2007年清华大学黄播app 本科毕业,2012年清华大学博士毕业,获清华大学优秀博士学位论,优秀毕业生奖,2014年博士后出站留校。2010.10-2011.07 曼彻斯特大学访问学者,2013.12-2014.03哈佛大学访问学者。主要研究方向为电力系统规划、低碳电力系统、多能源系统、可再生能源消纳、云储能。IEEE 高级会员,CIGRE会员,IET会员。作为负责人主持多项国家自然科学面上项目,作为项目骨干承担国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目多项。入选教育部青年人才计划,中国科协青年托举计划;获世界工程组织联合会(WFEO)联合国可持续发展目标青年工程师奖、中国电力优秀青年科技人才奖、吴文俊人工智能优秀青年奖、IEEE PES中国区优秀青年工程师奖。科研成果获得省科技进步一等奖3项,行业奖3项,国家电网、南方电网科技进步奖多项。共发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI收录100余篇,获得发明专利30项,获得软件著作权12项。论文在Google Scholar中被引用7000余篇次,H指数为48。论文入选ESI高被引论文10篇,研究成果多次被IEEE Spectrum报道。学术论文获2012年、2019年中国百篇最具影响的国内学术论文奖、F5000——中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文奖、中国科协优秀期刊学术论文奖等奖项。担任《电力系统自动化》《IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》、《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》、《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP)》、《Electric Power System Research》杂志编委、《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》杂志科学编辑。CIGRE C1.47 工作组主席。《国家能源互联网发展年度报告》编写组组长。
2003.09~2007.07 清华大学黄播app ,电气工程及其自动化,学士
2007.09~2012.07 清华大学黄播app ,电力系统及其自动化,博士 导师:康重庆教授
2010.10-2011.07 英国曼彻斯特大学 电机与电子工程系,助理研究员
2012.07~2014.07 清华大学黄播app ,电力系统研究所,博士后
2013.12~2014.03 美国哈佛大学,工程与应用科学学院,助理研究员
2014.09~2016.06 清华大学黄播app ,讲师
2016.06~2016.12 清华大学黄播app ,助理教授
2017.01~ 清华大学黄播app ,副教授
IEEE PES中国区优秀青年工程师奖,获奖时间:2020.12
中国电科院期刊中心 青年专家团突出贡献个人,入选时间:2017.12
清华大学优秀毕业生, 2012.07
北京市高校优秀毕业生, 2012.07
山西省科技进步二等奖 区域综合能源系统运营模式、关键技术与示范应用 (第1完成人),获奖时间:2021.08
“综合能源系统全景运行模拟软件平台”获第48届日内瓦国际发明奖金奖 (第2完成人),获奖时间:2021.04
江苏省科技进步一等奖 规模化储能关键技术及工程应用(第3完成人)2020.12
中国电力科学技术三等奖 电网侧规模化电化学储能应用关键技术及工程示范 (第2完成人)2020.12
教育部科技进步一等奖 大电网调度运营决策的高效建模与优化关键技术及工程应用 (第3完成人)2019.12
中国电力科学技术一等奖 大电网调度运营决策的高效建模与优化关键技术及工程应用 (第3完成人)2019.12
广东省科技进步二等奖 智能用电大数据关键技术、装备研发及工程应用 (第2完成人)2019.12
中国电力创新奖一等奖 电网侧规模化电化学储能应用关键技术及工程示范 (第3完成人)2019.07
中国可再生能源学会科学技术三等奖 含新能源电力系统全景运行模拟平台研发(第2完成人)2019.08
国家电网公司科技进步一等奖 电网侧规模化电化学储能应用关键技术及工程示范 (第3完成人)2019.07
国家电网公司科技进步二等奖 面向节能减排的电网低碳发展关键技术与应用 (第7完成人)2019.07
“高比例可再生能源并网的电力系统运行模拟系统”获第47届日内瓦国际发明奖金奖 (第1完成人),获奖时间:2019.04
中国电力科学技术三等奖 基于精细化时序运行模拟的电力系统优化规划关键技术研究及应用 (第2完成人)2018.07
国家电网公司科技进步二等奖 基于精细化时序运行模拟的电力系统优化规划关键技术研究及应用 (第2完成人)2018.05
国家电网公司科技进步三等奖 含大规模新能源发电的电力系统规划技术研发及应用(第8完成人),获奖时间:2018.05
辽宁省科技进步二等奖 考虑资源和电网适应性的风电优化规划与运行控制技术及应用(第3完成人),获奖时间:2017.12
“电力规划决策支持系统GOPT” 第十界北京发明创新大赛银奖, 获奖时间:2016
IEEE Global Energy Forecasting Competition 团体优胜奖:2015
论文《Long-term Coordination of Transmission and Storage to Integrate Wind Power》获《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》年2021度优秀论文,获奖时间:2022.01
论文《当前能源互联网与智能电网研究选题的继承与拓展》获得《电力系统自动化》年度优秀论文二等奖 获奖时间:2021.12
论文《面向高比例可再生能源电力系统的季节性储能综述与展望》获得《电力系统自动化》年度优秀论文二等奖 获奖时间:2021.12
论文《多能源网络的广义电路分析理论——(一)支路模型》获得《电力系统自动化》年度优秀论文三等奖 获奖时间:2021.12
论文《Incorporating Massive Scenarios in Transmission Expansion Planning with High Renewable Energy Penetration》获IEEE Transactions on Power Systems年度优秀论文,获奖时间:2021.02
论文《Mixed-integer linear programming-based optimal configuration planning for energy hub Starting from scratch》获得Applied Energy 年度高被引论文奖,获奖时间:2020.08
论文《Probabilistic individual load forecasting using pinball loss guided LSTM》获得Applied Energy 年度高被引论文奖,获奖时间:2020.08
论文《Estimating the Flexibility Benefit of Concentrating Solar Plants in Electricity Markets》获得2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting(PESGM2020)优秀论文奖 学生最佳海报第三名,获奖时间:2020.08
论文《可再生能源参与电力市场》获得中国电机工程学会期刊优秀论文-三等奖 获奖时间:2019.11
论文《A linear LMP model for active and reactive power with power loss》获2019 IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference (iSPEC 2019)会议优秀论文奖 获奖时间:2019.11
论文《电力用户行为模型:基本概念与研究框架》获得中国科协优秀期刊学术论文 获奖时间:2019.09
论文《面向可再生能源消纳的多能源系统:述评与展望》获得《电力系统自动化》年度优秀论文 获奖时间:2019.08
论文《Stochastic Transmission Expansion Planning Considering the Transmission Overload Risk 》获得2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting(PESGM2019)优秀论文奖 获奖时间:2019.08
论文《能源互联网中能量枢纽的优化规划与运行研究综述及展望》获中国电机工程学会期刊优秀论文-二等奖 获奖时间:2018.11
论文《能源互联网中的区块链技术研究框架与典型应用初探》获中国电机工程学会期刊优秀论文-三等奖 获奖时间:2018.11
论文《Modeling the transient security constraints of natural gas network in day-ahead power system scheduling》获得2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting(PESGM2017)优秀论文奖 获奖时间:2017.08
论文《风电出力分析中的相依概率性序列运算》获清华大学—横山亮次优秀论文奖 获奖时间:2015.12
论文《Clustered wind farms planning considering the capacity credit using ordinal optimization technique》获得 Wind energy Grid-Adaptive Technologies 2014会议Best Paper Rewards,获奖时间:2014.10
多能源系统建模与分析,研究生课程,32学时(2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)
能源互联网规划、运行与控制,研究生课程,32学时(承担其中4学时, 2018, 2019, 2020,2021)
电气工程专业英语实践,本科生课程,32学时(2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019)
大数据技术及应用,本科生课程,32学时(2018, 2020, 2021)
研究生课程 Renewable Energy in Power System, 授课教师: Mark O’Malley 教授 16课时
本科生课程 电力系统负荷预测, 授课教师:康重庆教授 32课时
余扬昊,IEEE PES 本科生海报第三名,2020
2022.01~2022.12 能源互联网中电动汽车充电对“双碳”目标实现的作用机理研究, 一汽-大众中华环境保护基金会汽车环保创新引领计划 (项目负责人)
2022.01~2025.12 考虑频率安全的低惯量电力系统规划与运行, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (52177093) (项目负责人)
2022.01~2025.12 面向可持续ICT的信息能量深度融合机理和关键技术研究, 国家自然科学基金-企业创新发展联合基金(中国移动联合基金) (51677096) (课题3负责人)
2020.09-2022.12梯次利用动力电池规模化工程应用关键技术,内蒙古重点研发计划 (197万元,子课题负责人)
2020.01-2021.12 柔性综合能源系统需求响应基础理论研究,科技部中国-克罗地亚科技例会交流项目 (项目负责人)
2020.01-2022.12 城市智能配电网中的变换装备交互与弹性调控基础研究,自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目NSFC-UKRI_EPSRC项目(中英)(52061635101)(项目参加人)
2019.03-2022.03城市能源系统可持续发展:政策设计、运营优化与市场协调 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目NSFC-JPI_UE(中欧)组织间合作项目(71961137004) (项目参加人)
2018.01-2021.12 面向城市能源系统的广义动态需求响应理论与方法研究,国家自然科学基金委员会-国家电网公司智能电网联合基金重点项目(U1766212) (项目参加人)
2017.07~2020.12多种异质能源资源同质化耦合建模及电源互补特性研究, 国家重点研发计划(2017YFB0902201) (多能源电力系统互补协调调度与控制 课题1 项目骨干,子任务负责人)
2017.01~2020.12 利用光热发电促进间歇性能源消纳的电力系统灵活运行机理与规划方法, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (51677096) (项目负责人)
2017.01~2021.12 面向可再生能源消纳的低碳高效多能源系统基础研究, 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)重点合作与交流项目 (51620105007) (项目参加人)
2016.01~2018.12 基于太阳能光热电站的电/热/冷/气综合能源系统 中国科协青年托举计划 (项目负责人)
2016.07~2020.12 考虑高比例可再生能源时空分布特性的交直流输电网多目标协同规划方法, 国家重点研发计划(2016YFB0900102) (高比例可再生能源并网的电力系统规划与运行基础理论课题2 项目骨干,子任务负责人)
2015~2018基于太阳能光热电站的电/热/冷/气综合能源系统协调运行及规划,清华大学自主科研计划青年教师基础研究专项(20151080418) (项目负责人)
2015~2016多能互补的太阳能光热电站灵活运行及优化规划方法研究,电力系统国家重点实验室自主课题开放课题 (SKLD15M08) (项目负责人)
2014~2016 计及间歇性能源时空相关性的电力系统运行决策方法,国家自然科学基金青年基金 (51307092) (项目负责人)
2013~2014 考虑接入风电时空相关性的电源电网协调规划方法研究,中国博士后科学基金特别资助 (2013T60113) (项目负责人)
2012~2014 考虑大规模集群风电接入的电网规划决策与评估方法研究,中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2012M520272) (项目负责人)
2011~2014 间歇式能源发电多时空尺度调度系统研究与开发,国家科技部863项目 (项目参加人)
2021.01-2021.12, 江苏省电网公司经济技术研究院,高比例清洁能源消纳及电源规划优化研究(项目负责人)
2021.01-2021.12, 市场环境下高比例新能源电力系统规划评估技术研究(项目负责人)
2020.06-2021.12, 全球能源互联网集团有限公司,“高比例可再生能源空间分布特性的网源协同规划方法研究”(项目负责人)
2020.06-2021.12, 全球能源互联网集团有限公司,“基于电制燃料和原材料的高比例清洁能源系统长期储能技术分析与优化配置方法研究”(项目负责人)
2020.01-2021.12, 海南电网公司,“海南电网规划辅助决策软件开发”(项目负责人)
2020.01-2021.12, 国家电网公司,“提升多直流输送通道利用率和新能源送出能力的电网规划技术研究”(项目负责人)
2020.01-2021.12, 国家电网公司,“促进高比例新能源基地高效利用的多元储能优化配置技术研究”(项目负责人)
