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2014年在清华大学黄播app 博士毕业,先后在清华大学(2014-2016)、美国国家标准和技术研究院NIST(2013、2015、2016)、国际计量局BIPM(2016-2019)、英国杜伦大学(2019-2021)从事精密电磁测量和量子技术研究。2021年,入选国家级人才青年项目,2022年7月于清华大学黄播app 任助理教授、特别研究员、博士生导师。

2014年,博士学位论文获选清华大学优秀博士学位论文;2016年,入选清华大学优秀博士后;2018年,获美国应用计算电磁协会青年科学家奖、晋升为IEEE高级会员;2018年起,成为IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 编委。2021年,成为中国仪器仪表学会电磁测量信息处理仪器分会委员、《电测与仪表》杂志编委;2023年起,担任中国电工技术学会电磁检测技术及装备分委会秘书长、全国专业标准化技术委员会SAC/TC104 副秘书长;2024年,加入中国计量测试学会电磁计量专委会。

研究方向包括电磁测量与计量、量子测量技术及交叉应用、大数据计量、高端电磁仪器仪表等。2022年,以项目负责人身份承担国家重点研发计划项目;近年来,主持、参与十余项国家纵向项目和电网公司横向科技项目。近年来,出版专著1部,在Metrologia、IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.等期刊发表学术论文50余篇。


2023春季学期起 主讲研究生课程《电磁测量选论》

2025春季学期起 主讲本科生课程《电磁场》






2024.12-2028.11 智能电网2030重大专项 新型电力系统功率及电能量值溯源技术 (2024ZD0803305,在研)

2024.01-2027.12 国家自然基金面上项目 桌面式功率天平误差制约机理及测量不确定度优化方法研究(52377011,在研)

2022.12-2025.11 国家自然基金优青项目 功率天平及其应用 (在研)

2022.11-2025.10 国家重点研发计划 电磁力配衡重量检测器(项目负责人,2022YFF0708600,在研)

2022.01-2025.12 国家重点研发计划 零链条溯源计量关键技术研究(2021YFF0603702,在研)

2020.03-2022.05 英国皇家工程院 Smart and robust electrical metering in urban energy systems (TSPC1051,已结题)

2016.01-2016.12 国家自然基金青年项目 功率天平准直误差软补偿关键技术研究(51507088,已结题)


2022.01-2024.12 国网总部科技项目 高比例新能源接入下宽动态多特征参量电能计量关键技术研究

2022.01-2023.12 国网总部科技项目 约瑟夫森结阵的量子态鲁棒性运行与电压量传关键技术-实施路径研究

2022.07-2024.06 国网总部科技项目 基于四分之一平方法与热电变换的宽频电能精密测量技术研究

2023.01-2025.12 国网总部科技项目 电力计量体系中电阻的轻量级量子化复现与溯源关键技术研究

2023.01-2024.12 南网科研院项目 基于量子技术的电力计量扁平化量值溯源体系关键技术研究

2023.09-2024.10 许继仪表项目 0.01级标准电能表电能计量算法研究

2023.11-2024.11 北京电网公司项目 电动汽车充放电设施计量性能远程评估方法研究

2024.04-2026.09 广东电网公司项目 量子电压装置小型化关键技术研发


A Compact Magnet System for the Tsinghua Tabletop Kibble Balance

Y Ma, N Li, W Liu, K Ma, W Zhao, S Huang, S Li*

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, early access. 

A Bi-polar Current Source with High Short-term Stability for Tsinghua Tabletop Kibble Balance

K Ma, X Liu, W Zhao, S Huang, S Li*

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 1504109

A Determination of the Local Gravitational Acceleration for the Tsinghua Tabletop Kibble Balance

W Liu, N Li, Y Ma, R Hu, S Wu, W Zhao, S Huang, S Li*

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 1006410

A Self-Healing Magnetic-Array-Type Current Sensor with Data-Driven Identification of Abnormal Magnetic Measurement Units

X Liu, K Ma, J Liu, W Zhao, L Peng, S Huang, S Li*

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 1008912

Advancing Quantum Metrology in China's Power Grids

S Li*

iEnergy 3 (3), 125-127

A high-precision defect quantification method using a unilateral oblique focusing guided wave EMAT and a theory-informed explainable progressive residual deep convolutional network

