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清华大学教授,青海大学副校长,IEEE Fellow,中国电机工程学会/电工技术学会/自动化学会会士,基金委创新群体项目“大型风光发电调控”学术带头人,国家能源局储能示范工程首席科学家,中盐盐穴公司首席科学家,中国长江三峡新能源公司首席专家,黄河水电公司多能互补绿色储能实验室主任




[email protected]


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梅生伟,男,1964年9月生于新疆伊犁,河南新野人。 清华大学教授,青海大学副校长,IEEE Fellow,中国电机工程学会/电工技术学会/自动化学会会士,基金委创新群体项目“大型风光发电调控”学术带头人,国家能源局储能示范工程首席科学家,中盐盐穴公司首席科学家,中国长江三峡新能源公司首席专家,黄河水电公司多能互补绿色储能实验室主任。

长期从事电力系统控制以及大规模新能源安全输送、高效消纳和清洁存储研究,取得了系统性创新成果 。

提出电力系统非线性鲁棒控制理论,研制大型同步发电机非线性鲁棒励磁/调速工业控制器,显著提升电力系统安全运行水平。建立复杂电网自组织临界理论和分析方法,研发交直流系统连锁故障主动阻断平台,有力保障西电东送六大输电通道安全运行。创立工程博弈论新学科方向,提出多主体、多目标、不确定系统优化调控理论,基金委将工程博弈论列为学科新方向(F030416);研发新能源电力系统多时间尺度鲁棒一体化调控平台,强力支撑大规模新能源高效消纳。提出非补燃压缩空气储能技术路线,主持建成国家储能示范工程 “江苏金坛60MW/300MWh盐穴压缩空气储能电站”,实现我国在世界压缩空气储能行业技术研发和工程实践双引领 。

出版专著10部,教材2部,期刊论文512篇(SCI262篇),他引2.8万次;ESI高引论文7篇,F5000论文5篇。专利175项。荣获国家科技进步和自然科学二等奖各1项、首届高景德科技成就奖、何梁何利奖以及省部级一等奖11项 。






2018.07-2021.06,工信部/国家重点研发计划“考虑资源关联性的风电、光伏超短期功率预测技术” (2018YFB0904203)


























2015.03-2016.09,The Boeing Company,“A two-step Method for Recycling Composite Carbon Fiber Material using

Solar-thermal Energy”


1) 梅生伟,魏韡,刘锋,陈玥,方宇娟.工程博弈论及能源电力系统应用.清华大学出版社,2022,北京


3)梅生伟,刘锋,魏韡.工程博弈论基础及电力系统应用. 科学出版社,2016,北京

4) Shengwei Mei, Xuemin Zhang and Ming Cao, Power Grid Complexity, Springer-Tsinghua Press, 2011,北京.

5) 梅生伟,沈沉,张雪敏. 中国电气工程大典:电力系统工程. 第8卷,第12篇:电力系统控制理论与方法. 中国电力出版社,2010,北京.

6) 梅生伟,刘锋,薛安成.电力系统暂态分析中的半张量积方法.清华大学出版社, 2010,北京.

7) 梅生伟,申铁龙,刘康志.现代鲁棒控制理论及应用(第2版).清华大学出版社,2009,北京.

8) 卢强,梅生伟,孙元章.电力系统非线性控制(第2版).清华大学出版社,2008,北京.

9) 梅生伟,薛安成,张雪敏.电力系统自组织临界特性与大电网安全.清华大学出版社,2008,北京.

10) 梅生伟,申铁龙,刘康志.现代鲁棒控制理论及应用.清华大学出版社,2003,北京.

11) Qiang Lu, Yuanzhang Sun, Shengwei Mei.Nonlinear Control Systems and Power System Dynamics.Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, USA.


1) Zhang, Tong, Zhang, XueLin, He, YaLing, Xue, XiaoDai, Mei, ShengWei. Thermodynamic analysis of hybrid liquid air energy storage systems based on cascaded storage and effective utilization of compression heat. Applied Thermal Engineering[1359-4311]. 2020(164)

2) Chen, Yue, Mei, Shengwei, Wei, Wei, Liu, Feng, Zhou, Fengyu, Low, Steven H. An Energy Sharing Game with Generalized Demand Bidding: Model and Properties. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid[1949-3053]. 2020, (11-3), 2055-2066

3) Cao, Yang, Wei, Wei, Mei, Shengwei, Huang, Shaowei, Zhang, Xuemin, Wang, Cheng. Probabilistic estimation of wind power ramp events: Ayes';font-family:'Times New Roman';mso-fareast-font-family:宋体;

font-size:12.0000pt;mso-font-kerning:0.0000pt;" >

4) Yao, R, Sun, K, Liu, F, Mei, SW. Efficient Simulation of Temperature Evolution of Overhead Transmission Lines Based on Analytical Solution and NWP. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY[0885-8977]. 2018, Vol. 33, Issue 4, 1576-1588

5) Chen, YB, Ma, J, Zhang, P, Liu, F, Mei, SW. Robust State Estimator Based on Maximum Exponential Absolute Value. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID[1949-3053]. 2017, Vol. 8, Issue 4, 1537-1544

6) Wei, W, Liu, F, Mei, SW. Charging Strategies of EV Aggregator Under Renewable Generation and Congestion: A Normalized Nash Equilibrium Approach. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID[1949-3053]. 2016, Vol. 7, Issue 3, 1630-1641

7) Wei Wei; Feng Liu; Shengwei Mei; Yunhe Hou, "Robust Energy and Reserve Dispatch Under Variable Renewable Generation," Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on , vol.6, no.1, pp.369,380, Jan. 2015.

