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[email protected]


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1996年上海交通大学电力工程系本科毕业,2001年清华大学黄播app 博士毕业后留校任教,2018年聘为教授(2012年博导);国家杰出青年科学基金获得者(2019年),IET Fellow,IEEE Senior Member;2013年美国加州大学洛杉矶分校访问学者;主要从事电力系统动态分析与控制、次同步谐振/振荡、柔性输配电系统、广域监测与控制等领域的教学与研究工作;先后负责国家自然科学基金5项、国家重点研发计划课题1项、863子课题1项以及多项横向课题,曾获国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级/行业一等奖5项,共发表学术论文200多篇,包括国际著名刊物论文50多篇,合作出版编著3本。


2018.06~ 今 清华大学黄播app ,教授

2013.02~2013.08 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,访问学者

2005.12~2018.05 清华大学黄播app ,副教授

2001.04~2005.11 清华大学黄播app ,讲师

1996.09~2001.01 清华大学黄播app ,获工学博士学位

1992.09~1996.07 上海交通大学电力系,获双学士(电力系统自动化、计算机)学位



2020年 中达学者

2019年 国家杰出青年科学基金获得者

2018年 中国产学研合作创新成果奖一等奖

2018年 中国电工技术学会科学技术奖一等奖

2017年 中国石油工程建设协会科技进步奖一等奖

2016年 国家科学技术进步奖二等奖

2016年 北京市科学技术奖三等奖

2016年 教育部技术发明奖一等奖

2013年 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者

2009年 中国电力科学技术奖一等奖

2009年 内蒙古自治区科学技术进步奖一等奖

2008年 北京市科学技术奖三等奖

2001年 中国电力科学技术奖一等奖












毕业博士1人: 刘华坤(2018)




在读博士生4人:刘威,占颖,满九方,Jan Shair



















































合作出版编著3 部,发表论文200 余篇,其中SCI 收录40 余篇,EI 收录100 余篇。


1.谢小荣,韩英铎,郭锡玖. 电力系统次同步谐振的分析与控制. 科学出版社, 2015.6

2.谢小荣, 姜齐荣. 柔性交流输电系统的原理与应用(第2版), 清华大学出版社, 2014.8

3.姜齐荣,谢小荣,陈建业. 电力系统并联补偿—结构、原理、控制与应用,机械工业出版社,2004.8

2、Book Chapter

1.Simulated Annealing - Advances, Applications and Hybridizations (ISBN 978-953-51-0710-1), Chapter 12: Genetic algorithm and simulated annealing: a combined intelligent optimization method and its application on subsynchronous damping control in electrical power transmission systems. Edited by Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki. Intech, Croatia,2012.8: 245-270


1.Liang Wang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Investigation of SSR in Practical DFIG-Based Wind Farms Connected to a Series-Compensated Power System. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 30 n 5 p 2772-2779, July, 2015

2.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Quantitative SSR analysis of series-compensated DFIG-based wind farms using aggregated RLC circuit model. IEEE Trans. Power Systems,v 32 n 1 p 474-483, Jan, 2017

3.Wenbo Shi, Xiaorong Xie, Chu C, Gadh R. Distributed optimal energy management in microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, v 6 n 3 p 1137-1146, May, 2015

4.Xiaorong Xie, Liang Wang, et al. Development and Field Experiments of a Generator Terminal Subsynchronous Damper. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, v 29 n 4 p 1693-1701, April, 2014

5.Xiaorong Xie, Huakun Liu, et al. A two-level SSR protection system and its application at the Shangdu Power Plant. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, v 64 p 1229–1236, January, 2015

6.Xiaorong Xie, Yipeng Dong, et al. Identifying torsional modal parameters of large turbine generators based on the supplementary-excitation-signal-injection test. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, v 56 p 1-8, March, 2014

7.Liang Wang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Mitigation of Multimodal Subsynchronous Resonance via Controlled Injection of Super- and Sub-Synchronous Currents. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 29 n 3 p 1335-1344, May, 2014

8.Wenbo Shi, Na Li, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Optimal Residential Demand Response in Distribution Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, v 32 n 7 p 1441-1450, July, 2014

9.Xiaorong Xie, Huakun Liu, et al. SEDC's Ability to Stabilize SSR: A Case Study on a Practical Series-Compensated Power System. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 29 n 6 p 3092- 3101, November, 2014

10.Xiaorong Xie, Ping Liu, et al. Applying Improved Blocking Filters to the SSR Problem of the Tuoketuo Power System. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 28 n 1 p 227-235, February, 2013

