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2003年清华大学环境科学与工程系本科毕业; 2007年清华大学黄播app 博士毕业;2008-2010年美国麻省理工学院(MIT)博士后;2010年回清华大学黄播app 任教;2011年任副教授。主要研究方向为电工新材料。主持973子课题1项、国家自然科学基金2项、北京市自然科学基金1项。发表论文40余篇,其中SCI收录36篇。H指数为17,论文被他引超过一千篇次,单篇SCI最高引用超过200次,5篇论文为ESI高引论文,授权专利8项。在国际会议作邀请报告2次,担任国际会议Session Chair 3次。

2014.9~ 清华大学黄播app ,副教授,博士生导师

2011.12~ 清华大学黄播app ,副教授

2010.1~2011.12 清华大学黄播app ,助理研究员

2008.1~2010.1 美国麻省理工学院 (MIT),博士后

2003.9~2007.12 清华大学黄播app 电气工程专业,博士学位

1999.9~2003.7 清华大学环境科学与工程系 环境工程专业,学士学位







2016.01-2019.12 国家自然科学基金面上项目,嵌锂化合物/层次孔纳炭米柔性复合电极分级异质结构及储能机制研究

2016.01-2018.12 北京市自然科学基金,微纳米尺度复合材料界面设计、制备及其在锂硫电池电化学性能的研究

2014.01-2019.12 973子课题,自愈性绝缘电介质材料的制备及其微放电缺陷抑制机理研究

2013.01-2017.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目,储能用纳米碳材料的功能调控及机制研究

2013.12-2015.12 “电力系统及发电设备控制和仿真”国家重点实验室,具有过充保护机制的动力电池复合隔膜的制备及其电化学特性研究

2012.01-2014.12 国家自然科学基金青年基金,层次孔碳纤维负载二氧化锰纳米复合电极材料的制备及其电化学性能的研究

2011.01-2013.12 教育部新教师基金,聚苯胺/碳线装复合电极制备及其储能特性研究

2010.11-2012.12 国家重点实验室自主课题开放课题,超级电容器层次孔碳电极的制备及其储能特性研究

2010.07-2013.06 清华大学自主科研计划,锂离子动力电池用隔膜的关键技术研究

2010.12-2013.12 科技部国际科技合作项目,面向中美清洁能源合作的电动汽车前沿技术研究(子课题:高能量密度锂离子动力电池非碳系复合负极材料研究)


2014.12-2015.12 广东电网公司电力科学研究院,熔体的弧前电流-时间特性的仿真分析

2010.06-2011.12 中国航空工业集团公司北京航空材料研究院,微波半波长尺度纳米碳纤维的研制

2011.09-2014.10 张家港智电可再生能源与储能技术研究所有限公司,锂离子动力电池用隔膜的关键技术研究

[1]Ying Yang, TrungHieu Le, Feiyu Kang, Michio Inagaki. Polymer blend techniques for designing carbon materials, Carbon, 2017, 111: 546-568.

[2]TrungHieu Le, Ying Yang, Liu Yu, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. In-situ growth of MnO2 crystals under nanopore-constraint in carbon nanofibers and their electrochemical performance. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:37368.

[3]Trung Hieu Le, Ying Yang, Liu Yu, Tianji Gao, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Polyimide-based porous hollow carbon nanofibers for supercapacitor electrode, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133(19):43397.

[4]TrungHieu Le, Ying Yang, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Preparation of microporous carbon nanofibers from polyimide by using polyvinyl pyrrolidone as template and their capacitive performance. Journal of Power Sources. 2015, 278:683-692. ESI高被引论文

[5]Donglin Liu, Yuanxiang Zhou, Ying Yang, Ling zhang, Fubao Jin. Characterization of High Performance AIN Nanoparticle-Based Transformer Oil Nanofluids, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(5):2757-2767.

[6]Xingxing Liang, Ying Yang, Xin Jin, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. The high performances of SiO2/Al2O3-coated electrospun polyimide fibrous separator for lithium-ion battery, Journal of Membrane Science, 2015, 493:1-7.