8) Junjian Qi, Kai Sun and Shengwei Mei, An Interaction Model for Simulation and Mitigation of Cascading Failures,IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, March 2015.

9) Wei, W; Liu, F; Mei, SW; Lu, E, Two-level unit commitment and reserve level adjustment considering large-scale wind power integration, INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, vol.24 (12): pp. 1726-1746, 2014.

10) Mei, SW; Zhang, D; Wang, YY; Liu, F; Wei, W, Robust Optimization of Static Reserve Planning With Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power: A Game Theoretic Approach, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, vol. 5 (2): pp. 535-545, 2014.

11) Xu, Y; Chen, Y; Chen, LJ; Mei, SW, Integrating an Improved Averaged Model for PWM Converters Into EMTP, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, vol. 29 (1): pp. 291-293, 2014.

12) Wei, W.; LIU, F.; Mei, S., Dispatchable Region of the Variable Wind Generation, Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol PP, no.99, pp. 1 - 11, 2014.

13) Wei, W.; LIU, F.; Mei, S., Offering Non-Dominated Strategies Under Uncertain Market Prices, Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1, 2014.

14) Wei, W.; LIU, F.; Mei, S., Nash Bargain and Complementarity Approach Based Environmental/Economic Dispatch, Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,2, 2014.

15) Wei, W.; LIU, F.; Mei, S., Energy Pricing and Dispatch for Smart Grid Retailers Under Demand Response and Market Price Uncertainty, Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1,1, 2014.

16) Bin Wang; Guangyu He; Kaicheng Liu; Hairong Lv; Wenjun Yin; Shengwei Mei, Guaranteed state estimation of power system via interval constraints propagation, IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.7 (2): pp. 138-44, 2013.

17) Qi, Junjian; Mei, Shengwei; Liu, Feng, Blackout Model Considering Slow Process, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.28 (3): pp. 3274-3282, 2013.

18) Qi, Junjian; Dobson, Ian; Mei, Shengwei, Towards estimating the statistics of simulated cascades of outages with branching processes, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, vol.28 (3): pp. 3410-3419, 2013.

19) Chen Yanbo, Liu Feng, Mei Shengwei, He Guangyu, Lu Qiang, Fu Yanlan. An improved recursive Bayesian approach for transformer tap position estimation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol.28 (3): pp.2830 - 2841, 2013.

20) Yang, S; Liu, F; Zhang, D; Mei, SW, Polynomial approximation of the small-signal stability region boundaries and its credible region in high-dimensional parameter space, INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS, vol.23 (6): pp. 784-801, 2013.

21) Mei Shengwei, Wang Yingying, Liu Feng, Zhang Xuemin. Game Approaches for Hybrid Power System Planning. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol.3 (3): pp.506 – 517, 2012.

22) Chen, Yanbo; Liu, Feng; He, Guangyu; Mei, Shengwei, A Seidel-type recursive Bayesian approach and its applications to power systems, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS vol.27 (3): pp. 1710-1711, 2012.

23) Liu, Feng; Sun, Jian; Si, Jennie; Wentao Guo, Shengwei Mei, A boundedness result for the direct heuristic dynamic programming, NEURAL NETWORKS, vol.32 (SI): pp. 229-235, 2012.

24) Shengwei Mei,Shengyu Wu,Xuemin Zhang,Gang Wang,Deming Xia. Power system blackout model with transient constraints and its criticality. European Transactions on Electrical Power, vol. 21(1): pp. 59-69, 2011.

25) Yali Dong, Shengwei Mei. State observers for a class of multi-output nonlinear dynamic systems. Nonlinear Analysis, vol. 74 (14): pp. 4738-4745, 2011.

26) Yali Dong, Shengwei Mei, Jinying Liu. Stability analysis and intermittent control synthesis of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2011.

27) Mei, S.; Wei, W.; Zheng, S.;Liu F. Development of an industrial non-linear robust power system stabiliser and its improved frequency-domain testing method, IET GENERATION TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION, vol. 5 (12): pp 1201-1210, 2011.

28) Dong, Yali, Mei, Shengwei, Global Asymptotic Stabilisation of Non-linear Systems. International Journal of Control, Vol 82(2): pp 279-286, 2009.

29) Sun, Yimin; Mei, Shengwei; Lu, Qiang, On global controllability of planar affine nonlinear systems with a singularity, SYSTEMS & CONTROL LETTERS, Vol 58 (2): pp 124-127, 2009.

30) Mei, Shengwei, He, Fei, Zhang, Xuemin, Wu, Shengyu, Wang, Gang. An Improved OPA Model and Blackout Risk Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol 24(2): pp 814-823, 2009.

31) Mei, Shengwei, Xie, Bangpeng, Che, Wenyan, Wang, Zhitao. Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control Strategy and Its Application to Northeast China 500 kV Power Grid. European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol 19(3): pp 355-367, 2009.

32) ShengWei, Mei; AnCheng, Xue; XueMin, Zhang, On power system blackout modeling and analysis based on self-organized criticality, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol 51: (2) : 209-219, 2008.

33) Mei, Shengwei; Ni, Yixin; Wang, Gang; et al, A Study of Self-Organized Criticality of Power System Under Cascading Failures Based on AC-OPF With Voltage Stability Margin, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, Vol 23 (4): pp 1719-1726, 2008.