H Sun, J Tu, Q Feng, S Huang, L Peng, Q He, J Li, S Li

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 2524209

Recent update on the Tsinghua tabletop Kibble balance

S Li*, Y Ma, K Ma, W Liu, N Li, X Liu, L Peng, W Zhao, S Huang, X Yu

2024 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 1-2

Compressive Sensing Empirical Wavelet Transform for Precision Power Measurement Considering Interharmonics

J Liu, S Li*, W Zhao

2024 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 1-2


Rail web buried defect location and quantification methods in hybrid high-order guided wave detection

H Sun, Q Feng, J Li, F Zheng, L Peng, S Li, S Huang, Y Xibei

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 73, 9501912

Supraharmonics measurement based on colored noise suppressed matrix pencil method

K Li, W Zhao, S Li, S Huang

IEEE Access, 11, 94346-57

Performance analysis of matrix pencil method applied to high-resolution measurement of supraharmonics

K Li, W Zhao, S Li, S Huang

Energies 16 (17), 6136

Estimation of Wideband Multi-Component Phasors Considering Signal Damping

D Zhao, S Li, F Wang, W Zhao, S Huang

Sensors 23 (16), 7071

Design of the Tsinghua Tabletop Kibble Balance

S Li*, Y Ma, W Zhao, S Huang, X Yu

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72, 1005208

The development and performance of dual-core DC tolerant current transformer

K Xiong, C Yue, F Zhou, S Li, J Yu, S Liang

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 38 (3), 1521-1533

Quantification method of rail web buried defect using hybrid high-order guided waves

H Sun, S Huang, L Peng, S Li, F Zheng, Q Feng

2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …

An Optimization of Least-Square Harmonic Phasor Estimators in Presence of Multi-Interference and Harmonic Frequency Variance

D Zhao, F Wang, S Li*, W Zhao, L Chen, S Huang, S Wang, H Li

Energies 16 (8), 3397

A Supraharmonic measurement method based on matrix pencil with high-order mixed mean cumulant

K Li, W Zhao, S Li, S Huang

2023 5th Asia Energy and Electrical Engineering Symposium (AEEES), 1303-1309

Deep learning for magnetic flux leakage detection and evaluation of oil & gas pipelines: A review

S Huang, L Peng, H Sun, S Li

Energies 16 (3), 1372


A SVD-based Dynamic Harmonic Phasor Estimator with Improved Suppression of Out-of-Band Interference

D Zhao, S Li, F Wang, W Zhao, S Huang, Q Wang

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 38 (3), 1826-1836

Calculation of magnetic forces and torques on the Kibble coil

S Schlamminger, L Keck, F Seifert, LS Chao, D Haddad, S Li

Metrologia 59 (6), 065002

A pipe ultrasonic guided wave signal generation network suitable for data enhancement in deep learning: US-WGAN

L Peng, S Li, H Sun, S Huang

Energies 15 (18), 6695

Magnetic uncertainties for compact Kibble balances: An investigation

S Li*, S Schlamminger

IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1502409

A Dynamic Wideband Multi-Component Phasor Estimator Using Matrix Theory

D Zhao, F Wang, S Li, W Zhao, S Huang

2022 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and …

The irony of the magnet system for Kibble balances—a review

S Li*, S Schlamminger

Metrologia 59 (2), 022001

Early fault diagnostic system for rolling bearing faults in wind turbines

L Xu, Q Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, S Li

Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of …

Design of the Tsinghua open-hardware tabletop Kibble balance

S Li*, W Zhao, S Huang, X Yu

Proc. Conf. Precis. Electromagn. Meas.(CPEM), 1-2

2018年-现在 IEEE高级会员,IEEE测量与仪器分会会员

2018年-现在 美国应用电磁计算协会(ACES)会员

2018年-现在 《IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.》编委

2021年-现在 中国仪器仪表学会电磁测量信息处理仪器分会委员

2021年-现在 《电测与仪表》编委

2023年-现在 中国电工技术学会电磁检测技术及装备分委会秘书长

2023年-现在 《计量学报》青年编委

2023年-现在 全国专业标准化技术委员会SAC/TC104 副秘书长

2024年-现在 中国计量测试学会电磁计量专委会委员

2024年-现在 《iEnergy》青年编委