2020.01-2021.12, 清华-丰田联合研究院跨学科专项,新能源汽车能源环境大数据系统研发及应用示范”(项目参与人)
2019.01-2019.12, 江苏省电网公司经济技术研究院,“江苏电网储能应用及实用化研究” (项目负责人)
2019.01-2019.12, 江苏省电网公司经济技术研究院,“江苏电网储能应用及实用化研究” (项目负责人)
2019.01-2020.10, 国家电网公司,大受端电网规模化储能规划应用关键技术研究(项目负责人)
2019.01-2020.12, 海南电网公司,“海南电网规划辅助决策软件开发”(项目负责人)
2019.07-2021.12, 国家电网公司,“面向泛在电力物联网的互联网运营化平台研究及应用”(项目负责人)
2019.06-2019.12, 国网(苏州)城市能源研究院有限责任公司,“苏州综合能源系统能效评价”(项目负责人)
2019.01-2019.12, 广东电网公司,“电力系统规划决策支持系统”(项目负责人)
2017.12-2018.12, 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院,“面向高比例新能源并网消纳的新能源优化发展准则、分析技术研究”(项目负责人)
2019.01-2020.12, 国网江苏省电网公司,“受端电网规模化储能规划技术研究及应用” (项目负责人)
2018.01-2019.12, 国家电网公司,“基于多源数据挖掘的电网运行风险全流程预控关键技术研究与实证” (项目负责人)
2018.06-2018.12, 国网(苏州)城市能源研究院有限责任公司, “苏州和工业园区区域级综合能源系统建模分析” (项目负责人)
2017.10-2018.12, 国网山东省电力公司,“能源互联与大规模新能源发电并网条件下电网规划综合评估方法研究” (项目负责人)
2017.10-2018.12, 国网经济技术研究院有限公司,“精细化生产运行模拟研究软件开发”(项目负责人)
2017.07-2017.12, 国网经济技术研究院有限公司,“考虑库容影响的水电优化建模与多能互补容量效益评价研究”(项目负责人)
2017.12-2018.12, 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院,“青海新能源发电西北电网区内消纳与调峰互济研究” (项目负责人)
2017.01-2018.12, 国家电网公司, “风电、光伏发电消纳状况评估和预警的关键技术研究及应用” (项目负责人)
2016.01-2017.12, 国家电网公司, “基于运行模拟与潮流分析一体化的电网规划关键技术研究” (项目负责人)
2015.01-2016.12, 国家电网公司, “大规模特高压混联受端系统电源规划及生产模拟关键技术研究” (项目负责人)
2015.01-2016.12, 国网青海省电力公司经济技术研究院, “高海拔大型光伏/风电发电基地出力时空特性及对电源规划与供电充裕度影响研究” (项目负责人)
2014.04-2015.06, 江苏省电力公司电力经济技术研究院, “江苏电网规划方案运营效率评估方法研究与系统研发”
2014.01-2016.12, 国家电网能源研究院, “含大规模新能源发电的电力系统规划技术模型及综合评估方法研究”
2013.12-2014.12, 中国南方电网公司,“南方电网中长期多类型新能源综合消纳能力研究”
2012.01-2013.12, 国家电网公司,“大电网构建关键技术研究——课题六:提高特高压电网输电能力的措施及风险评估”
2011.10~2011.12,广东电网公司电网规划研究中心,“ 广东电网海上风电消纳能力研究”
共发表学术论文200余篇,其中SCI收录80余篇,获得发明专利30项,获得软件著作权10项。论文在Google Scholar中被引用7000余篇次,H指数为48。论文入选ESI高被引论文10篇,多次被IEEE Spectrum以及AAAS报道。
[1]. Kangping Li, Jichuan Yan, Lin Hu, Fei Wang*, Ning Zhang*, Two-stage Decoupled Estimation Approach of Aggregated Baseline Load under High Penetration of Behind-the-Meter PV System. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(6), 4876-4885. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000709090100030, IDS: WJ5MY, EI indexed: 20213410806990)
[2]. Jiawei Zhang, Peng Wang, Ning Zhang*, Distribution Network Admittance Matrix Estimation with Linear Regression, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(5), 4896-4899. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000686891700107, IDS: UD0EX, EI indexed: 20213310761826)
[3]. Pei Yong, Ning Zhang*, Qingchun Hou, Yuxiao Liu, Fei Teng, Song Ci, Chongqing Kang. Evaluating the Dispatchable Capacity of Base Station Backup Batteries in Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2021, 12(5), 3966-3979. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000686785700028, IDS: C8QE, EI indexed: 20211710258340)
[4]. Hongjie He, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Xuebin Wang, Chongqing Kang. Enhancing the Power Grid Flexibility with Battery Energy Storage Transportation and Transmission Switching. Applied Energy. 2021, 290: 116692. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000639136300006, IDS: RL7GH, EI indexed: 20211110088208)
[5]. Ning Zhang, Haiyang Jiang, Yaowang Li, Pei Yong, Mingxuan Li, Huan Zhu, Song Ci, Chongqing Kang*. Aggregating Distributed Energy Storage: Cloud-Based Flexibility Services From China, IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, 2021, 19(4), 63-73. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000664981000008, IDS: SX1OJ, EI indexed: 20213310773383)
[6]. Yuxiao Liu, Ning Zhang*, Dan Wu, Audun Botterud, Rui Yao, Chongqing Kang. Searching for Critical Power System Cascading Failures with Graph Convolutional Network. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2021, 8(3), 1304-1313. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000696669000024, IDS: UR3RL, EI indexed: 20211110072966)
[7]. Wujing Huang, Ershun Du, Tomislav Capuder, Xi Zhang, Ning Zhang*, Goran Strbac, and Chongqing Kang*, Reliability and Vulnerability Assessment of Multi-Energy Systems: An Energy Hub Based Method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(5), 3948-3959. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000686891700015, IDS: UD0EX, EI indexed: 20210809949116)
[8]. Ershun Du, Haiyang Jiang, Jinyu Xiao, Jinming Hou, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang. Preliminary analysis of Long-term Storage Requirement in Enabling High Renewable Energy Penetration: A Case of East Asia. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2021, 15, (6). 1255-1269. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000621957600001, IDS: RI2NW, EI indexed: 20210909982725)
[9]. Pei Yong, Yi Wang, Tomislav Capuder, Zhenfei Tan, Ning Zhang*, and Chongqing Kang, Steady-State Security Region of Energy Hub: Modeling, Calculation, and Applications in Planning. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2021, 125, 106551, (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000594697400002, IDS indexed: OZ1LY, EI indexed: 20204209359432)
[10]. Yuxiao Liu, Bolun Xu, Audun Botterud, Ning Zhang*, and Chongqing Kang, Bounding Regression Errors in Data-driven Power Grid Steady-state Models, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021, 36(2), 1023-1033. doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3017684. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000621424100018, IDS indexed: QL9TV, EI indexed: 20210910014090)
[11]. Qingchun Hou, Ning Zhang*, Daniel S. Kirschen, Ershun Du, Yaohua Cheng and Chongqing Kang, Sparse Oblique Decision Tree for Power System Security Rules Extraction and Embedding, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021,36(2): 1605-1615. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000621424100067, IDS indexed: QL9TV, EI indexed: 20210209734509)
[12]. Peng Wang, Ershun Du*, Ning Zhang, Xinzhi Xu, Yi Gao. Power system planning with high renewable energy penetration considering demand response [J]. Global Energy Interconnection, 2021, 4(1):69-80. (EI indexed: 20212010368221)
[13]. Tingqi Zhang, Mingyang Sun* Jochen Cremer, Ning Zhang, Goran Strbac, Chongqing Kang. A Confidence-Aware Machine Learning Framework for Dynamic Security Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2021,36(2): 3907-3920. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000686891700012, IDS indexed: UD0EX, EI indexed: 20210809949430)
[14]. Giorgia Pulazza, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Carlo Alberto Nucci. Transmission Planning with Battery-based Energy Storage Transportation for Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewable Energy. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021,36(2): 4928-4940. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000709092000007, IDS indexed: WJ5NQ, EI indexed: 20211510198818)
[15]. Sijie Chen*, Zeyu Shen, Ling Zhang, Zheng Yan, Canbing Li, Ning Zhang*, Jianzhong Wu, A trusted energy trading framework by marrying blockchain and optimization. Advances in Applied Energy, 2021,100029.