[7]Xingxing Liang, Ying Yang, Xin Jin, Jie Cheng. Polyethylene Oxide-Coated Electrospun Polyimide Fibrous Seperator for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2015, 32:200-206.

[8]Qi Liu, Ying Yang, Meng Huang, Yuanxiang Zhou, Yingyan Liu, Xidong Liang, Durability of a lubricant-infused electrospray silicon rubber surface as an anti-icing coating, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 346:68-76.

[9]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang, MnO-carbon hybrid nanofiber composites as superior anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 170:164-170.

[10]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Feiyu Kang, Porous carbon nanofiber paper as an effective interlayer for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 168:271-276.

[11]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. MnO2/polypyrrole nanotubular composites: Reactive template synthesis, characterization and application as superior electrode materials for high-performance, Electrochimica Acta, 2014, 130(4):642-649.

[12]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Effect of temperature on the pseudo-capacitive behavior of freestanding MnO2@carbon nanofibers composites electrodes in mild electrolyte, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 224(4):86-92. ESI高被引论文

[13]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. A high-performance asymmetric supercapacitor based on carbon and carbon-MnO2 nanofiber electrodes, Carbon, 2013, 61(11):190-199. ESI高被引论文

[14]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Shape-controlled synthesis of hierarchical hollow urchin-shape α-MnO2 nanostructures and their electrochemical properties, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2013, 140:643-650.

[15]Ting Zhang, Daqing Huang, Ying Yang, Feiyu Kang, Jialin Gu. Fe3O4/carbon composite nanofiber absorber with enhanced microwave absorption performance, Materials Science & Engineering B, 2013, 178(1):1-9.

[16]Yu Lei, Zheng-Hong Huang, Ying Yang, Wanci Shen, Yongping Zheng, Hongyu Sun, Feiyu Kang. Porous mesocarbon microbeads with graphitic shells: constructing a high-rate, high-capacity cathode for hybrid supercapacitor, Scientific Reports, 2013, 3(8).

[17]Ying Yang, Zhen Guo, Huan Zhang, Daqing Huang, Jialin Gu, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang, T. Alan Hatton, Gregory C. Rutledge. Electrospun magnetic carbon composite fibers: Synthesis and electromagnetic wave absorption characteristics, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2013, 127(6):4288–4295.

[18]Michio Inagaki, Ying Yang, Feiyu Kang, Carbon Nanofibers Prepared via Electrospinning, Advanced Materials, 2012, 24(19): 2547-2566. ESI高被引论文

[19]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Interfacial synthesis of mesoporous MnO2/polyaniline hollow spheres and their application in electrochemical capacitors. Journal of Power Sources, 2012, 204(1):236-243. ESI高被引论文

[20]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Effect of Fe3+ on the synthesis and electrochemical performance of nanostructured MnO2, Materials Chemistry & Physics, 2012, 133(1):437-444.

[21]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Incorporation of nanostructured manganese dioxide into carbon nanofibers and its electrochemical performance, Materials Letters, 2012, 72(7):18-21.

[22]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Rational synthesis of MnO2/conducting polypyrrole@carbon nanofiber triaxial nano-cables for high-performance supercapacitors, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 33(33):16943-16949.

[23]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Synthesis and electrochemical performance of MnO2/CNTs–embedded carbon nanofibers nanocomposites for supercapacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2012, 75(4):213-219.

[24]Ting Zhang, Daqing Huang, Ying Yang, Feiyu Kang, Jialin Gu. Influence of iron (III) acetylacetonate on structure and electrical conductivity of Fe3O4/carbon composite nanofibers, Polymer, 2012, 53(26):6000-6007.

[25]Ying Yang, Fritz Simeon, T.Alan Hatton, Gregory C. Rutledge. Polyacrylonitrile-based electrospun carbon paper for electrode applications, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012, 124(5):3861–3870.