34) Feng Liu, Mei Shengwei, Qiang Lu, et al., Recursive Design of Nonlinear Disturbance Attenuation Control for STATCOM, International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, Vo. 3, No. 2, pp262-269, June 2005.

35) Mei, S.; Shen, T.; Hu, W.; Lu, Q.; Sun, L.; Robust H∞ control of a Hamiltonian system with uncertainty and its application to a multi-machine power system, Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings-Volume 152, Issue 2, pp 202-210, 2005.

36) Shengwei Mei, Feng Liu, Ying Chen, Qiang Lu , Co-ordinated H control of excitation and governor of hydroturbo-generator sets: a Hamiltonian approach,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, v 14 , n 9-10, p 807-832, 2004.

37) Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Deming Xia, et al, Experimental Evaluation of Nonlinear Robust Control for SMES to Improve the Transient Stability of Power Systems, IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, Vol., 19, No. 4, p774-782, 2004.

38) Shen, Tielong; Mei, Shengwei; Lu, Qiang; Hu, Wei; Tamura, Katsutoshi, Adaptive nonlinear excitation control with L2 disturbance attenuation for power systems,Automatica, Vol 39: (1), p 81-89, 2003.

39) Mei, Shengwei; Guan, Tianqi; Lu, Qiang; Song, Yong Hua; Goto, Masuo, Nonlinear disturbance attenuation control of static phase shifter in sense of L2-gain, European Transactions on Electrical Power, v 13, n 2, p 113-118, 2003.

40) Liu, Feng; Mei, Shengwei; Lu, Qiang; Ni, Yixin; Wu, Felix F.; Yokoyama, Akihiko,The nonlinear internal control of STATCOM , International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System, v 25, n 6, p 421-430, 2003.

41) Qiang Lu, Shengwei Mei, Wei Hu, Felix F. Wu, Yixin Ni, Tielong Shen. Nonlinear Decentralized Disturbance Attenuation Excitation Control via New Recursive Design for Multi-machine Power Systems. IEEE Trans. Power System, Vol 16: (4), pp729-736, 2001.

42) Shengwei Mei, Juming Chen, Qiang Lu, Y. H. Song, Masuo Goto, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nonlinear Multi-target Controller for Thyristor-controlled series compensation. IEE Proceedings-Generation Transmission and Distribution, Vol 148 :( 6), pp. 557-561, 2001.

43) Lu Q, Mei S, Hu W, Song YH, Goto M, Konishi H. Decentralised nonlinear H-infinity excitation control based on regulation linearisation. IEE Proc. -Gener. Transm. and Distrib. 147: (4), pp.245-251, 2000.


1) Guo, Yan, Chen, Laijun, Lu, Xiaonan, Wang, Jianhui, Zheng, Tianwen, Mei, Shengwei. Region based stability analysis of active dampers in AC microgrids with multiple parallel interface inverters. IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition – APEC. 2019(2019-March),1098-1011

2) Chen, Zhen, Zhang, Hua, Han, Xiaoyan, Zhao, Juan, Mei, Shengwei. Feature Selection Method for Power System Transient Stability Status Prediction Considering Class Imbalanced Characteristic. 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. EI2 2018 – Proceedings, 2018

3) Cao, Yang, Wei, Wei, Mei, Shengwei . Decentralized operation of integrated heat-power energy systems: A market equilibrium based approach. 2017 IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. EI2 2017 – Proceedings, 2018 (2018-January), 1-5

4) Cao, Y, Wei, W, Mei, SW. Decentralized Operation of Integrated Heat-Power Energy Systems: A Market Equilibrium Based Approach. 2017 IEEE CONFERENCE ON ENERGY INTERNET AND ENERGY SYSTEM INTEGRATION (EI2). 2017

5) Chen, Tianyi, Chen, Laijun, Zheng, Tianwen, Mei, Shengwei, Chen, Xiping. General control strategy to limit peak currents of Virtual Synchronous Generator under voltage sags. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting[1944-9925]. 2016(2016)

6) Chen, Yanbo, Liu, Feng, Mei, Shengwei, Ma, Jin. Mixed integer linear programming formulation for robust state estimation. IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe. 2015(2015-January)

7) Wentao Guo, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei, Jennie Si, Dawei He, and Ronald Harley. Approximate Dynamic Programming Based Supplementary Frequency Control of Thermal Generators in Power Systems With Large-Scale Renewable Generation Integration. IEEE PES General Meeting. June 27-31, 2014, National Harbor, Maryland. pp. 1-5.

8) Wentao Guo, Jennie Si, Feng Liu, and Shengwei Mei. Policy Iteration Approximate Dynamic Programming Using Volterra Series Based Actor. IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. July 6-11, 2014, Beijing, China. pp. 249-255. (EI)

9) Wentao Guo, Feng Liu, Jennie Si, and Shengwei Mei. Online Adaptation of Controller Parameters Based on Approximate Dynamic Programming. IEEE/INNS International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. July 6-11, 2014, Beijing, China. pp. 256-262.

10) Wei Wei, Mei Shengwei, Liu Feng. Unit commitment with variable wind generation: A game theoretical approach. 3rd Great Lakes Symposium, Chicago, USA, 2013.

11) Wentao Guo, Feng Liu, Jennie Si, Shengwei Mei. Incorporating Approximate Dynamic Programming-Based Parameter Tuning into PD-type Virtual Inertia Control of DFIGs. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2013).