11.Xiaorong Xie, Yuanqu Zhang, et al. Damping multimodal subsynchronous resonance using a generator terminal subsynchronous damping controller. Electric Power System Research, v 99 p 1-8, June, 2013

12.Xiaorong Xie, Yipeng Dong, et al. Online estimation of turbine–generator shaft fatigue loss-of-life caused by subsynchronous resonance. Electric Power System Research, v 92 p 171-179, November, 2012

13.Xiaorong Xie, Qirong Jiang, et al. Damping multimodal subsynchronous resonance using a static var compensator controller optimized by genetic algorithm and simulated annealing. European Transactions on Electrical Power, v 22 n 8 p 1191-1204, 2012

14.Xiaorong Xie, Xijiu Guo, et al. Mitigation of Multimodal SSR Using SEDC in the Shangdu Series-Compensated Power System. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, v 26 n 1 p 384-391, February, 2011

15.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Subsynchronous Interaction between direct-drive PMSG based wind farms and weak AC networks. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 32 n 6 p 4708-4720, Nov, 2017

16.Yipeng Dong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. An emergency-demand-response based under speed load shedding scheme to improve short-term voltage stability. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 32 n 5 p 3726-3735, Sep, 2017

17.Xiaorong Xie, Liang Wang, et al. Combined application of SEDC and GTSDC for SSR mitigation and its field tests. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 31 n 1 p 776-769, 2016

18.Xiaorong Xie, et al. Chuanyu Zhang, et al. Continuous-mass-model-based mechanical and electrical co-simulation of SSR and its application to a practical shaft failure event. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 31 n 6 p 5172-5180, 2016

19.Yipeng Dong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. An integrated high side var-voltage control strategy to improve short-term voltage stability of receiving-end Power Systems, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 31 n 3 p 2105-2115, 2016

20.Dewu Shu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. A multirate EMT co-simulation of large AC and MMC-based MTDC systems. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 33 n 2 p 1252-1263, 2018

21.Wuhui Chen, Danhui Wang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Identification of modeling boundaries for SSR studies in series compensated power networks. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 32 n 6 p 4851-4860, 2017

22.Wuhui Chen, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Probabilistic stability analysis of subsynchronous resonance for series-compensated DFIG-based wind farms. IEEE Trans. Sustainable Energy, v 9 n 1 p 400-409, 2018

23.Xiaorong Xie, Xu Zhang, et al. Characteristic analysis of subsynchronous resonance in practical wind farms connected to series-compensated transmissions. IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, v 32 n 3 p 1117-1126., 2017

24.Dewu Shu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. A novel interfacing technique for distributed hybrid simulations combining EMT and transient stability models. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, v 33 n 1 p 130-140, 2018

25.Dawei Sun, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Investigation of SSTI between practical MMC-based VSC-HVDC and adjacent turbogenerators through modal signal injection test. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, v 32 n 6 p 2432-2441, 2017

26.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Mitigation of SSR by embedding subsynchronous notch filters into DFIG converter controllers. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, v 11 n 11 p 2888-2896, 2017

27.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Optimal design of linear subsynchronous damping controllers for stabilising torsional interactions under all possible operating conditions. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, v 9 n 13 p 1652–1661, 2015

28.Liang Wang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Centralised solution for subsynchronous control interaction of doubly fed induction generators using voltage-sourced converter. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, v 9 n 16 p 2751-2759, 2015

29.Dewu Shu, Xiaorong Xie, et al.Hybrid method for numerical oscillation suppression based on rational-fraction approximations to exponential functions. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, v 10 n 11 p 2825 – 2832, 2016

30.Yipeng Dong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Local-area STVS control system. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, v 10 n 15 p 3901-3909, 2016

31.Xiaorong Xie, Yonghong Guo, et al. Improving AGC performance of coal-fueled thermal generators using multi-MW scale BESS: a practical application. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, v 9 n 3 p 1769-1777, 2018

32.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Stability analysis of SSR in multiple wind farms connected to series-compensated systems using impedance network model. IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, v 33 n 3 p 3118-3128, 2018

33.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. An oscillatory stability criterion based on the unified dq-frame impedance network model for power systems with high-penetration renewables. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v 33 n 3 p 3472-3485, 2018

34.Dewu Shu, Venkata Dinavahi, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Shifted frequency modeling of hybrid modular multilevel converters for simulation of MTDC grid. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, v 33 n 3 p 1288-1298., 2018

35.Dewu Shu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Sub- and super-synchronous interactions between STATCOMs and weak AC/DC transmissions with series compensations. IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, v 33 n 9 p 7424– 7437, 2018