[16]. Xiaodong Zhu, Shihao Zhao, Zhile Yang, Ning Zhang, Xinzhi Xu, A parallel meta-heuristic method for solving large scale unit commitment considering the integration of new energy sectors, Energy, 2021, 121829. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000702790700002, IDS indexed: WA3LN, EI indexed: 20213710898584)
[17]. Zhongda Chu, Ning Zhang and Fei Teng*, Frequency-Constrained Resilient Scheduling of Microgrid: A Distributionally Robust Approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2021, 12(6), 4914-4925. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000709090100033, IDS indexed: WJ5MY, EI indexed: 20213210745907)
[18]. Chongyu Zhang, Xi Lu*, Guo Ren, Shi Chen, Chengyu Hu, Zhaoyang Kong, Ning Zhang, Aoife M. Foley. Optimal allocation of onshore wind power in China based on cluster analysis. Applied Energy, 2021, 285: 116482. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000621226700007, IDS indexed: QL6XB, EI indexed: 20210509844206)
[19]. Tian Xia, Wujing Huang, Xi Lu, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Planning District Multiple Energy Systems Considering Year-Round Operation, Energy, 2020, 118829. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000596823200004, IDS indexed: PC2FN, EI indexed: 20203909239389)
[20]. Qingchun Hou, Yanghao Yu, Ershun Du, Hongjie He, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Guojing Liu, Huan Zhu Embedding Scrapping Criterion and Degradation Model in Optimal Operation of Peak-shaving Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage, Applied Energy, 2020, 278: 115601. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000594409100004, IDS: OY7FM, EI indexed: 20203309042853)
[21]. Shu Zhang, Yi Wang, Yutian Zhang, Dan Wang, and Ning Zhang*, Load Probability Density Forecasting by Transforming and Combining Quantile Forecasts, Applied Energy, 2020, 277: 115600. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000579393800081, IDS: OC8GC, EI indexed: 20203209008412)
[22]. Ziyang Zhang, Ershun Du, Fei Teng, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang*. Modeling Frequency Dynamics in Unit Commitment with a High Share of Renewable Energy. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2020,35(6): 4383-4395. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000583741500020, IDS: OJ1QE, EI indexed: 20204609493577)
[23]. Ziyang Zhang, Ershun Du, Guiping Zhu, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Huimin Qian, João P. S. Catalão. Modeling Frequency Response Dynamics in Power System Scheduling. Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 189: 106549. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000594661200021, IDS: OZ0YC, EI indexed: 20203209012038)
[24]. Yi Wang, Gabriela Hug*, Zijie Liu, Ning Zhang. Modeling Load Forecast Uncertainty Using Generative Adversarial Networks. Electric Power Systems Research, 2020, 189: 106732. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000594662700004, IDS: OZ0YR, EI indexed: 20203209024296)
[25]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang*, Yaohua Cheng, Jingwei Yang, Yi Wang, Chongqing Kang. Multienergy Networks Analytics: Standardized Modeling, Optimization and Low Carbon Analysis. Proceedings of IEEE. 2020, 108(9): 1411 - 1436. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000562097000003, IDS: ND7QG,EI indexed: 20202608862823)
[26]. Jiawei Zhang, Yi Wang, Yang Weng, and Ning Zhang*, Topology Identification and Line Parameter Estimation for non-PMU Distribution Network: A Numerical Method. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(5): 4440-4453. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000562305000066, IDS: NE0RL, EI indexed: 20203609138741)
[27]. Jian Zhang, Ruoxuan Leng, Muyu Chen, Xin Tian, Ning Zhang*, The future role of nuclear power in the coal dominated power system: The case of Shandong, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 256, 120744. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000524981300172, IDS: LB9WE, EI indexed: 20200908240540)
[28]. Zhaoyuan Wu, Ming Zhou, Jianxiao Wang, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Gingyin Li, Profit-Sharing Mechanism for Aggregation of Wind Farms and Concentrating Solar Power, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2020, 11(4): 2606-2616. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000571777300051, IDS: NR7YV, EI indexed: 20204309397875)
[29]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang*, Yi Wang, Tomislav Capuder, Igor Kuzle, and Chongqing Kang*, Matrix Modeling of Energy Hub with Variable Energy Conversion Efficiencies, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2020, 119: 105876. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000523595900060, IDS: KZ9RG,EI indexed: 20200608142407)
[30]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang*, Daniel S. Kirschen, Wujing Huang, Chongqing Kang*. Planning multiple energy systems for low-carbon districts with high penetration of renewable energy: An empirical study in China. Applied Energy, 2020, 261: 114390. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000515117500059, IDS: KN8TI, EI indexed: 20200207989981)
[31]. Yuxiao Liu, Yi Wang, Ning Zhang*, Dan Lu, and Chongqing Kang*, A Data-driven Approach to Linearize Power Flow Equations Considering Measurement Noise. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020, 11(3): 2576-2587. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000530243600065, IDS: LJ5ZP, EI indexed: 20201908614929)
[32]. Zhenyu Zhuo, Ning Zhang*, Jingwei Yang, Chongqing Kang*, Charlie Smith, Mark J. O’Malley, and Benjamin Kroposki. Transmission Expansion Planning Test System for AC/DC Hybrid Grid with High Variable Renewable Energy Penetration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(4):2597-2608. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000544039600010, IDS: MD5VE, EI indexed: 20202708883583)
[33]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Tomislav Capuder, Ninoslav Holjevac, Igor Kuzle, Beijing subsidiary administrative center multi-energy systems: an optimal configuration planning, Electric Power Systems Research 179 (2020) 106082. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000505108200025, IDS indexed: JZ4YC, EI indexed: 20194607676678)
[34]. Yuxiao Liu, Yi Wang, Pei Yong, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang*, and Dan Lu. Fast Power System Cascading Failure Path Searching with High Wind Power Penetration. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2020, 11(4):2274-2283. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000571777300021, IDS: NR7YV, EI indexed: 20204309398392)
[35]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang*, Audun Botterud, Chongqing Kang*. Situation awareness of electricity-gas coupled systems with a multi-port equivalent gas network model. Applied Energy, 2020, 258: 114029. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000506575100045, IDS indexed: KB6AG, 20194507621402, EI indexed: 20194507621402)
[36]. Jingwei Yang, Audun Botterud, Ning Zhang*, Yunqiang Lu, Chongqing Kang*. A Cost-Sharing Approach for Decentralized Electricity-Heat Operation with Renewables. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2020, 11(30): 1838-1847. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000544925300065, IDS: ME8TD, EI indexed: 20194007492161)
[37]. Tianyi Li, Yi Wang, Ning Zhang*. Combining Probability Density Forecasts for Power Electrical Loads. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2020,11(2): 1679- 1690. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000519592100065, IDS: KU3EN, EI indexed: 20200908228282)
[38]. Zhenyu Zhuo, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang*, Qing Xia and Zhidong Wang, Incorporating Massive Scenarios in Transmission Expansion Planning with High Renewable Energy Penetration. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2020,35(2): 1061-1074. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000527518700021, IDS: LF6HO, EI indexed: 20200908239222)
[39]. Yaohua. Cheng, Ning Zhang*, Baosen Zhang, Chongqing Kang*, Weimin Xi and Mengshuang Feng, Low-Carbon Operation of Multiple Energy Systems Based on Energy-Carbon Integrated Prices, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2020,11(2): 1061-1074. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000519592100034, IDS: KU3EN, EI indexed: 20200908237995)
[40]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang*, Audun Botterud and Chongqing Kang, On an Equivalent Representation of the Dynamics in District Heating Networks for Combined Electricity-Heat Operation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2020, 35(1): 1307-1318. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000509344600049, IDS: KF6IY, EI indexed: 20200508091544)
[41]. Qingchun Hou, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang*, Impact of High Renewable Penetration on the Power System Operation Mode: A Data-Driven Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2020, 35(1): 731-741. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000509344600065, IDS: KF6IY, EI indexed: 20200508102801)
[42]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Mingxuan Li and Molin Huo. From demand response to integrated demand response: review and prospect of research and application. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2019, 4(4): 148-150. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000538754700001, IDS: LV9HB, EI indexed: 20214311072937)
[43]. Ning Zhang, Jiangnan Cheng, Yi Wang*, Probabilistic Optimal Energy Flow of District Multienergy Systems: An MPLP-based Online Dictionary-Learning Approach. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2019, 15(9): 4867 – 4877. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000489584600003, IDS indexed: JC9HD)
[44]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang, Jinngwei Yang, Yi Wang and Chongqiong Kang*, Optimal Configuration Planning of Multi-Energy Systems Considering Distributed Renewable Energy, IEEE transactions on smart grid, 2019, 10(2): 1452-1464. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000459504600026, IDS indexed: HM5GS, EI indexed: 20174504371326, ESI highly Cited Top 1%)
[45]. Qingchun Hou, Ning Zhang*, Ershun Du, Miao Miao, Fei Peng, Chongqing Kang*, Probabilistic duck curve in high PV penetration power system: Concept, modeling, and empirical analysis in China. Applied Energy, 2019, 242: 205-215. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000470045800016, EI indexed: 20191106637254, IDS indexed: IB1SS)
[46]. Yi Wang, Dahua Gan, Ning Zhang, Le Xie, and Chongqing Kang*, Feature Selection for Probabilistic Load Forecasting via Sparse Penalized Quantile Regression. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2019:1-10. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000487641700019, IDS indexed: JA2IZ, EI: 20193007233043)
[47]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Yushi Tan, Tao Hong, Daniel Kirschen, and Chongqing Kang*, Combining probabilistic load forecasts, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(4): 3664-3674. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000472577500015, IDS indexed: IE7TP, EI indexed: 20182005188509, ESI highly Cited Top 1%)
[48]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang*, Daniel S. Kirschen, Jingwei Yang and Qing Xia. Standardized matrix modeling of multiple energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(1): 257-270. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000455180900024, IDS: HG7OI, EI indexed: 20173704154432, ESI highly Cited Top 1%)
[49]. Yi Wang, Dahua Gan, Mingyang Sun, Ning Zhang*, Zongxiang Lu* and Chongqing Kang. Probabilistic individual load forecasting using pinball loss guided LSTM, Applied Energy, 2019, 235: 10-20. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000458942800002, IDS indexed: HL7TB, EI indexed: 20184506038811, ESI highly Cited Top 1%)
[50]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang* and Qing Xia. A high-efficiency network-constrained clustered unit commitment model for power system planning studies, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(4): 2498-2508. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000472579200002, IDS indexed: IE7UD, EI indexed: 20184706107707)
[51]. Daniel Julius Olsen, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Miguel A. Ortega-Vazquez and Daniel S. Kirschen. Planning low-carbon campus energy hubs, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(3): 1895 - 1907. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000466062200021, IDS indexed: HV5YY, EI indexed: 20184606058015)