12) Chen Yanbo, Liu Feng, He Guangyu, Mei Shengwei, Fu Yanlan. Maximum Exponential Absolute Value Approach for Robust State Estimation. IEEE PES International Conference on Power Systems Technology, PowerCon 2012, Auckland, NZ, 2012.

13) Junjian Qi and Shengwei Mei, “Blackout model considering slow process and SOC analysis,” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Diego, July. 2012.

14) Junjian Qi, Guangyu He, Shengwei Mei, and Feng Liu, “Power system set membership state estimation,” IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, San Diego, July. 2012.

15) Shengwei Mei, Yingying Wang, Zhenquan Sun. Robust economic dispatch considering renewable generation. The first IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia Conference, Perth, Australia, Nov. 2011.

16) Jian Sun, Feng Liu, Jennie Si, Shengwei Mei. Direct Heuristic dynamic programming with augmented states. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, California, pp. 3112-3119, 2011.

17) Shengwei Mei, Yingying Wang, Zhenquan Sun. Robust economic dispatch considering renewable generation. The first IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia Conference, Perth, Australia, Nov. 2011.

18) Feng Liu,Wei Wei and Shengwei Mei. On the Expansion of Stability Region Estimation, IASTED Asian Conference on Power and Energy Systems,Phuket,Thailand,2010.

19) Jianquan ZHU, Feng LIU, Shengwei MEI. Branch Parameter Error Identification and Estimation in Power Systems. The First International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Signal Processing and Applications, Harbin, China, 2010.

20) Yujiao Sun, Feng Liu, Shengwei Mei. A Novel Stability Analysis Approach for a Nonlinear System based on Its Polynomial Approximation. 2010 IEEE PES General Meeting.

21) WU Shengyu, MEI Shengwei. Estimation of LISS Properties via a Quadratic Form LISS-Lyapunov Function.ICCAS-SICE,ICROS-SICE International Joint Conference ,August 18-21, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan.

22) Mei, Shengwei, Zheng, Shaoming, Wang, Peng. A novel zero dynamics design method and its application to hydraulic turbine governor. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS, May, 2009.

23) Yingyun, Sun, Dong, Liu, Guangyu, He, Shengwei, Mei. A power flow algorithm with three-order convergence rate. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC, pp1860-1863, 2009, Wuhan, China.

24) He, Rong, Liu, Kang-Zhi, Mei, Shengwei, LPV modelling and gain-scheduled control approach for the transient stabilization of power systems.The 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA,p.29-34, 2009,Xi’an,China.

25) Xue, AC; Mei, SW; Xie, BP, A comprehensive method to compute the controlling unstable equilibrium point, 2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Vols 1-6, : 1115-1120 2008. (ISTP)

26) Zheng, SM; Mei, SW; Wang, P , Experimental evaluation of NR-PSS for large synchronous generators, 2008 Third International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Vols 1-6, : 1169-1174 2008. (ISTP、 EI)

27) Hu, Wei; Xu, Fei; Hou, Kaiyuan; Mei, Shengwei, Dynamic hybrid automatic voltage control of the power system, Source: Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA'08, 2008, p 1858-1863(ISTP)

28) Hou, Yunhe; Mei, Shengwei; Zhou, Huafeng; Zhong, Jin, Blackout prevention: Managing complexity with technology, IEEE Power and Energy Society 2008 General Meeting: Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, PES, IEEE Power and Energy Society 2008 General Meeting: Conversion and Delivery of Electrical Energy in the 21st Century, PES, 2008, p 4596192. (EI)

29) Shengwei Mei, Laijun Chen, Wei Hu, Juming Chen,Passivity-based controller for n-phase APF,the 7th IFAC SYMPOSIUM ON NONLINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS.

30) Mei Shengwei, Che Wenyan, Xie Bangpeng,Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control Strategy for Power System Substations,The International Conference on Electrical Engineering 2007HK.

31) Xue, Ancheng; Hu, Wei; Mei, Shengwei; Ni, Yixin; Wu, Felix F.; Lu, Qiang;Comparison of the Linear Approximations for the Dynamic Security Region of Network-Reduction Power Systems, 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 18-22, 2006, Montreal, Canada.

32) Xue, Ancheng; Shen, Chen; Mei, Shengwei; Ni, Yixin; Wu, Felix F.; Lu, Qiang;A New Transient Stability Index of Power Systems Based on Theory of Stability Region and its application, 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 18-22, 2006, Montreal, Canada.

33) Chen, Juming; Liu, Feng; Mei, Shengwei;Passivity-Based H∞ Control for APF in Three-Phase Four-Wire Distribution Power Systems, 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, June 18-22, 2006, Montreal, Canada.

34) Wang Zhitao, Hu Wei, Mei Shengwei, Xia Deming. Hardware Framework of HAVC System Design, 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA 2006), Singapore, 24-26 May, 2006, pp. 1256-1260.

35) Feng Liu, Chen Shen, Juming Chen, Shengwei Mei, Daizhang Cheng. Feedforward-Feedback Current Tracking Control with Input Saturation for APF in 3-phase, 4-wire systems, 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA 2006), Singapore, 24-26 May, 2006, pp. 715-720.

36) Zhang Xuemin, Mei Shengwei,Lu Qiang. A New Algorithm for Transient Stability Emergency Control Based on Power Switching, 1st IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA 2006), Singapore, 24-26 May, 2006, pp. 408-413.