36.Yipeng Dong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Demand-response based distributed preventive control to improve short-term voltage stability. IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, v 9 n 5 p 4785 - 4795 ,Sep.2018

37.Dewu Shu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Dynamic phasor based interface model for EMT and transient stability hybrid simulations. IEEE Trans. Power Systems, v33 n 4 p 3930 - 3939 ,July 2018

38.Xiaorong Xie, Wei Liu, et al. A System-wide Protection against Unstable SSCI in Series-Compensated Wind Power Systems. IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, to be published

39.Dawei Sun, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Integrated generation-transmission expansion planning for offshore oilfield power systems based on genetic Tabu hybrid algorithm. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, v 5 n 1 p 117-125 , 2017

40.Xiaorong Xie, Huakun Liu, et al. Coordinated design of supplementary excitation damping controller and voltage-sourced converter based generator terminal subsynchronous damping controller for subsynchronous resonance suppression: a case Study. Electric Power Components and Systems, v 44 n 5 p 565-577, 2016


1.Xu Zhang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Mitigation of Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction in Wind Power systems with GA-SA tuned Damping Controller. IFAC 2017 World Congress, Toulouse, FRANCE, 2017: 8740-8745.

2.Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Damping DFIG-associated SSR by adding subsynchronous suppression filters to DFIG converter controllers. IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), Boston, MA, USA,2016:1-5

3.Xiaorong Xie, Huakun Liu, et al. Measurement of Sub- and Supersynchronous Phasors in Power Systems with High Penetration of Renewables. IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2016: 6-9: 1-5

4.Xiaorong Xie, Liang Wang, et al. A mechanism study of SSR for multiple DFIG wind generators connected to a series-compensated power system. 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2014: 2769-2774

5.Baorong Zhou, Yipeng Dong, Chao Hong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. An integrated high side var/voltage control for improvement of transient voltage stability. 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2014: 415-420

6.Xiaoliang Dong, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Coordinated Parameters Design of SEDC and GTSDC for SSR Mitigation. 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, National Harbor, MD, 2014: 1-5

7.Xiaoliang Dong, Xiaorong Xie. Influence of DFIG controller parameter on SSR under all operation areas. 2014 International Conference on Power System Technology (POWERCON), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 2014: 2618-2622.

8.Wenbo Shi, Xiaorong Xie, et al. A distributed optimal energy management strategy for microgrids. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, 2014: 200-205

9.Lei Zhang, Yipeng Dong, Zhigang Chen, Xiaorong Xie, Hao Sun, Zhiwen Liu. An Integrated Control Strategy of Battery Energy Storage System in Microgrid. 2013 2nd IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, Beijing, China, 2013: 1-4

10.Jiaqi Zhang, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Modeling and analysis of independent offshore platforms micro-grid. 2011 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Weihai, Shangdong, China, 2011: 1479 – 1484.

11.Xiaorong Xie, Xiaojin Zhang, et al. Nonlinearity of Torsional Damping and its Effect on SSR Characteristics of Turbine Generators, CIGRE Colloquium on New Development of Rotating Electrical Machines. International Council on Large Electric Systems, Beijing, China, 2011: 163-170.

12.Peng Song, Xiaorong Xie, et al. Sensitive Analysis on Electrical Parameters of Generators to Sub-synchronous Resonance. CIGRE Colloquium on New Development of Rotating Electrical Machines. International Council on Large Electric Systems, Beijing, China, 2011: 171-177.

13.Dong Xiaoliang, Li Guoqing, Xie Xiaorong. Online Evaluation Method of Power System Stabilizer based on Wide Area Measurement System. 2011 International Conference on Advanced Power Automation and Protection, Beijing, China, 2011: 1543-1547.

14.Daobiao Zou, Xiaorong Xie, et al. A STATCOM-Control Strategy in support of Direct On Line Starting of large Induction Motor in offshore Oilfield Power Systems. 2012 IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - ECCE Asia, IPEMC 2012, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, 2012: 2704 – 2709

15.Xiaorong Xie, Yipeng Dong, et al. The Improved SSR Electromagnetic Simulation Model and its Comparison with Field Measurements. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications, Rome, Italy, 2012: 419-424


1.谢小荣, 王路平, 贺静波, 刘华坤, 王超, 占颖. 电力系统次同步谐振/振荡的形态分析. 电网技术, 2017, 41(4): 1043-1049.

2.刘华坤, 谢小荣, 何国庆, 刘纯. 新能源发电并网系统的同步参考坐标系阻抗模型及其稳定性判别方法.中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(14): 4002-4007.