[52]. Pei Yong, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang*, Qing Xia and Dan Lu. MPLP Based fast power system reliability evaluation using transmission line status dictionary, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(2): 1630 - 1640. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000459509400072, IDS indexed: HM5IM, EI indexed: 20184406022030)
[53]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang*, Zongxiang Lu* and Chongqing Kang. Planning multiple energy systems toward low-carbon society: a decentralized approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019 10(5): 4859-4869. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000482623500016, IDS indexed: IT1RI, EI indexed: 20183805834926)
[54]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Qin Wang, Zongxiang Lu*, Chongqing Kang, Benjamin Kroposki and Qing Xia. Operation of a high renewable penetrated power system with CSP plants: a look-ahead stochastic unit commitment model, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(1): 140-151. (SCI Indexed: WOS: 000454252800013, IDS: HF5DM; EI indexed: 20183605782548)
[55]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang*, Yaohua Cheng, Chongqing Kang* and Qing Xia. Modeling the operation mechanism of combined p2g and gas-fired plant with CO2 recycling, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(1): 1111 - 1121. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000455180900103, IDS indexed: HG7OI , EI indexed: 20182605367343)
[56]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, Yi Wang, Jingwei Yang, Chongqing Kang* and Qing Xia. Modeling carbon emission flow in multiple energy systems, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(4):3562-3574. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000472577500006, IDS indexed: IE7TP, EI indexed: 20181905146203)
[57]. Yuxiao Liu, Ning Zhang, Yi Wang, Jingwei Yang and Chongqing Kang*. Data-driven power flow linearization: a regression approach, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019, 10(3): 2569 - 2580. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000466603800021, IDS indexed: HW3OY, EI indexed: 20180704801701)
[58]. Mingyu Yan, Ning Zhang, Xiaomeng Ai, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Chongqing Kang and Jinyu Wen. Robust two-stage regional-district scheduling of multi-carrier energy systems with a large penetration of wind power, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019, 10(3):1227-1239. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000472575700023, IDS indexed: IE7SY, EI indexed: 20183305699993)
[59]. Zhifang Yang, Kaigui Xie, Juan Yu, Haiwang Zhong, Ning Zhang and Qing Xia*. A general formulation of linear power flow models: basic theory and error analysis, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2019, 34(2): 1315 – 1324. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000459509400043, IDS indexed: HM5IM, EI indexed: 20183905855566)
[60]. Liping Jiang, Caixia Wang, Guohui Xie, Zhu Li, Hongpeng Zhang, Zheyi Pei, Pingliang Zeng, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Qionghui Li, and Anping Hu. Variable-Generation Integration in China: An Update. IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 99-107, Nov.-Dec. 2019. (SCI Indexed: WOS:000502052600007, IDS indexed: JV0JF, EI indexed: 20200207988468)
[61]. Yi Wang, Qixin Chen, Ning Zhang and Yishen Wang. Conditional residual modeling for probabilistic load forecasting, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(6): 7327-7330. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000447834200144, IDS: GX5ZE; EI indexed: 20183705791401)
[62]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Qin Wang, Chongqing Kang, Benjamin Kroposki and Qing Xia. The role of concentrating solar power toward high renewable energy penetrated power systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(6): 6630-6641. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000447834200073, IDS: GX5ZE; EI indexed: 20182005188328)
[63]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Chongqing Kang, Benjamin Kroposki and Qing Xia. Economic justification of concentrating solar power in high renewable energy penetrated power systems, Applied Energy, 2018, 222: 649-661. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000438181000094, IDS: GM5MH; EI indexed: 20181605031210)
[64]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang and Qing Xia. Scenario Map Based Stochastic Unit Commitment, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(5): 4694-4705. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000443079800004, IDS: GR9LC; EI indexed: 20180604772201)
[65]. Yi Wang, Jiangnan Cheng, Ning Zhang and Chongqing Kang. Automatic and linearized modeling of energy hub and its flexibility analysis, Applied Energy, 2018, 211: 705-714. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000425075600056, IDS: FW1QX; EI indexed: 20174804467242)
[66]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Qixin Chen, Daniel S. Kirschen, Pan Li and Qing Xia. Data-Driven Probabilistic Net Load Forecasting With High Penetration of Behind-the-Meter PV, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(3): 3255-3264. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000430733300093, IDS: GD8AA; EI indexed: 20174304297156)
[67]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Miao Miao, Rui Shi and Qing Xia. An Efficient Approach to Power System Uncertainty Analysis With High-Dimensional Dependencies, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(3): 2984-2994. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000430733300059, IDS: GD8AA; EI indexed: 20174104260129)
[68]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Zhenyu Zhuo, Chongqing Kang and Daniel Kirschen. Mixed-integer linear programming-based optimal configuration planning for energy hub: Starting from scratch, Applied Energy, 2018, 210: 1141-1150. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000419813100090, IDS: FS5DF; EI indexed: 20173504084305)
[69]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang and Qing Xia. Effect of Natural Gas Flow Dynamics in Robust Generation Scheduling under Wind Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(2): 2087-2097. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000425530300082, IDS: FW7UH; EI indexed: 20173904216784)
[70]. Jianqiang Miao, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Jianxiao Wang, Yi Wang and Qing Xia. Steady-state power flow model of energy router embedded AC network and its application in optimizing power system operation, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(5): 4828-4837. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000443200700081, IDS: GS0OG; EI indexed: 20183605786502)
[71]. Jae Woong Shim, Gregor Verbic, Ning Zhang and Kyeon Hur. Harmonious integration of faster-acting energy storage systems into frequency control reserves in power grid with high renewable generation, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(6): 6193-6205. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000447834200034, IDS: GX5ZE; EI indexed: 20182105222785)
[72]. Dejian Yang, Jinho Kim, Yong Cheol Kang, Eduard Muljadi, Ning Zhang, Junhee Hong, Seung-Ho Song and Taiying Zheng. Temporary Frequency Support of a DFIG for High Wind Power Penetration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018, 33(3): 3428-3437. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000430733300109, IDS: GD8AA; EI indexed: 20181004879609)
[73]. Jingkun Liu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Daniel S. Kirschen and Qing Xia. Decision-making models for the participants in cloud energy storage, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, 9(6): 5512-5521. (EI indexed: 20184406004815)
[74]. Xin Fang, Bri-Mathias Hodge, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang and Fangxing Li. Modelling wind power spatial-temporal correlation in multi-interval optimal power flow: A sparse correlation matrix approach, Applied Energy, 2018, 230: 531-539. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000448226600041, IDS: GY0QL)
[75]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. Carbon emission flow: from electricity network to multiple energy systems. Global Energy Interconnection, 2018, 1(4): 500-506.
[76]. Ninoslav Holjevac, Tomislav Capuder, Ning Zhang, Igor Kuzle, Chongqing Kang, Corrective receding horizon scheduling of flexible distributed multi-energy microgrids, Applied Energy, 2017, 207: 176-194. (SCI indexed, IDS number: FO9RP, WOS: 000417229300017, EI indexed: 20172603848713)
[77]. Jingkun Liu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Daniel Kirschen, Qing Xia. Cloud energy storage for residential and small commercial consumers: A business case study. Applied Energy. 2017, 188: 226–236. (SCI indexed, IDS number: EJ1XF, WOS: 000393003100020, EI indexed: 20165303204982)
[78]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia. A state-independent linear power flow model with accurate estimation of voltage magnitude. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2017, 32(5): 3607-3617. (SCI indexed, IDS number: FD9PP, WOS: 000407854900026, EI indexed: 20173704138311)
[79]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Qixin Chen, Jingwei Yang, Chongqing Kang. Junhui Huang, Dependent discrete convolution based probabilistic load flow for the active distribution system, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2017, 8(3): 1000-1009. (SCI indexed, IDS number: EY8NG, WOS: 000404251100010, EI indexed: 20173704143964)
[80]. Zhifang Yang, Anjan. Bose, Haiwang Zhong, Ning Zhang, Qing Xia; Chongqing Kang, Optimal reactive power dispatch with accurately modeled discrete control devices: a successive linear approximation approach, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2017, 32(3): 2435-2444. (SCI indexed, IDS number: ET1AL, WOS: 000399998000073, EI indexed: 20173404059420)
[81]. Zhifang Yang, Anjan Bose, Haiwang Zhong, Ning Zhang, Jeremy Lin, Qing Xia, and Chongqing Kang. LMP revisited: a linear model for the loss-embedded LMP, in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2017, 32(5): 4080-4090 (SCI indexed, IDS number: FD9PP, WOS: 000407854900070, EI indexed: 20173704138216)
[82]. Juha Kiviluoma, Steve Heinen, Hassan Qazi, Henrik Madsen, Goran Strbac, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Dieter Patteeuw, and Tobias Naegler, "Harnessing Flexibility from Hot and Cold: Heat Storage and Hybrid Systems Can Play a Major Role," IEEE Power and Energy Magazine, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 25-33, Jan.-Feb. 2017. (SCI indexed, IDS number: EM9OA, WOS: 000395639800003, EI indexed: 20170703357787)
[83]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Benjamin Kroposki, Han Huang, Miao Miao, Qing Xia. Managing wind power uncertainty through strategic reserve purchasing, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2017. 32(4): 2547-2559. (SCI indexed, IDS number: EY5US, WOS: 000404046600006, EI indexed: 20172703874905)
[84]. Ti Xu, Ning Zhang. Coordinated operation of concentrated solar power and wind resources for the provision of energy and reserve services. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. 2017, 32(2): 1260-1271. (SCI indexed, IDS number: EN2UO, WOS: 000395865900039, EI indexed: 20170903395243)
[85]. Antonio J. Conejo, Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, and Chongqing Kang, Long-term coordination of transmission and storage to integrate wind power, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2017, 3(1): 36-43
[86]. Yanlong Sun, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Qixin Chen, Ning Zhang, Yaohua Cheng, Analysis of transmission expansion planning considering consumption-based carbon emission accounting, Applied Energy, 2017, 193: 232-242 (SCI indexed, IDS number: ER5VH, WOS: 000398871400019, EI indexed: 20170903393353).
[87]. Dahua Gan, Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Wenjun Zhu. Enhancing Short Term Probabilistic Residential Load Forecasting with Quantile LSTM. IET Journal of Engineering, 2017, 14, p. 2622-2627 (EI indexed: 20181104910178).
[88]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. Low-carbon economic dispatch for integrated heat and power systems considering network constraints. Journal of Engineering, 2017, 14, p. 2628- 2633 (EI indexed).