37) Yingyun Sun, Wei Hu, Mingjie Li, Xuemin Zhang, Shengwei Mei. Collapse Prevention Research for Sichuan Power System, The 7th International Conference on Advances in Power System Control, Operation and Management (APSCOM), 31 Oct-2 Nov, 2006, Hong Kong.

38) Wei Hu, Qiantu Ruan, Wei Wang, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu. Hybrid Power Control System and Its Application, The 5th International Conference on Power System Technology, 22-26 Oct, 2006 Chongqing, China.

39) Zhitao Wang, Guangyu He, Shengwei Mei. Study on Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control Strategy of Substation, The 5th International Conference on Power System Technology, 22-26 Oct, 2006 Chongqing, China.

40) Deming Xia, Shengwei Mei, Chen Shen, Ancheng Xue. Stability-Constrained Optimal Power Flow based on a Novel Transient Stability Margin, The 5th International Conference on Power System Technology, 22-26 Oct, 2006 Chongqing, China.

41) Yihong Wang, Chen Shen, Shengwei Mei, Ancheng Xue. Analysis of Transient Voltage Stability via Quadratic Approximation Method, The 5th International Conference on Power System Technology, 22-26 Oct, 2006 Chongqing, China.

42) Ancheng Xue, Felix Wu, Yixin Ni, Qiang Lu, Shengwei Mei, Power System Transient Stability Assessment Based on Quadratic Approximation of Stability Region, 2005 IEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia and Pacific , Dalian,China. (EI)

43) Mei Shengwei, Xue Ancheng, Weng Xiaofeng, He Fei, Modeling Collapse and Blackout of Power System via AC-Based Model, Proceedings on the 7th International Power Engineering Conference. Singapore, 2005.

44) Wei Hu, Shengwei Mei, Jun Hong, Jiaqing Liu, Qiang Lu, Chinese North-East Power Network’s Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control Research, IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004

45) W. Hu, S.W. Mei, Q. Lu Power System Hybrid Automatic Voltage Control,2004 world congress on intelligent control and automation

46) Zhang XM, Shen Chen. Mei shengwei, Lu Qiang,Studies on Nonlinear Optimal Control for Power Systems: A Constructive Method for Choosing Weighting Matrices,2004 International Conference on Power System Technology - POWERCON 2004 Singapore, 21-24 November 2004.

47) Gui Xiaoyang, Mei shengwei,Novel Nonlinear Robust Control Strategy Governor: Simulation and Experiment, 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2004) (EI)

48) Tielong Shen, Ying Chen, Yuan Zhou and Shengwei Mei, An Energy-Shaping Approach to The Design of Exciter-Governor Controller for Power Systems

49) Tielorig Shen; Shengwei Mei; Yuanzhang Sun; Ortega, R.;An energy-shaping approach to the design of exciter-governor controller for power systems The Fourth International Conference on Control and Automation, Page(s): 71 -71,June 10-12, 2003

50) Lin Sun, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, and Jin Ma. Application of GUPFC in China’s Sichuan Power Grid - Modeling, Control Strategy and Case Study. IEEE PES 2003 General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 2003, Volume: 1 , 13-17 Pages:175 - 181

51) Liu Feng, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu,SDM Hybrid Control Approach for Nonlinear Systems and Its Application to Power Systems. IEEE PES 2003 General Meeting, Toronto, Canada, July 2003.(EI, ISTP)

52) 卢强,胡伟,梅生伟,混成自动电压控制,第四届输配电国际会议,p6-10,2003.

53) 王文聪,梅生伟,刘锋,区域间联络线上的STATCOM的鲁棒控制器设计,第四届输配电国际会议,p968-974,2003.

54) 孙琳、梅生伟、庞晓艳、李明节,UPFC混成控制器设计及其对四川电网稳定性的改善,第四届输配电国际会议,p 1078-1083,2003.

55) 胡伟,梅生伟,沈沉,卢强,洪军,刘家庆,东北电网混成自动电压控制,第四届输配电国际会议,p 1215-1220,2003.

56) Qiang Lu; Shengwei Mei; Wei Hu, Nonlinear decentralized disturbance attenuation excitation control via new recursive design for multi-machine power systems, Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2002. IEEE, Page(s): 1494 vol.2 2002. (EI)

57) Wei Hu; Shengwei Mei; Qiang Lu Nonlinear adaptive decentralized stabilizing control for the governors of multimachine systems, Intelligent Control and Automation, 2002. Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on, Page(s): 1065 -1068 , 2002-7 . (EI)

58) Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, Robust Control of Hamilton System with Uncertainty and Its Application to Multimachine Power System, 15th triennial world congress on automation, Barcelona, Spain, July 21, 2002.

59) Ma Jin, Lu Qiang, Mei Shengwei, YH Song, Dynamic Security Management in an Open Power System, International Institute for Critical Infrastructures, Beijing China, September 23-27, 2002.

60) Xie Hua, Mei Shengwei, Liufneg, Lu Qiang, Design of a Multi-level Controller for FACTS Devices, International Institute for Critical Infrastructures, Beijing China, September 23-27, 2002.

61) Feng Liu, Yonghua Song, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, Optimal Load Frequency Control in Deregulated Power System, International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, pp 944-949; October 13-17, 2002.

62) Xie Hua, Mei Shengwei, Gui Xiaoyang, Liufneg, Lu Qiang, Multi-level Controller Design for UPFC, International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, pp 1938-1942; October 13-17, 2002.