3.姜齐荣, 王亮, 谢小荣. 电力电子化电力系统的振荡问题及其抑制措施研究. 高电压技术, 2017, 43(4): 1057-1066.

4.谢小荣,刘华坤,贺静波,张传宇,乔元. 直驱风机风电场与交流电网相互作用引发次同步振荡的机理与特性分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报,2016,36(9):2366-2372.

5.谢小荣,王银,刘华坤,贺静波,徐振宇. 电力系统次同步和超同步谐波相量的检测方法[J]. 电力系统自动化,2016,40(21):189-194.

6.董晓亮,谢小荣, 田旭. 双馈风机定子侧变流器附加阻尼抑制次同步振荡方法研究[J]. 高电压技术,2016,42(9): 2785-2791.

7.董晓亮,谢小荣,杨煜,韩英铎. 双馈风机串补输电系统次同步谐振影响因素及稳定区域分析[J]. 电网技术,2015,39(1):189-193.

8.谢小荣,郭锡玖,吴景龙,赵永林,刘全,康君,董晓亮. 基于电力电子变流器的机端次同步阻尼控制器研究与测试. 中国电机工程学报, 2014, 34(4): 666-671

9.王建丰,谢小荣,孙英云,魏 澈,肖 笋,董宜鹏. 海上油田群电网的综合潮流优化控制. 电力系统自动化, 2014, 38(12): 125-130

10.董晓亮,谢小荣,刘辉,李雨,韩英铎. 双馈风力发电机串补输电系统全运行区域的次同步特性分析.电网技术, 2014, 38(9): 2429-2433

11.王亮,谢小荣,姜齐荣,刘辉,董晓亮,李雨. 大规模双馈风电场次同步谐振的分析与抑制. 电力系统自动化, 2014,38(22): 26-31

12.谢小荣,董宜鹏,刘平,白恺,刘辉,王征,高洵. 兼顾抑制机电扭振互作用和异步自励磁的阻塞滤波器改进设计与现场试验. 电网技术, 2013, 37(3): 835-839

13.董宜鹏,谢小荣,孙浩,陈志刚,刘志文. 微网电池储能系统通用综合控制策略. 电网技术, 2013, 37(12): 3310-3316

14.高洵,谢小荣,吴涛,郭锡玖,王征. 大扰动下次同步谐振仿真分析的仿真模型改进及应用. 电网技术, 2012, 36(1): 96-101

15.谢小荣,刘平,张仁伟,白恺,王征,高洵, 王辉. 托克托电厂阻塞滤波器引发机组异步自励磁的分析. 电网技术, 2012, 36(4): 79-83

16.董晓亮,谢小荣,李国庆,张远取. 采用SEDC和GTSDC抑制SSR的控制参数优化设计, 电力系统保护与控制, 2012, 40(20): 83-88


1.谢小荣, 张新强, 陈远华, 卢章辉. 三电平选定消谐脉宽调制脉冲的发生方法. 国家发明专利,ZL021211116, 2004/7/28

2.谢小荣, 童陆园, 韩英铎. 一种同步发电机空载电势相量的纯电气测量方法. 国家发明专利,ZL021309558, 2005/1/19

3.谢小荣, 李建, 吴京涛, 张涛.一种补偿循环傅立叶变换误差的同步相量测量方法. 国家发明专利,ZL031459528, 2005/6/22

4.谢小荣, 李建, 吴京涛, 张涛. 利用北斗卫星导航系统与全球定位系统互备授时的方法及装置. 国家发明专利,ZL2004100096852, 2008/6/18

5.李国宝, 郭锡玖, 张涛, 李英伟, 谢小荣, 李元盛, 焦邵华, 常富杰. 汽轮发电机组轴系扭振保护装置. 国家发明专利,ZL2008100570404, 2009/10/21

6.李国宝, 郭锡玖, 张涛, 李英伟, 谢小荣, 焦邵华, 梁新艳, 李元盛. 发电机组次同步阻尼控制器. 国家发明专利,ZL2008100570391, 2009/10/21

7.谢小荣. 一种次同步阻尼控制系统. 国家发明专利,ZL2008101171242, 2010/9/8

8.谢小荣, 杨晓东, 孙术文, 孔令宇, 焦邵华, 刘全, 常富杰, 郑巍, 张晓晋. 一种1000MW汽轮发电机组轴系模态阻尼的求取方法. 国家发明专利,ZL 2010102338033,2011/9/7

9.谢小荣, 李志鹏. 有效抑制次同步谐振和振荡的次同步阻尼控制系统. 国家发明专利,ZL2009100901581,2011/8/17

10.王建丰, 魏澈, 谢小荣, 黄业华, 刘国锋, 张强, 向守安, 刘皓, 胡鹏, 戴国华, 昝智海. 一种动态无功补偿器的控制系统及其控制方法. 国家发明专利,ZL2011103621058,2013/8/21