[89]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Hai Li, Jingwei Yang and Chongqing Kang. Linear three-phase power flow for unbalanced active distribution networks with PV nodes, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2017, 3(3): 321-324. (SCI indexed: WOS: 000416973300012, IDS: FO6KZ)
[90]. Ning Zhang, Xi Lu, Chris P. Nielsen, Michael B. McElroy, Xinyu Chen, Yu Deng, Chongqing Kang. Reducing curtailment of wind electricity in China by employing electric boilers for heat and pumped hydro for energy storage. Applied Energy. 2016, 184: 987–994. (SCI源刊,EI源刊)
[91]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Chanan Singh, and Qing Xia. Copula based dependent discrete convolution for power system uncertainty analysis. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016, 31(6): 5204-5205. (SCI源刊,EI源刊)
[92]. Di Wu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Yi Ge, Zhenjian Xie, Junhui Huang. Techno-economic analysis of contingency reserve allocation scheme for combined UHV DC and AC receiving-end power system [J]. CSEE Journal of Power & Energy Systems, 2016, 2(2):62-70. (SCI收录, IDS number: EC0FT, WOS: 000387774500008)
[93]. Qianyao Xu, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Yi Ding, Qing Xia, Rongfu Sun, and Jianfei Xu. A probabilistic method for determining grid-accommodable wind power capacity based on multi-scenario system operation simulation. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016, 7(1): 400-409, Jan. (SCI收录, IDS number: CZ7SH, WOS: 000367299800041, EI收录: 20150100400687)
[94]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Yi Ding, Yuehui Huang, Rongfu Sun, Junhui Huang, and Jianhua Bai. A Convex Model of Risk-Based Unit Commitment for Day-Ahead Market Clearing Considering Wind Power Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015, 30(3): 1582-1592. (SCI收录,IDS number:CG9MX, WOS: 000353641000050, EI 收录,EI20151800801671)
[95]. Xiaoming Dong, Chongqing Kang, Ning Zhang, Huaguang Yan, Junxia Meng, Xinsheng Niu and Xin Tian Estimating life-cycle energy payback ratio of overhead transmission line toward low carbon development. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2015,3(1):123-130 (SCI收录, IDS number: CV6GH, WOS:000364376000013)
[96]. Yi Wang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qianyao Xu, Hui Li, Jinyu Xiao, Zhidong Wang, Rui Shi, Shuai Wang. Ordinal Optimization Theory Based Planning for Clustered Wind Farms Considering the Capacity Credit. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology. 2015(5), 1930-1939 (SCI收录, IDS number: CP8SW, WOS: 000360165600002, EI收录: 20153501208912)
[97]. Qianyao Xu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Dawei He, Chun Liu, Yuehui Huang, Lu Cheng, and Jianhua Bai. A game theoretical pricing mechanism for multi-area spinning reserve trading considering wind power uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2015 31(2): 1084-1095. (SCI收录, IDS number: DG4CH, WOS:000372017600022, EI收录: 20152000854681)
[98]. Qianyao Xu, Dawei He, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Jianhui Bai and Junhui Huang. A short-term wind power forecasting approach with adjustment of numerical weather prediction input by data mining. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2015, 6(4): 1283-1291, (SCI收录, IDS number: CR9MS, WOS: 000361680800012, EI收录: 20152300925534)
[99]. Xiaoming Dong, Chongqing Kang, Hua Sun, Ning Zhang, Analysis of the power transfer limit considering the thermal balance of the overhead conductor. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution. 2015, 9(14): 2007 - 2013 (SCI收录, IDS number: CV3YS, WOS: 000364203200021, EI收录: 20154401474017)
[100]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Ji Liang. Modeling conditional forecast error for wind power in generation scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2014, 29(3): 1316-1324. (SCI收录, IDS Number:AG4OH,WOS:000335399100032, EI收录EI20141917691782).
[101]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Daniel S. Kirschen, Qing Xia, Weimin Xi, Junhui Huang, Qian Zhang. Planning pumped storage capacity for wind power integration. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2013, 4(2): 393-401. (SCI收录 IDS: 969SU WOS:00030607940000, EI收录: 20134416911467)
[102]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Daniel Kirschen. Rigorous model for evaluating wind power capacity credit. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2013, 7(5): 504-513 (SCI收录 IDS: 231XH WOS: 000325451200013 EI收录: 20131416173219)
[103]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qianyao Xu, Jiang Changming, Chen Zhixu, Liu Jun. Modelling and simulating the spatio-temporal correlations of clustered wind power using copula. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, 2013, 8(6): 1615-1625 (SCI收录 IDS: 206XU WOS:000323560600009 EI收录: 20133516677902)
[104]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Changgang Duan, Xiaojun Tang, Jianjun Huang, Zhan Lu, Weizhou Wang, Jiaqing Qi. Simulation methodology of multiple wind farms operation considering wind speed correlation. International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 2010, 30(4): 264-273. (EI收录: 20101512843032) 又见Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Simulation, and Identification, MSI 2009, Beijing, China, 2009. (EI收录: 20110913703964)
[105]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Jingkun Liu, Jianbo Xin, Junbiao Wan, Jing Hu, Wenxiao Wei. Mid-short-term risk assessment of power systems considering impact of external environment, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2013, 1(2): 118-126. (SCI收录, IDS number: V41DP, WOS: 000209527200005)
[1] 张宁, 马国明, 关永刚, 胡军, 陆超, 文劲宇, 程时杰, 陈维江, 何金良. 全景信息感知及智慧电网, 中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(04):1274-1283+1535. (EI 收录: 20211210101000)
[2] 雍培,张宁,慈松,康重庆. 5G通信基站参与需求响应:关键技术与前景展望. 中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(16):5540-5552. (EI 收录: 20213510838374)
[3] 桌振宇, 张宁, 谢小荣, 李浩志, 康重庆.高比例可再生能源电力系统关键技术及发展挑战[J].电力系统自动化, 2021,45(09):171-191. (EI 收录: 20211910314848)
[4] 宁家鑫, 刘羽霄, 章家维, 李海, 朱桂萍, 钱敏慧, 张宁,数据驱动的三相配电网络拓扑与线路参数辨识,中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(08):2615-2628. (EI 收录: 20211910339464)
[5] 侯庆春, 杜尔顺, 田旭, 刘飞, 张宁, 康重庆. 数据驱动的电力系统运行方式分析[J].中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(01):1-12+393. (EI 收录: 20210409829142)
[6] 姜海洋, 杜尔顺, 金晨, 肖晋宇, 侯金鸣, 张宁. 高比例清洁能源并网的跨国互联电力系统多时间尺度储能容量优化规划.中国电机工程学报, 2021,41(06):2101-2115. (EI 收录: 20211810274006)
[7] 柳璐,程浩忠,吴耀武,陈皓勇,张宁,王智冬.面向高比例可再生能源的输电网规划方法研究进展与展望[J].电力系统自动化,2021,45(13):176-183. (EI 收录: 20212810627142)
[8] 李傲伟,柳璐,程浩忠,刘盾盾,张宁,肖峻.高比例可再生能源接入下考虑输配协同的输电网规划测试系统[J].电力系统自动化,2021,45(11):19-27. (EI 收录: 20212310478326)
[9] 张宁, 余扬昊, 杜尔顺, 康重庆. 光热发电灵活性促进高比例可再生能源消纳. 电力决策与舆情参考. 2020, 471(40):11-16.
[10] 姜海洋,杜尔顺,朱桂萍,黄俊辉,钱敏慧,张宁.面向高比例可再生能源电力系统的季节性储能综述与展望[J].电力系统自动化,2020,44(19):194-208. (EI 收录: 20204209348743)
[11] 程耀华,杜尔顺,田旭,张宁,康重庆.电力系统中的碳捕集电厂:研究综述及发展新动向[J].全球能源互联网,2020,3(04):339-350. DOI:10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2020.04.003
[12] 杨经纬, 张宁, 康重庆. 多能源网络的广义电路分析理论——(一)支路模型[J].电力系统自动化,2020,44(09):21-35. (EI 收录: 20202108699946)
[13] 杨经纬, 张宁, 康重庆. 多能源网络的广义电路分析理论——(一)网络模型[J].电力系统自动化,2020, 44(10):10-21. (EI 收录: 20202208770145)
