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清华大学黄播app 副主任。主要从事电力系统分析与控制、轨道交通牵引供电技术、数据驱动和人工智能应用技术等方面的研究工作。主持了国家自然科学基金重点基金、国家重点研发计划等多个科研项目和课题,发表学术论文150余篇,授权专利50余项。获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部技术发明一等奖、中国电力科技一等奖等10余项科技奖励,以及中国青年科技奖、茅以升北京青年科技奖、中国电力优秀工作者奖等。担任了IJEPES、IET GTD、IET ESI、《电网技术》等多份学术期刊的执行主编或编委,以及中国电机工程学会能源互联网专委会秘书长等。







[1]Jingyi Zhang, Yonghong Luo, Boya Wang, Chao Lu, Jennie Si, Jie Song. Deep Reinforcement Learning for Load Shedding against Short-term Voltage Instability in Large Power Systems,IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning System(early access)

[2]Ying Wang, Chao Lu, Peixuan Wu, Xinran Zhang, et al. Online Realization of an Ambient Signal based Load Modeling Algorithm and its Application in Field Measurement Data,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(early access)

[3]Lipeng Zhu, David Hill, Chao Lu. Auto-Starting Semi-Supervised Learning-Based Identification of Synchrophasor Data Anomalies,IEEE Internet of Things Journal(early access)

[4]Lipeng Zhu, David Hill, Chao Lu. Semi-Supervised Ensemble Learning Based Framework for Accelerating Power System Stability Knowledge Base Generation,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems(early access)

[5]Yonghong Luo, Chao Lu, Lipeng Zhu, Jie Song. Graph Convolutional Network Based Interpretable Machine Learning Scheme in Smart Grids,IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering(early access)

[6]Xinran Zhang, Chao Lu, Ying Wang, Qiantu Ruan, Hongbo Ye, Weihong Wang. Identifiability Analysis of Load Model by Estimating Parameters’ Confidential Intervals,CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(early access)

[7]Ziming Li, Xiaoqian Li, Yingdong Wei, Chao Lu, Yunzhi Lin, et al. Ground Fault Analysis and Grounding Method of Static Power Converters in Flexible AC Traction Power Supply Systems,IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, May 2022, 37(5):5535-5546.



[10]Xinran Zhang, David Hill, Chao Lu, Yue Song.A Hierarchical Framework for Ambient Signals based Load Modeling: Exploring the Hidden Quasi-convexity,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Nov. 2021, 36(6):5780-5791.

[11]Jian Guo, Hong Liang, Songpu Ai, Chao Lu, Haochen Hua, Junwei Cao. Improved Approximate Minimum Degree Ordering Method and Its Application for Electrical Power Network Analysis and Computation,Tsinghua Science and Technology, Aug. 2021, 26(4):464-474

[12]Yonghong Luo, Chao Lu, Lipeng Zhu, Jie Song.Data-Driven Short-Term Voltage Stability Assessment Based on Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Sep. 2021, 130:1-10

[13]Lipeng Zhu, David Hill, Chao Lu. Intelligent Short-Term Voltage Stability Assessment via Spatial Attention Rectified RNN Learning,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Oct. 2021, 17(10):7005-7016



[16]Xiaoqian Li, Ziming Li, Biao Zhao, Chao Lu, Qiang Song, et al. HVDC Reactor Reduction Method Based on Virtual Reactor Fault Current Limiting Control of MMC.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Dec. 2020, 67(12):9991-10000.


[18]Innocent Kamwa, Chao Lu, Lipeng Zhu. Monitoring and Control using Synchrophasors in Power Systems with Renewables,IET Press, July 2020.Pages: 478, ISBN-13: 978-1-78561-477-4, eISBN: 978-1-78561-478-1

[19]Xinran Zhang, Chao Lu, Junjie Lin, Ying Wang. Experimental Test of PMU Measurement Errors and the Impact on Load Model Parameter Identification.IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Oct. 2020, 14(20):4593-4604.

[20]Xinran Zhang, Chao Lu, Ying Wang. A Two-Stage Framework for Ambient Signal based Load Model Parameter Identification,International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Oct. 2020, 121:106064, 1-10.

[21]Lipeng Zhu, Chao Lu, Yonghong Luo. Time Series Data-Driven Batch Assessment of Power System Short-Term Voltage Security,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Dec. 2020, 16(12):7306-7317.

[22]Lipeng Zhu, David Hill, Chao Lu. Hierarchical Deep Learning Machine for Power System Online Transient Stability Prediction.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, May 2020, 35(3): 2399-2411.

[23]Yinfeng Wang, Chao Lu, Innocent Kamwa, Chen Fang, Ping Ling. An adaptive filters based PMU algorithm for both steady-state and dynamic conditions in distribution networks.International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, May, 2020.

[24]Lipeng Zhu, Chao Lu, Innocent Kamwa, Haibo Zeng. Spatial-Temporal Feature Learning in Smart Grids: A Case Study on Short-Term Voltage Stability Assessment.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Mar.2020, 16(3): 1470-1482.

[25]Xinran Zhang, David Hill, Chao Lu. Identification of Composite Demand Side Model with Distributed Photovoltaic Generation and Energy Storage.IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,Jan. 2020, 11(1):326-336.

担任了IJEPES、IET GTD、IET ESI、《电网技术》等多份学术期刊的执行主编或编委、中国电机工程学会能源互联网专委会秘书长,以及多个国际学术期刊的专刊特邀主编和国际学术会议的大会主席、TPC委员或panel chair等。