11.王建丰, 谢小荣, 魏澈, 刘国锋, 李强, 万光芬. 一种海上油田群电网紧急控制的在线预决策方法. 国家发明专利,ZL2013100377179,2014/8/6

12.周保荣, 谢小荣, 董宜鹏, 洪潮, 金小明, 姚文峰. 一种发电厂高压侧无功-电压综合控制装置. 国家实用新型专利,ZL2014202787360,2014/10/29

13.王建丰, 谢小荣, 魏澈, 孙英云, 刘国锋, 李强, 李浩田. 一种海上油田群电网的状态估计方法. 国家发明专利,ZL2013100327358,2014/11/5

14.谢玉洪, 柯吕雄, 唐广荣, 谢小荣, 王建丰, 卜华荣, 李卫团, 邹道标, 刘祖仁, 刘策, 魏澈, 昝智海. 海上油田群电网的功率优化控制方法. 国家发明专利,ZL2013100066945,2014/12/17

15.谢小荣,胡应宏,刘华坤,李雨,王亮,邓春,董晓亮,刘辉,彭珑,赵媛,端木林楠,马鑫晟,李蕴红,牛晓民,王萍. 一种控制风电场串补输电系统次同步谐振的方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201410669867.6, 2017/01/04

16.谢小荣,张传宇,刘华坤,蒋东翔,刘超. 次同步谐振的机电联合仿真方法及系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201410653532.5, 2017/06/23

17.谢小荣,刘华坤,张传宇. 多模式附加次/超同步振荡控制方法和控制系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201610037930.3, 2017/12/19

18.谢小荣,王建丰,孙大卫,魏澈,李强,刘国锋,万光芬,李雪. 一种电源电网综合优化方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201310561781.7, 2016/09/21

19.谢小荣,刘华坤,李雨,刘辉,李蕴红,胡应宏,刘汉民,朱斯. 抑制双馈风电场串补输电系统次同步谐振的阻塞滤波方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201510315488.1, 2018/02/09

20.谢小荣,刘华坤. 电力系统中次同步和超同步振荡的保护方法及系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201510785665.2,2018/02/09

21.谢小荣,张亚林,刘华坤,张秀娟,陈远华. 基于SVG的抑制次同步振荡自适应控制系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201510591526.6,2018/02/02

22.薛飞,谢小荣,王澍,牟镠峰. 抑制发电机组次同步谐振的系统和方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201110367383.2,2015/09/23

23.孙浩,谢小荣,陈志刚,董宜鹏,刘志文,夏文波,徐龙博,郝为瀚,周钰,成霞. 一种通用的并网式光伏发电系统机电暂态模型. 国家发明专利, ZL201210328721.6,2015/12/16

24.周保荣,谢小荣,董宜鹏,洪潮,金小明,姚文峰. 一种发电厂高压侧无功-电压综合控制方法及其控制系统, 国家发明专利, ZL201410232542.1, 2016/06/15

25.刘育权,谢小荣,叶萌,侯建兰,王珂,袁志昌,王斐,孙英云,蔡莹. 电力系统电压稳定控制方法及其系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201410310209.8, 2016/06/15

26.孙英云,钟健樑,谢小荣. 海上油田群电网预想操作的在线仿真计算方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201410040921.0,2016/06/22

27.刘育权,谢小荣,叶萌,侯建兰,王珂,袁志昌,王斐,孙英云,蔡莹. 电网暂态电压稳定性检测方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201410075019.2,2017/02/01

28.胡应宏,谢小荣,李雨,刘华坤,邓春,王亮,刘辉,董晓亮,彭珑,赵媛,端木林楠,马鑫晟,李蕴红,牛晓民,王萍. 一种抑制风电场串补输电系统次同步谐振的控制方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201410670520.3, 2017/07/28

29.周保荣,谢小荣,董宜鹏,洪潮,金小明,姚文峰. 电力系统PMU布点、及对应母线选取发电机方法和系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201510481745.9,2017/08/11

30.周保荣,谢小荣,董宜鹏,洪潮,金小明,姚文峰. 电网广域电压控制方法、系统及设备. 国家发明专利, ZL201510483565.4, 2017/05/10

31.谢小荣,刘华坤,李雨,刘辉,李蕴红,胡应宏,岳巍澎,马步云. 基于聚合RLC电路模型的电力系统次同步谐振分析方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201510315873.6, 2018/04/10


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