[14] 贺鸿杰,张宁,杜尔顺,葛毅,康重庆.电网侧大规模电化学储能运行效率及寿命衰减建模方法综述[J].电力系统自动化,2020,44(12):193-207. (EI 收录: 20202708887221)
[15] 陈思捷, 王浩然, 严正, 沈泽宇, 平健, 张宁, 康重庆. 区块链价值思辨:应用方向与边界[J].中国电机工程学报,2020,40(07):2123-2132+2392. (EI 收录: 20201708570314)
[16] 王永真, 张宁, 关永刚, 赵伟, 张靖, 高峰, 康重庆.当前能源互联网与智能电网研究选题的继承与拓展[J].电力系统自动化,2020,44(04):1-8. (EI 收录: 20201108300054)
[17] 张宁, 杨经纬, 王毅, 陈启鑫, 康重庆*. 面向泛在电力物联网的5G通信:技术原理与典型应用. 电机工程学报. 2019,39(14):4015-4025. (EI 收录: 20193507378773)
[18] 王毅,陈启鑫,张宁,冯成,滕飞,孙铭阳,康重庆.5G通信与泛在电力物联网的融合:应用分析与研究展望.电网技术,2019,43(05):1575-1585. (EI 收录: 20192907192656)
[19] 董瑞彪,刘永笑,黄武靖,杨晟,金阳,张宁*.基于综合能源系统价值分析的能源互联网运营商定价方法[J].电力建设,2019,40(11):87-96. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7229.2019.11.011
[20] 唐程辉,张凡,张宁*,曲昊源,马莉.考虑可再生能源随机性和需求响应的电力系统日前经济调度. 电力系统自动化,2019,43(15):18-28. (EI 收录: 20193607396075)
[21] 唐程辉, 张凡, 张宁*, 曲昊源, 马莉. 基于风电场总功率条件分布的电力系统经济调度二次规划方法. 电工技术学报, 2019,34(10):2069-2078. (EI 收录: 20192507083971)
[22] 王毅, 张宁, 康重庆, 奚巍民, 霍沫霖. 电力用户行为模型:基本概念与研究框架. 电工技术学报, 2019,34(10): 2056-2068.(2019中国科协优秀科技论文) (EI 收录: 20192507083970)
[23] 李海, 张宁*, 康重庆, 谢国辉. 李琼慧. 可再生能源消纳影响因素的贡献度分析方法. 中国电机工程学报. 2019, 39(4): 1009-1017. (EI 收录: 20191906908894)
[24] 程耀华, 张宁, 王佳明, 李晖, 王智冬, Le Xie, 康重庆. 面向高比例可再生能源并网的输电网规划方案综合评价. 电力系统自动化. 2019,43(03):33-42+57. (EI 收录: 20191206658191)
[25] 朱寰,程亮,陈琛,卓振宇,崔波,宫立佳,张宁.多重应用场景下的电网侧储能需求评估方法[J].电力建设,2019,40(09):35-42. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7229.2019.09.005
[26] 陈启超,李晖,王帅,史锐,张宁,戚庆茹,王菲.促进可再生能源消纳的多能互补时序运行模拟技术[J].电力建设,2019,40(07):18-25. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7229.2019.07.003
[27] 黄武靖, 张宁*, 董瑞彪, 阴昌华, 刘永笑, 康重庆. 构建区域能源互联网:理念与实践. 全球能源互联网. 2018, 1(2): 103-111. DOI:10.19705/j.cnki.issn2096-5125.2018.02.001
[28] 黄武靖, 张宁, 董瑞彪, 刘永笑, 康重庆. 多能源网络与能量枢纽联合规划方法. 中国电机工程学报, 2018,38(18):5425-5437. (EI 收录: 20191006611537)
[29] 吴迪, 王佳明, 李晖, 王智冬, 张宁, 康重庆. 以促进可再生能源消纳为目标的我国西北-西南联网容量与送电时序研究. 电力系统自动化. 2018,42(07):2103-2110. (EI 收录: 20184305984004)
[30] 刘羽霄, 张宁, 康重庆. 数据驱动的电力网络分析与优化研究综述.电力系统自动化. 2018, 42(6): 157-167. (EI 收录: 20182105217799)
[31] 杨经纬, 张宁, 王毅, 康重庆. 面向可再生能源消纳的多能源系统:述评与展望. 电力系统自动化. 2018, 42(4):11-24. (EI 收录: 20181805125883, 《电力系统自动化》优秀论文)
[32] 刘静琨, 张宁, 康重庆. 电力系统云储能研究框架与基础模型. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(12): 3361-3371. (EI 收录: 20173704147451)
[33] 苗键强, 张宁, 康重庆. 能量路由器对于配电网运行优化的影响分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(10):2832-2839. (EI 收录: 20173103998576)
[34] 康重庆, 刘静琨, 张宁. 未来电力系统储能的新形态:云储能. 电力系统自动化:2017, 41(21): 1-8,16. (EI 收录: 20175104560062)
[35] 程耀华, 张宁, Daniel Kirschen, 张宝森. 低碳多能源系统的研究框架及展望. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(14): 4060-4069. (EI 收录: 20173704154062)
[36] 康重庆, 程耀华, 孙彦龙, 张宁, 孟珺遐, 闫华光. 电力系统碳排放流的递推算法. 电力系统自动化, 2017,41(18):10-16. (EI 收录: 20174304293698)
[37] 平健, 陈思捷, 张宁,等. 基于智能合约的配电网去中心化交易机制[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(13):3682-3690. (EI 收录: 20173704153914)
[38] 吴鸿亮, 刘羽霄, 张宁, 卢斯煜, 董楠, 康重庆. 南方电网西电东送中的碳交易模型及其效益分析[J]. 电网技术, 2017, 41(3):745-751. (EI 收录: 20171703596504)
[39] 程浩忠, 李隽, 吴耀武, 陈皓勇, 张宁, 柳璐. 考虑高比例可再生能源的交直流输电网规划挑战与展望[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(9):19-27. (EI 收录: 20172603839232)
[106]. 杜尔顺, 张宁, 康重庆, 苗淼. 太阳能光热发电并网运行及优化规划研究综述与展望. 中国电机工程学报, 2016,36(21):5765-5775. (EI收录: 20164803052549)
[107]. 张宁, 王毅, 康重庆, 程将南, 贺大玮. 能源互联网中的区块链技术:研究框架与典型应用初探. 中国电机工程学报, 2016, 36(15) :4011-4023. (EI收录: 20163402733979)
[108]. 程耀华, 张宁, 康重庆, 孟珺遐, 闫华光. 考虑需求侧管理的低碳电网规划. 电力系统自动化, 2016, 40(23): 61-69. (EI收录: 20164903102006)
[109]. 康重庆, 杜尔顺, 张宁, 陈启鑫, 黄翰, 伍声宇. 可再生能源参与电力市场: 综述与展望. 南方电网技术 2016, 3: 16-23.
[110]. 陈霄, 童星, 张宁, 陈霄, 童星, 张宁, 易永仙, 栾开宁, 周玉. 有序用电智能多代理系统架构与机制研究. 电力系统保护与控制, 44(9), 75-82.
[111]. 颜庆国, 童星, 张宁, 陈霄,易永仙. 考虑用户节电损失的有序用电动态多级时空协调方法[J]. 电网技术, 2016, 40(2):425-432(EI收录: 20161002073294).
[112]. 吴鸿亮,程耀华,张宁,周保荣,卢斯煜,康重庆. 跨省区碳交易机制下发电碳排放配额分配方法. 电网技术2016, 40(11): 2725-2730 (EI收录: 20164603004705)
[113]. 王毅,张宁,康重庆. 能源互联网中能量枢纽的优化规划与运行研究综述及展望. 中国电机工程学报, 2015,35(22):5669-5681(EI收录20155101695965)
[114]. 杜尔顺,孙彦龙,张宁,陈宋宋,何桂雄,康重庆. 适应低碳电源发展的低碳电网规划模型. 电网技术, 2015,39(10):2725-2730. (EI收录20154401475271)
[115]. 赵唯嘉,张宁,康重庆,王跃峰,李鹏,马烁. 光伏发电出力的条件预测误差概率分布估计方法. 电力系统自动化, 2015,39(16):8-14. (EI收录20153601240688)
[116]. 张宁,康重庆,肖晋宇,李晖,王智冬,史锐,王帅. 风电容量可信度研究综述与展望. 中国电机工程学报, 2015, 35(1): 82-94. (EI收录EI20150600502512)
[117]. 刘静琨, 李勇, 张宁, 刘楠, 陈国强. 基于典型故障集的暂态功角稳定近似判别方法. 电力系统保护与控制, 2014, 42(14): 1-7.
[118]. 张曦, 康重庆, 张宁, 黄越辉, 刘纯, 徐健飞. 太阳能光伏发电的中长期随机特性分析. 电力系统自动化, 2014, 38(6): 6-13. (EI收录20141617585999)
[119]. 张宁, 刘静琨. 影响特高压电网运行的因素及应对策略. 电力系统保护与控制, 2013, 41(1): 109-114.
[120]. 季震,陈启鑫,张宁,李晖,黄俊辉,康重庆. 含碳捕集电厂的低碳电源规划模型. 电网技术, 2013,37(10):2689-2696. (EI收录EI20140117165757)
[121]. 彭波, 陈旭, 徐乾耀, 张宁, 康重庆. 面向新能源消纳的电网规划方法初探.电网技术, 2013, 37(12): 3386-3391. (EI收录20140317203698)
[122]. 张宁, 康重庆, 周宇田, 陈治坪, 李丹, 陈之栩, 刘军.风电与常规电源联合外送的受端可信容量研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(10): 72-79. (EI收录: 20121915004248)
[123]. 张宁, 康重庆. 风电出力分析中的相依概率性序列运算. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 52(5): 704-709. (EI收录: 20122815240473)
[124]. 张宁, 康重庆. 相依概率性序列运算的数字特征. 清华大学学报(自然科学版) 2012, 52(11): 1559-1564. (EI收录: 20131416174419)
[125]. 樊扬, 林勇, 徐乾耀, 张宁, 陈新宇. 广东电网风电出力特性分析及其经济性评价. 南方电网技术, 2012, 6(1): 8-12.
[126]. 徐乾耀, 康重庆, 张宁, 樊扬, 朱浩骏. 海上风电出力特性及其消纳问题探讨. 电力系统自动化, 2011, 35(22): 54-59. (EI收录: 20115014603546)
[127]. 张宁, 康重庆, 陈治坪, 周宇田, 奚巍民, 黄俊辉, 张谦. 基于序列运算的风电可信容量计算方法. 中国电机工程学报, 2011, 31(25): 1-9. (EI收录: 20113914375430)
[128]. 张宁, 周天睿, 段长刚, 唐晓军, 黄建军, 卢湛, 康重庆. 大规模风电场接入对电力系统调峰的影响. 电网技术, 2010, 34(1): 152-158. (EI收录: 20101912917918)
[129]. 周天睿, 王旭, 张谦, 张宁, 黄俊辉, 王之伟, 康重庆. 大规模风电对江苏电网规划影响的实证分析. 中国电力, 2010, 43(2): 11-15.
[130]. 张谦, 朱雪凌, 黄俊辉, 张宁. 负荷持续曲线的解析化模型及其预测方法. 中国电力, 2009, 42(9): 49-53.
[131]. 张宁, 陈慧坤, 骆晓明, 李嘉龙, 夏清, 康重庆. 广东电网节能发电调度计划模型与算法. 电网技术, 2008, 32(24): 11-15.
[132]. Yaowang Li, Jingjie Xue, Jiayu Bian, Haiyang Jiang, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang. Cloud Energy Storage in Multi Energy Systems: Optimal Scheduling and Profit-sharing Approaches. IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting 2021. Virtual conference 2021.7.25-29
[133]. Hongyi Wei, Yuxiao Liu, Qingchun Hou, Mingxuan Li, Fei Teng, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang. Real-Time Distribution System Topology Monitoring with Limited Communication. International Conference on Applied Energy 2020. Bangkok. 2020.10.1-2
[134]. Giorgia Pulazza, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Carlo Alberto Nucci. Expansion Planning Model Coordinated with both Stationary and Transportable Storage Systems for Transmission Networks with High RES Penetration, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), Madrid, Spain, 2020, pp. 1-6.
[135]. Yanghao Yu, Ershun Du, Ning Zhang*, Siwei Liu, Zhidong Wang. Estimating the Flexibility Benefit of Concentrating Solar Plants in Electricity Markets. 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 20PESGM0797-XsnJQKQO4. Montreal, Canada, 2020.8.4.
[136]. Yanghao Yu, Qingchun Hou, Yi Ge, Guojing Liu, and Ning Zhang*. A Linear LMP Model for Both Active and Reactive Power with Power Loss. IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference (iSPEC). Beijing, China. 2019.
[137]. Alen Hrga, Mirna Grzanic, Ning Zhang*, Tomislav Capuder. Decentralized Platform for Investments and Operation of Energy Communities. IEEE Sustainable Power & Energy Conference (iSPEC). Beijing, China. 2019.