63) Wang Zhitao, Mei Shengwei, Ye Jian, Pang Xiaoyan, Li Mingjie, Study on Passivity-Based Control of TCSC. International Conference on Power System Technology, Kunming, China, pp 1938-1942; October 13-17, 2002.

64) Xie Hua, Mei Shengwei, Lu Qiang; "Nonlinear Optimal Control for UPFC and its Effect on Transient Stability Improvement". July 22-26, pp. 556-558; 2001 ICEE Xi'an China.

65) Wei Hu, Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, Masuo Goto, Akihiko Yokoyama, Hiroo Konishi. Apply hybrid system into the emergency control of the power system. Proceedings of international conference on electrical engineering. Xi'an, China. pp828-833, 2001

66) Qiang Lu; Feng Liu; Shengwei Mei; Goto, M, Nonlinear Disturbance Attenuation Control for Statcom, Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, 2001. IEEE, Page(s): 1323 -1328 vol.3, 2001.

67) Liu Feng, Shengwei Mei, A Versatile FACTS Network Interface, 2001CIGRE Conference.

68) Wei Hu, Qiang Lu, Shengwei Mei, Guanghua Gao. Nonlinear Adaptive Decentralized Stabilizing Control of Multimachine Systems, 3rd world congress on intelligent control and automation. Hefei, China. pp. 32~36, 2000. (EI)

69) Shen Tielong, Mei Shengwei, Lu Qiang,et al, Robust Nonlinear Excitation Control with L2 Disturbance Attenuation for Power Systems, Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision & Control Phoenix, Arizona USA, December, 1999. (EI)

70) Shengwei Mei, Qiang Lu, Yuanzhuang Sun, Nonlinear H Excitation Control Based on Regulation Linearization, 14th Triennial World Congress, Beijing, P.R.China, pp.291-296.


1) 张至美,黄少伟,梅生伟,张雪敏,江叶峰. 基于合作博弈的电网支路脆弱性评估方法. 电力系统自动化[1000-1026]. 2020, Issue 06, 9-19

2) 孙偲,郑天文,陈来军,谢毓广,高博,梅生伟. 基于组合双向拍卖的共享储能机制研究. 电网技术[1000-3673]. 2020, Vol. 44, Issue 05, 1732-1739

3) 梅生伟,郭永庆,司杨,张学林,陈来军,薛小代. 太阳能热气流发电技术及其应用展望. 高电压技术[1003-6520]. 2019, Vol. 45, Issue 11, 3401-3412

4) 梅生伟,李瑞,陈来军,薛小代. 先进绝热压缩空气储能技术研究进展及展望. 中国电机工程学报[0258-8013]. 2018, Vol.38, Issue 10, 2893-2907

5) 郑天文,陈来军,刘炜,郭岩,梅生伟. 考虑源端动态特性的光伏虚拟同步机多模式运行控制. 中国电机工程学报[0258-8013]. 2017, Vol. 37, Issue 02, 454-464

6) 梅生伟,薛小代,陈来军. 压缩空气储能技术及其应用探讨. 南方电网技术[1674-0629], 2016, Issue 03, 11-15+31+3

7) 王召健,陈来军,刘锋,汪雨辰,梅生伟. 考虑可控负荷调节能力的多微电网分布式频率控制. 电力系统自动化[1000-1026], 2016, Issue 15, 47-52+66

8) MEI ShengWei, WANG JunJie, TIAN Fang, CHEN LaiJun, XUE XiaoDai, LU Qiang, ZHOU Yuan & ZHOU XiaoXin, Design and engineering implementation of non-supplementary fired compressed air energy storage system: TICC-500 , SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences,Vol.58 (4): 600–611, 2015.

9) 梅生伟, 龚媛, 刘锋. 三代电网演化模型及特性分析. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(7): 1003-1012.

10) 龚媛, 梅生伟, 张雪敏, 等. 考虑电力系统规划的OPA模型及SOC特性分析. 电网技术, 2014, 38(8): 2021-2028.

11) 卢强, 陈来军, 梅生伟. 博弈论在电力系统中典型应用及若干展望[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2014,(29): 5009-5017.

12) Mei ShengWei; Chen LaiJun, Recent advances on smart grid technology and renewable energy integration, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.56 (12): pp. 3040-3048, 2013.

13) 梅生伟, 郭文涛, 王莹莹, 刘锋, 魏韡. 一类电力系统鲁棒优化问题的博弈模型及应用实例. 中国电机工程学报, 2013, 33(19), 47-56.

14) 魏韡, 刘锋, 梅生伟. 电力系统鲁棒经济调度 (二) 应用实例. 电力系统自动化, 2013, 37(18): 60-67

15) 魏韡, 刘锋, 梅生伟. 电力系统鲁棒经济调度 (一) 理论基础. 电力系统自动化, 2013, 37(17): 37-43.

16) 魏韡, 梅生伟, 张雪敏. 先进控制理论在电力系统中的应用综述及展望. 电力系统保护与控制, 2013, 41(12): 143-153

17) 梅生伟,朱建全. 智能电网中的若干数学与控制科学问题及其展望[J]. 自动化学报,2013,02:119-131.

18) Mei ShengWei; Chen LaiJun, Research focuses and advance technologies of smart grid in recent years, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, vol. 57 (22): pp. 2879-2886, 2012.

19) Chen LaiJun; Chen Ying; Mei ShengWei, Real-time electromagnetic transient simulation algorithm for integrated power systems based on network level and component level parallelism, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, vol.55 (11): pp. 3232-3241, 2012.

