 石佳莹,沈沉,刘锋,双馈风电机组动力学特性对电力系统小干扰稳定的影响分析,电力系统自动化,2013,(18):7-13

4) 魏韡,刘锋,梅生伟,电力系统鲁棒经济调度(二)应用实例,电力系统自动化,2013,(18):60-67

5) 魏韡,刘锋,梅生伟,电力系统鲁棒经济调度(一)理论基础,电力系统自动化,2013,(17):37-43

6) 李颖,沈沉,刘锋,基于能量结构的电力系统振荡分析方法 ,电力系统自动化,2013,(13):49-56

7) 梅生伟,郭文涛,王莹莹,刘锋,魏韡,一类电力系统鲁棒优化问题的博弈模型及应用实例,中国电机工程学报,2013,(19):47-56

8) 陈亮,王程,魏韡,刘锋,梅生伟,王一,陈雨果,广东电网节能发电调度模型与应用,中国电力,2013,(06):38-43

9) 单任仲,沈沉,刘锋,黄秀琼,一种新颖的低谐波动态SVC研究,电力电子技术,2013,47(2):98-100

10) 付艳兰,陈艳波,姚锐,刘锋,梅生伟,黄良毅,基于最大指数绝对值目标函数的抗差状态估计方法,电网技术,2013,(11):3166-3171

11) 郑天文,刘锋,肖先勇,周业如,梅生伟,锂电池储能系统充放电的双闭环自抗扰控制器设计

12) ,电机与控制学报,2013,(11):20-27

13) 王冠群,刘锋,梅生伟,陈亮,王一,合同电量优化分解模型及算法,电机与控制学报,2012,(07):58-64。

14) 梅生伟,王莹莹,刘锋,混合电力系统合作博弈规划的分配策略研究,系统科学与数学,2012,32(4):418-428

15) 谭伟,沈沉,刘锋,倪敬敏 ,基于轨迹特征根的暂态稳定实用判据,电力系统自动化,2012,(16):14-19。

16) 杨素,刘锋,梅生伟,章德 ,基于阻尼比的小干扰安全域多项式近似边界及其可信域,电力系统自动化,2012,(17):8-14。

17) 王冠群,张雪敏,刘锋,梅生伟 ,船舶电力系统重构的博弈算法,中国电机工程学报,2012,(13):69-76

18) Jian SUN,Feng LIU,Jennie SI,Shengwei MEI,Jian SUN,Feng LIU,Jennie SI,Shengwei MEI ,Direct heuristic dynamic programming based on an improved PID neural network,控制理论与应用(英文版),2012,10(4):497-503

19) 李颖,沈沉,刘锋,基于Hamilton实现的电力系统振荡源设备级定位,电力系统自动化,2012,(23):6-11

20) 陈艳波,刘锋,何光宇,黄良毅,顾志东 ,变压器分接头位置的改进递推贝叶斯估计,电力系统自动化,2012,(23):71-77

21) 梅生伟,王莹莹,刘锋,风—光—储混合电力系统的博弈论规划模型与分析,电力系统自动化,2011,35(20):13-19

22) 朱建全,刘锋,何光宇,梅生伟 ,基于主导性评估的电网支路参数估计,电力系统自动化,2011,35(18):36-40

23) 王鹏,刘锋,梅生伟,王克非 ,高压输电线巡线机器人控制体系构建及动作控制器设计,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2011,51(7):921-927

24) 孙健,刘锋,SI Jennie,郭文涛,梅生伟,一种改进的近似动态规划方法及其在SVC的应用,电机与控制学报,2011,(05):95-102。

25) 孙玉娇,刘锋,梅生伟,非线性系统的多项式近似表示及电力系统应用(Ⅱ)——应用篇,电机与控制学报,2010,14(09):7-11

26) 谭伟,何光宇,刘锋,黄文英,邓兆云,邓勇 ,智能电网低碳指标体系初探,电力系统自动化,2010,(17):1-5

27) 孙玉娇,刘锋,梅生伟 ,非线性系统的多项式近似表示及电力系统应用(Ⅰ)——理论篇,电机与控制学报,2010,14(08):19-23

1) 谭伟,何光宇,刘锋,黄文英,邓兆云,邓勇,智能电网低碳指标体系初探,电力系统自动化,2010,34(17):1-5


IEEE Member


担任如下国际会议的技术委员会委员(Member of Technical Program Committee)

2014年International Joint Conference on Neural Networks