[138]. Hai Li, Yi Wang, Ning Zhang*, Genghe Zhang, Tian Xu. Aggregate model of massive distributed energy storage for power system operation. IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe 2019, Article number: 71. Bucharest, Romania, 2019.9.29.
[139]. Pei Yong, Liang Cheng, Huan Zhu, Lei Tang, Ning Zhang*, and Chongqing Kang. Investigating the Influence of Storage on Renewable Energy Capacity Credit. 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 19PESGM2304. Atlanta, GA, United States, 2019.8.4.
[140]. Wujing Huang, Yi Wang, Ning Zhang*, Chongqing Kang, Weimin Xi, Molin Huo. Fast Multi-Energy Systems Reliability Evaluation Using Multi-Parametric Linear Programming. 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 19PESGM1601. Atlanta, GA, United States, 2019.8.4.
[141]. Haiyang Jiang, Ershun Du, Miao Miao, Ning Zhang*. Stochastic Transmission Expansion Planning Considering the Transmission Overload Risk. 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 19PESGM2714. Atlanta, GA, United States, 2019.8.4.
[142]. Wujing Huang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang Tomislav Capuder, Ninoslav Holjevac, Igor Kuzle, Beijing subsidiary administrative center multi-energy systems: an optimal configuration planning, MedPower2018, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2018.
[143]. Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia. Bi-level expansion planning of multiple energy systems under carbon emission constraints. 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 18PESGM1278. Portland, OR, United States, 2018.8.5. (EI indexed)
[144]. Qingchun Hou, Ning Zhang, Jingwei Yang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Miao Miao. Linearized model for active and reactive LMP considering bus voltage constraints. 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 18PESGM1810. Portland, OR, United States, 2018.8.5. (EI indexed)
[145]. Zhenyu Zhuo, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, RuiBiao Dong, Yongxiao Liu. Optimal operation of hybrid AC/DC distribution network with high penetrated renewable energy. 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 18PESGM0955. Portland, OR, United States, 2018.8.5. (EI indexed)
[146]. Jiawei Zhang, Yi Wang, Mingyang Sun, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. Constructing Probabilistic Load Forecast From Multiple Point Forecasts: A Bootstrap Based Approach. IEEE PES ISGT Asia 2018, 22-25 May, 2018. Singapore (EI indexed)
[147]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Pierre Pinson. Modeling the transient security constraints of natural gas network in day-ahead power system scheduling. 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 17PESGM0967. Chicago, IL, United States, 2017.7.16. (EI indexed)
[148]. Yuxiao Liu, Ning Zhang, Chonqqing Kang, Qing Xia, Hongliang Wu, Zheng Chen. Impact of carbon market on china’s electricity market: an equilibrium analysis. 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 17PESGM0955. Chicago, IL, United States, 2017.7.16. (EI indexed)
[149]. Qi Zeng, Ning Zhang, Yi Wang, Yuxiao Liu, Chongqing Kang, Zhijian Zeng, Wei Yang, Min Luo. An Optimum regression approach for analyzing weather influence on the energy consumption. 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (2016 PMAPS), Beijing, China, 2016.10.16-20. (EI收录源)
[150]. Jiangnan Cheng, Ning Zhang, Yi Wang, Chongqing Kang, Evaluating the Spatial Correlations of Multi-Area Load Forecasting Errors 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (2016 PMAPS), Beijing, China, 2016.10.16-20. (EI收录源)
[151]. Jianqiang Miao, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. Generalized Steady-state Model for Energy Router with Applications in Power Flow Calculation. 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 16PESGM0765. Boston, MA, United States, 2016.7.17. (EI收录: 20165003116932)
[152]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Chonqqing Kang, Miao Miao, Xu Tian. Exploring the Flexibility of CSP for Wind Power Integration Using Interval Optimization. 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 16PESGM1253. Boston, MA, United States, 2016.7.17. (EI收录: 20165003116658)
[153]. Jingwei Yang, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, Miao Miao, Xu Tian. Assessing the Dispatch Flexibility of Coordinated Solar and Hydro Generation. 2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number: 16PESGM0907. Boston, MA, United States, 2016.7.17. (EI收录: 20165003117131)
[154]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. Comparison between Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods for Evaluating Grid-Accommodative Wind Power Capacity. Proceedings of the International Council on Large Electric Systems 2016 (CIGRE 2016), 2016.8.21-26.
[155]. Ershun Du, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Jianhui Bai and Lu Cheng, Yi Ding. Impact of wind power scenario reduction techniques on stochastic unit commitment. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Stochastic Models in Reliability Engineering, Life Science and Operations Management (SMRLO’16), 2016. 2.15-18, Be’er-Sheva, Israel. (EI收录,20161902347954)
[156]. Jingkun Liu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Jianhua Bai, Lu Cheng, Jian Tan, Zhenjian Xie, Junhui Huang. Geographical Impacts of Natural Disaster on Power System Reliability. 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Article number:15PESGM0906, Denver, CO, United States, 2015.7.26. (EI收录, 20160601898421)
[157]. Qianyao Xu, Ning Zhang, Jianhua Bai, Lu Cheng, Dawei He, Chongqing Kang and Shan Li. Day-ahead Tie-line Power Flow Scheduling Considering Wind Power Integration Based on the Renewable Portfolio Standard in China. International Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2015). Hong Kong, China, 2015.7.5.
[158]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qianyao Xu, Hui Li, Jinyu Xiao, Zhidong Wang, Rui Shi, Shuai Wang. Clustered wind farms planning considering the capacity credit using ordinal optimization technique. Wind energy Grid-Adaptive Technologies 2014, 2014:123-130
[159]. Qianyao Xu, Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Ruoyang Wang, Jiangran Wang, Zhengpai Cui, Zhigang Yang. Day-ahead battery scheduling in microgrid considering wind power uncertainty using ordinal optimization. 2014 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). Pullman, WA, US. (EI收录20145100345385)
[160]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Xu Qianyao, Evaluating the Spatial-Temporal Correlations of Clustered Wind Power, Proceedings of International Conference on Wind energy Grid-Adaptive Technologies 2012, Jeju, Korea, 2012. (EI收录20134416911467)
[161]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang. D. S. Kirschen, Weimin Xi, Junhui Huang, Qian Zhang. Thermal generation operating cost variations with wind power integration. 2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, USA, 2011. (EI收录: 20114914586309, ISTP收录: 12303624)
[162]. Ning Zhang, Luis F. Ochoa, Daniel S. Kirschen. Investigating the impact of demand side management on residential customers, Proceedings of IEEE/PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Manchester, UK, 2011. (EI收录: 20122015016286, ISTP收录: 12577848)
[163]. Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia. Monthly load forecasting model considering seasonal decomposition and calendar effects. The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Shenyang, China, 2009.
[1] Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Ershun Du, Yi Wang, Analytics and Optimization for Renewable Energy Integration, 380 pages, CRC Press, 2019. ISBN 978-1-138-31682-9
[2] 程浩忠,王智冬,张宁,吴耀武,陈皓勇. 高比例可再生能源并网的输电网规划理论与方法. 科学出版社. 2021/1. ISBN 978-7-03-066660-4.
[3] 张宁,杜尔顺,李晖,王智东,卓振宇,康重庆.强不确定环境下的电力系统优化规划.中国电力出版社. 2021/04. ISBN 978-7-51-985562-8.
[4] 张宁,康重庆,王毅,杜尔顺. 《能源互联网发展研究》 第12章 能源互联网与新能源消纳 清华大学出版社 2017.01
[5] 张宁,康重庆,杜尔顺,王毅. 《高比例可再生能源并网与电力转型 释放电力系统灵活性》第11章 风电容量可信度研究评价及其在电力系统规划与运行中的应用. 中国电力出版社. 2017.08
[1] Ning Zhang, Chongqing Kang, Qing Xia, DU Ershun. Fast model generating and solving method for security-constrained power system operation simulation. US Chinese Patent of Invention, US10289765B2, 2019/05/14
[2] Chongqing Kang, Yaohua Cheng, Ning Zhang, Qixin Chen, Qing Xia. System for measuring carbon emission in power system. US10203312B2, 2019/2/12
[3] Jian Zhang, Xin Tian, Xueliang Li, Ning Zhang, Jian Wu, Long Zhao, Yan Wang, Zhijie Zheng, Hong Mou, Yuan Wang, Xiaoming Liu, Jie Zhang, Xiaonan Gao, Jianing Zhang, Dong Liu, Ying Mou, Sanjie Jia, Bo Li, Yi Zhu, Xiaohai Gao, Xin Wei, Jia Wei. Method, apparatus, and medium for calculating capacities of Photovoltaic power stations. US Patent US 10203312B2, 2019/02/12.
[4] 雍培,张宁,王毅,康重庆,夏清. 基于多参数线性规划和线路状态字典集的电力系统风险评估加速方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810698644.0,授权日:2021/10/29.
[5] 侯庆春, 张宁,康重庆,王智冬,戚庆如,王佳明,刘斯伟. 一种基于时序运行模拟的电力电量平衡指标计算方法. 授权号: ZL 201711397659.5, 授权日:2021/12/03
[6] 董瑞彪,黄武靖,刘永笑,金阳,杨晟,张翔,闫志乾,任建铭,孙瑾,张宁,李国华,阴昌华,陈志彬,李晓霞,蒋红音,王萍,赵庆. 一种能源互联网运营商的商业模式计算方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810959052.X, 授权日:2021/5/11
[7] 张宁,刘静琨,杜尔顺,康重庆,夏清.一种可参与电网辅助服务的分布式云储能调度控制方法. 国家发明专利,202010324053.4,授权日:2021/6/4.
[8] 王毅, 李天一, 张宁, 康重庆. 一种电力负荷概率密度多种预测结果的集成方法. 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201811390580.4, 授权日期:2021/04/13.
[9] 王毅,张宁,康重庆,杜尔顺. 一种分位数概率性短期电力负荷预测集成方法. 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810600576.X, 授权日:2021/02/04
[10] 张宁,刘静琨,王毅,康重庆. 一种可参与电网辅助服务的集中式云储能运行决策方法,国家发明专利,授权号: ZL 201911191015.X. 授权日: 2020/10/20
[11] 张健,田鑫,李雪亮,张宁,吴健,赵龙,王艳,郑志杰,牟宏,汪湲,刘晓明,张杰,高晓楠,张家宁,刘冬,牟颖,贾善杰,李勃,朱毅,高效海,魏鑫,魏佳. 基于多辐照特性年气象场景的光伏发电接纳能力计算方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810919782.7, 授权日: 2019/11/29.