20) 陈来军,梅生伟,陈颖. 智能电网信息安全及其对电力系统生存性的影响[J]. 控制理论与应用,2012,02:240-244.

21) 王莹莹,梅生伟,刘锋. 混合电力系统合作博弈规划的分配策略研究. 系统科学与数学, 2012 Vol. 32 (4): 418-428

22) 卢强,梅生伟. 现代电力系统控制评述——清华大学电力系统国家重点实验室相关科研工作缩影及展望[J]. 系统科学与数学,2012,10:1207-1225.

23) Xuemin Zhang, Shengwei Mei, Xinyi Su, Gang Wang, Wei Jia, Guanghui Shao, Xingwei Xu. Multi-level multi-area hybrid automatic voltage control system and its trial operation in Northeast China Grid. Science China Technological Sciences, vol.54 (9): pp. 2501-2505, 2011.

24) 梅生伟,王莹莹,刘锋. 风—光—储混合电力系统的博弈论规划模型与分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2011,20:13-19.

25) 梅生伟,王莹莹,陈来军. 从复杂网络视角评述智能电网信息安全研究现状及若干展望[J]. 高电压技术,2011,03:672-679.

26) 王义红,梅生伟. 基于半张量积方法与准稳态时域仿真的电力系统中长期电压稳定分析[J]. 电网技术,2011,06:39-44.

27) 王鹏, 梅生伟, 刘锋.,王冠群,王克非. 高压输电线路巡线机器人在线供电系统研制. 电工电能新技术, 2011, 30(4): 74-79.

28) 陈来军,梅生伟,许寅,任正某. 未来电网中的独立电力系统模式[J]. 电力科学与技术学报,2011,04:30-36.

29) Wu ShengYu; Mei ShengWei; Zhang XueMin, Estimation of LISS (local input-to-state stability) properties for nonlinear systems, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES,53(4):909-917 , 2010.

30) 王勇,梅生伟,何光宇. 变电站一次设备数字化特征和实现[J]. 电力系统自动化,2010,13:94-99.

31) 王莹莹,梅生伟,毛彦斌,刘锋. 基于复杂网络理论的含分布式发电的电力网络脆弱度评估[J]. 系统科学与数学,2010,06:859-868.

32) 卢明富,梅生伟. 小世界电网生长演化模型及其潮流特性分析[J]. 电工电能新技术,2010,01:25-29.

33) Mei Shengwei; Ma Jin, New research advancement in electrical engineering field of China, Reviews on special issue of Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, Vol 54(8): pp 1285-1286, 2009.

34) 莫逆,梅生伟,车文妍. 提高电力系统小干扰稳定性的全状态H_∞控制器[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2009,07:929-933.

35) 梅生伟,王莹莹. 输电网-配电网-微电网三级电网规划的若干基础问题[J]. 电力科学与技术学报,2009,04:3-11.

36) Ma Jin; Mei ShengWei, Hamiltonian realization of power system dynamic models and its applications, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol 51: (6), pp735-750, 2008.

37) Xue AnCheng; Mei ShengWei, A new transient stability margin based on dynamic security region and its applications, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol 51: (6), pp 751-760,2008.

38) 倪向萍,梅生伟. 基于复杂网络社团结构理论的同调等值算法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2008,07:10-14.

39) 倪向萍,梅生伟,张雪敏. 基于复杂网络理论的输电线路脆弱度评估方法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2008,04:1-5.

40) 梅生伟,何飞,张雪敏,夏德明. 一种改进的OPA模型及大停电风险评估[J]. 电力系统自动化,2008,13:1-5+57.

41) 梅生伟,倪向萍. 互联电力网络复杂性研究的若干新进展[J]. 长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版),2008,02:1-8.

42) Qiang, Lu; Mei ShengWei; Zheng ShaoMing, Field experiments of NR-PSS for large synchronous generators on a 300MW machine in Baishan Hydro Plant,Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences,Vol 50: (4) , pp516-520, 2007.

43) Mei, ShengWei ; Gui, XiaoYang ; Shen, Chen ; Dynamic extending nonlinear H (infinity) control and its application to hydraulic turbine governor, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES E-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Vol 50: (5) , pp618-635, 2007.

44) Sun, Yimin, Mei, Shengwei; Lu, Qiang,On global controllability of affine nonlinear systems with a triangular-like structure,Science in China, Series F: information Sciences, Vol 50: (6), pp 831-845, 2007.

45) Sun, Yimin; Mei, Shengwei; Lu, Qiang Necessary and sufficient condition for global controllability of a class of affine nonlinear systems, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Vol 20: (4): pp492-500, 2007.

46) 卢强,梅生伟,郑少明. 大型同步发电机组NR-PSS白山电厂300MW机组现场试验[J]. 中国科学(E辑:技术科学),2007,07:975-978.

47) 王刚,梅生伟,胡伟. 计及无功/电压特性的停电模型及自组织临界性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2007,01:9-13+69.

48) 王刚,梅生伟. 静态电压稳定域边界的切平面分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2007,11:6-11.

49) 夏德明,梅生伟,侯云鹤. 基于OTS的停电模型及其自组织临界性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2007,12:12-18+91.

50) 王义红,梅生伟. 基于稳定裕度指标的暂态电压稳定分析[J]. 电工电能新技术,2007,02:39-44.

51) 董亚丽,梅生伟. 一类非线性系统的自适应观测器(英文)[J]. 自动化学报,2007,10:1081-1084.

52) 何飞,梅生伟,薛安成,翁晓峰,倪以信,吴复立. 基于直流潮流的电力系统停电分布及自组织临界性分析[J]. 电网技术,2006,14:7-12.

53) 张雪敏,梅生伟,卢强. 基于功率切换的紧急控制算法研究[J]. 电网技术,2006,13:26-31.

54) 王智涛,梅生伟,胡伟. 变电站混成自动电压控制策略研究[J]. 电工电能新技术,2006,03:5-8+58.

55) 梅生伟,翁晓峰,薛安成,何飞. 基于最优潮流的停电模型及自组织临界性分析[J]. 电力系统自动化,2006,13:1-5+32.

56) 桂小阳,梅生伟,刘锋,卢强. 水轮机调速系统的非线性自适应控制[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2006,08:66-71.

57) 桂小阳,梅生伟,卢强. 多机系统水轮机调速器鲁棒非线性协调控制[J]. 电力系统自动化,2006,03:29-33+88.

58) 夏德明,梅生伟,沈沉,薛安成. 基于暂态稳定裕度指标的最优潮流求解[J]. 电力系统自动化,2006,24:5-10.

59) Shengwei Mei, Yadana, Xiao-feng Weng,An-cheng Xue, Blackout Model Based on OPF and its Self-organized Criticality, pp 1673-1678, 第二十五届中国控制会议论文集,2006-8,哈尔滨。

60) 薛安成,梅生伟,卢强,吴复立. 基于网络约化模型的电力系统动态安全域近似[J]. 电力系统自动化,2005,13:18-23+44.

61) 薛安成,梅生伟,倪以信,吴复立,卢强. 基于稳定域边界二次近似的故障临界切除时间估计[J]. 电力系统自动化,2005,19:19-24.

62) 叶俭,梅生伟,薛安成. 基于稳定域边界二阶逼近的暂态电压稳定分析[J]. 现代电力,2005,04:1-6.

63) 胡伟,梅生伟,卢强,洪军,刘家庆. 东北电网混杂自动电压控制的研究[J]. 电力系统自动化,2004,01:69-73.

64) 刘锋,梅生伟,夏德明,马永健,蒋晓华,卢强. 基于超导储能的暂态稳定控制器设计[J]. 电力系统自动化,2004,01:24-29.

65) 王文聪,梅生伟,刘锋. 区域间联络线上的STATCOM的鲁棒控制器设计[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2004,04:433-437.

66) 王进良,梅生伟,卢强,F.F Wu,Kok-lay Teo. 电力系统安全稳定域的可视化及分支计算[J]. 吉林大学学报(信息科学版),2004,04:327-331.

67) 王智涛,梅生伟,叶俭,庞晓艳,李明节,何源森. 基于无源控制方法的TCSC控制器及其仿真研究[J]. 电力系统自动化,2003,01:11-15.

68) 申铁龙,梅生伟,王宏,陈增强. 鲁棒控制基准设计问题:倒立摆控制[J]. 控制理论与应用,2003,06:974-975.

69) 申铁龙,梅生伟,王宏,陈增强. 基准设计问题的补充说明:实验条件[J]. 控制理论与应用,2003,06:976.

70) 关天祺,梅生伟,徐政. 分散励磁与超导储能装置的干扰抑制控制[J]. 电力系统自动化,2002,01:1-6.

71) 关天祺,梅生伟. 静止移相器的非线性L_2增益干扰抑制控制[J]. 电力系统自动化,2001,01:15-18.

72) 慕春棣,梅生伟,申铁龙. 非线性系统鲁棒控制理论的一些新进展[J]. 控制理论与应用,2001,01:1-6.

73) 谢桦,梅生伟,徐政,卢强,横山明彦. 统一潮流控制器的非线性控制和对电力系统稳定性的改善[J]. 电力系统自动化,2001,19:1-5.

74) 关天祺,梅生伟,卢强,蒋晓华. 超导储能装置的非线性鲁棒控制器设计[J]. 电力系统自动化,2001,17:1-6.

75) 陈菊明,梅生伟,卢强,刘锋. 多机系统中TCSC设备与发电机励磁的分散协调控制[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版),2001,Z1:136-141.

76) 王智涛,梅生伟. 基于无源系统理论的励磁系统非线性最优控制[J]. 电力系统自动化,2000,22:5-8.

77) 刘锋,梅生伟,卢强. ASVG的非线性L_2增益干扰抑制控制器[J]. 电力系统自动化,2000,20:11-15+63.

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79) Lu Qiang, Mei Shengwei, Shen Tielong, Hu Wei, Recursive Design of Nonlinear Excitation Controller, Science in China (series E), Vol 43: (1), pp.23-31, 2000

80) Lu Qiang, Mei Shengwei. Vital basic research on modern power systems geared to 21st century. Progress in Nature Science. Vol 10: (8) , pp585-593, Aug. 2000。

81) 卢强,梅生伟. 现代电力系统灾变防治和经济运行若干重大基础研究[J]. 中国电力,1999,10:27-30.

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84) Shengwei Mei, Xiong Li, Qiang Lu, Yuanzhang Sun, Analysis of Passivity and Disturbance Attenuationfor a Class of Power Systems[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 1999, 04:1692-1694.

85) Lu Xianqing, Mei Shengwei, Li Minshan, Exact Solution in 1+1 Dimensions of the General Two-Velocity Discrete Illner Model,Applied Mathematical and Mechanics, Vol 19: (12) , pp.1197-1203, 1998.

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