[12] 张子扬,张宁,杜尔顺,康重庆. 考虑同步旋转惯量水平的电力系统调度运行方法及系统及装置,国家发明专利,授权号ZL201910721094.4,授权日: 2020/9/11.
[13] 卓振宇,张宁,王毅,康重庆,夏清. 一种考虑海量运行场景的电力系统输电网线路规划方法,国家发明专利,授权号201910000559.7, 授权日: 2020/10/20
[14] 李海,张宁,范越,康重庆,肖明,王学斌,一种基于多类型发电资源同质化的电力系统调度方法,国家发明专利,授权号: ZL 201911179568.3,授权日:2020/12/01.
[15] 刘羽霄、张宁、王毅、杨经纬、康重庆. 一种基于数据驱动的电网潮流方程线性化求解方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810269439.2, 授权日:2019/9/27
[16] 刘羽霄、张宁、王毅、康重庆、卢丹. 一种对量测噪声鲁棒的数据驱动电网潮流方程线性化计算方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201810921668.8, 授权日:2019/11/22
[17] 刘羽霄,李明轩,王毅,张宁,康重庆,罗卓伟,贺大玮. 一种基于冗余量测的光伏电站系统状态估计方法. 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201811254523.3, 授权日: 2019/9/27
[18] 刘静琨, 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清. 一种基于电池寿命的共享式电池的容量计算方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201710131632.5, 授权日:2019/1/14
[19] 苗淼, 田旭, 白左霞, 马雪, 彭飞, 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 杨经纬. 一种新能源出力对电力系统网络潮流影响的分析方法, 国家发明专利, 公开号: ZL201610778272.3. 授权日:2018/11/03.
[20] 康重庆, 顾泽鹏, 张宁. 基于场景库的风电并网调峰平衡判定方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号:ZL201410520063.X, 授权日:2017/8/11
[21] 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 杜尔顺. 安全约束下电力系统运行模拟模型快速生成与求解方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL 201510611268.3, 授权: 2017. 09.
[22] 李晖, 张宁, 王智冬, 王帅, 史锐, 宁辽逸, 宋颖巍, 刘岩, 宋卓然. 一种基于可靠性函数的风电容量可信度的快速计算方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201410387911, 授权: 2017. 05.
[23] 刘开俊, 张宁, 刘静琨, 陈维江, 李晖, 李勇, 王智冬, 王帅. 一种基于典型故障集的电力系统暂态功角稳定性快速判别方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: 201310669444.X, 授权日: 2015.08.
[24] 徐乾耀, 康重庆, 张宁, 夏清. 基于风电运行模拟的多维度风电消纳能力判别方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201210154906.X, 授权日: 2014.01. 香港标准专利, 授权号: PIOE132118HK, 授权日: 2014.01.
[25] 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 吴迪,刘静琨, 辛建波, 万军彪, 熊宁, 李辉, 王智冬. 基于风险评估的电力系统薄弱环节辨识方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL 201310303983.1, 授权日: 2016.05.
[26] 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 刘静琨, 黄天恩, 吴迪, 辛建波, 万军彪, 胡京, 熊宁. 考虑灾害因素的电力系统短期风险判定方法, 国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL201310322797.2, 授权日: 2016.08.
[27] 胡京,万军彪,熊宁,康重庆,张宁,刘静琨. 一种电力系统风险评估共因故障采样方法,国家发明专利, 授权号: ZL 201310519636.2,授权日:2016.05
[28] 胡京,辛建波,万军彪,康重庆,张宁,刘静琨. 一种基于故障集匹配的电力系统风险评估加速采样方法,国家发明专利, 授权号:ZL 201310522382.X,授权日:2017.2.8
[1] 杜尔顺,张宁,王智冬,张健,刘斯伟,康重庆. 电力系统时序运行模拟软件,TH-DSED_V2.0软件著作权,.
[2] 张宁,王智冬,王虓,张健,刘斯伟,康重庆. 集群光伏电站出力时序模拟软件,TH-PVOS软件著作权, .
[3] 潘尔生, 郑华, 康重庆, 王智冬, 张宁. 电力系统运行模拟与潮流分析一体化软件, 软件著作权, 2018SR215328.
[4] 张宁,吴迪,杜尔顺,康重庆,黄俊辉,谢珍建、葛毅. 面向电网运营效率评估的电力规划决策与评估软件软件著作权, 2016SR329844.
[5] 康重庆, 张宁, 夏清, 徐乾耀, 杜尔顺, 季震. 电力系统时序运行模拟软件TH-DSED, 软件著作权, 2013SR053997.
[6] 康重庆, 张宁, 夏清, 陈新宇. 可再生能源容量可信度评估软件TH-RECC,软件著作权, 2013SR053940.
[7] 康重庆, 张宁, 夏清, 徐乾耀, 周天睿. 集群风电场出力时序模拟软件TH-WPOS, 软件著作权, 2013SR053943.
[8] 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 杜尔顺, 田庄. 输电网规划优化决策软件TH-TSEP, 软件著作权, 2013SR109181.
[9] 张宁, 康重庆, 夏清, 刘静琨, 吴迪, 黄天恩. 电力系统风险评估软件TH-PSRA, 软件著作权, 2013SR109333.
[10] 康重庆, 季震, 张宁, 陈启鑫, 夏清. 低碳电源规划优化决策软件TH-PSEP, 软件著作权, 2013SR109338.
[11] 王佳昕,夏天,张宁,杜尔顺,王鹏,王毅. 综合能源系统规划软件TH-MEOP, 软件著作权, 2021SR1691149.
[12] 雍培,张宁,李姚旺,杜尔顺,王鹏,康重庆. 云储能运行模拟软件TH-CSTO, 软件著作权, 2021SR1667762.
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IEEE PES能源发展与电力技术委员会 综合能源系统建模工作组主席
IEEE PES中国委员会 综合能源系统规划、运行与商业模式分委会秘书长
中国电力科学研究院期刊中心 青年专家团 成员 专家委员 (2016突出贡献个人)(2016~今)
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《IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》(2019年1月起)
《IEEE Power Engineering Letters》(2019年1月起)
《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clear Energy》(2019年1月起)
《Electric Power System Research》(2022年1月起)
《Sustainable Energy Grids and Networks》(2020年10月起)
《International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems》杂志编委(分别获2017、2018优秀编辑奖)(2017年1月~2020年12月)
《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems(JPES)》杂志 青年编辑(2018、2019优秀青年编辑,2020年突出贡献编委)(2016年11月起)
《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP) 》杂志编委(2018优秀青年编辑,2020优秀编委)(2016年7月起)
《Chinese Journal of Electrical Engineering》专刊“Operation and Control of Power Electronics Dominated Power Systems” 特约主编(2020年12月)
《International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems》专栏“Integration of Distributed Energy Resources via Transactive Energy; Towards Energy Internet” 特约主编(2020年12月)
《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management》专刊 “Data analytics for energy water, and Environment” 特约编辑(2019年3月)
《IEEE Transactions on Power Systems》 专刊 “Enabling very high penetration renewable energy integration in future power systems” 特约编辑(2017年1月)
《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》专刊“Special Section on Forecasting in Modern Power Systems”特约编辑(2017年1月)
《电力系统自动化》专刊“面向现代电力系统的数据驱动方法” 特约主编(2021年6月)
《电力自动化设备》专刊“区块链技术在能源系统中的应用” 特邀主编(2020年8月)
《全球能源互联网》专刊“电力系统低碳发展的目标、战略及技术选择” 特约主编(2020年6月)
《中国电机工程学报》专刊“能源互联网中的区块链技术研究与应用” 特约副主编(2017年2月)
3、 国际国内会议任职
2021 International Conference on Power System Technology (PowerCON). Panel Session Chair研讨会主席CSEE JPES Forum: Power Electronics Dominated Urban Energy Systems Toward Low Carbon Society. Haikou, China. 2021.12.06
中国电科院期刊中心能源创新青年论坛第五期:双碳目标下电力转型发展之路(技术篇) 召集人 2021年8月18日,线上会议
IEEE PES General Meeting 2020 (PESGM 2020). Panel Session Chair研讨会主席Low carbon multi-energy systems integration
2020 (“高比例可再生能源电力系统”中韩双边学术研讨会, WeGAT 2020),05 Nov, 2020,中国济南,分会场主席
中国电机工程学会能源创新青年论坛第一期:能源与信息的融合,召集人 电机工程学会 2020.7.19
IEEE PES General Meeting 2019 (PESGM 2019). Panel Session Chair研讨会主席Ultra-High Penetration of Renewable Energy Integration
Technical Committee & Session Chair: The 11th Mediterranean Conference on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion, (MEDPOWER 2018)
2018 US-China Green Energy Summit (2018UCGES) Roundtable Session Chair 圆桌讨论会主席. Green Transportation: New Energy vehicle & Demand Management
IEEE PES General Meeting 2017 (PESGM 2017). Panel Session Chair研讨会主席Accommodating intermittent renewable energy by multiple energy systems integration: forecasting, operations and planning
International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS 2016 ) 会议组委,分会场主席
IEEE PES General Meeting 2016 (PESGM 2016) Panel Session Chair研讨会主席. Offering, pricing and managing uncertainty and variability in power system operations with significant renewable energy integration
2016 THU-DTU Joint Seminar on Renewable Energy. 会议主席
IET Renewable Power Generation 2015 (IET RPG 2015) 分会场主席 PV systems technology
The 2nd China-Korea Joint Seminar on Wind Energy Grid-Adaptive Technology 2013 (“电网适应型风电技术”中韩双边学术研讨会, WeGAT 2013),16-18 Oct, 2013,中国北京,分会场主席/
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid (优秀审稿人2017)
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion
IEEE PES Letters
IET Renewable Power Generation
IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Applied Energy (优秀审稿人2015)
Electric Power Systems Research (优秀审稿人2013,2015)
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (JPES) (优秀审稿人2017)
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE) (优秀审稿人2016)
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (优秀编委2020)
中国电机工程学报 (突出贡献奖2017,突出贡献奖2018,突出贡献奖2019,突出贡献奖2020)
电力系统自动化 (优秀审稿人2016,杰出审稿专家2018,杰出审稿专家2019,优秀审稿专家2020)
电网技术 (优秀审稿人2016,突出贡献奖2017,优秀审稿人2018,优秀审稿人2019)
IEEE PES General Meeting 2015~2019