[26]Jian-Gan Wang, Ying Yang, Zheng-Hong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Coaxial carbon nanofibers/MnO2 nanocomposites as freestanding electrodes for high-performance electrochemical capacitors, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56(25):9240-9247.

[27]Ying Yang, Andrea Centrone, Liang Chen, Fritz Simeon, T. Alan Hatton, Gregory C. Rutledge, Highly porous electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)-based carbon fiber, Carbon, 2011, 49(11):3395-3403.

[28]Xinming Li, Tianshuo Zhao, Kunlin Wang, Ying Yang, Jinquan Wei, Feiyu Kang, Dehai Wu, Hongwei Zhu. Directly Drawing Self-Assembled, Porous, and Monolithic Graphene Fiber from Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown Graphene Film and Its Electrochemical Properties, Langmuir, 2011, 27(19):12164-12171.

[29]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li, Lei Hou, Jianan Liu, Liming Wang, Zhicheng Guan, Markus Zahn , A shield ring enhanced equilateral hexagon distributed multi-needle electrospinning spinneret, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2010, 17(5):1592-1601.

[30]Andrea Centrone, Ying Yang, Scott Speakman, Lev Bromberg, Gregory C. Rutledge, T. Alan Hatton. Growth of metal-organic frameworks on polymer surfaces, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132(44):15687-91.

[31]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li, Jianan Liu, Zhicheng Guan, Effect of “stagnation plane“ in the electric field during the electrospinning process, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2009, 16(2):409-416.

[32]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Lei Hou, Qiang Li, Liming. Controlled deposition of electrospinning jet by electric field distribution from an insulating material surrounding the barrel of the polymer solution. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2008, 15: 269-276.

[33]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Jianan Liu, Qiang Li, Lei Hou, Liming Wang, and Zhicheng Guan. Effect of electric field distribution uniformity on electrospinning. Journal of Applied Physics. 2008, 103(10):104307-11.

[34]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Jianan Liu, Liming Wang, Zhicheng Guan. The Efects of flow rate and the distance between the nozzle and the target on the operating conditions of electrospingning, Journal of Polymer Engineering, 2008, 28(1-2):67-86.

[35]Li Qiang, Jia Zhidong Jia, Ying Yang, Liming Wang, Zhicheng Guan. Preparation and Properties of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Nanofibers by Electrospinning. IEEE, 2007, 28(1):215-218.

[36]Ying Yang, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li, Zhicheng Guan. Experimental investigation of the governing parameters in the electrospinning of polyethylene oxide solution, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation. 2006, 13:580-585.


[1]Yang Y, TrungHieu Le, Liu Yu, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. In-situ growth MnO2 crystals under nanopore-constraint in carbon nanofibers and their electrochemical performance. International Conference Carbon 2016, July 10-15, USA.

[2]Yang Y. coaxial MnO2@carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposites as Freetanding Electrodes for High-performance Electrochemical Capacitors. 2015 International Conference on Small Science, 2015.11.4-2015.11.7, Thailand. 邀请报告

[3]Yang Y. coaxial MnO2@carbon Nanofibers Nanocomposites as Freetanding Electrodes for High-performance Electrochemical Capacitors. CARBON 2014: Carbon Materials for Ubiquitous and Sustainable Life, 2014.06.29-2014.07.04, Korea. 邀请报告

[4]Wang J G, Yang Y, Huang Z H, Kang F. Interfacial synthesis of mesoporous MnO2/polyaniline hollow spheres and their application in electrochemical capacitors. Joint Symposium, 2012.12.19-2012.12.22.

[5]Wang X A, Yang Y, Yan J J, Liang X D. Preparation of Bead-Free PMDA-ODA Polyimide Nanofiber Fabrics From Electro-spinning. Internationnal Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications, 854-859, 2012.9.2-2012.9.7.

[6]Zhen Guo, Ying Y, Zhenghong Huang. PAN-based hierarchical porous carbon fibers prepared by electrospinning and its performance as supercapacitor electrode. Carbon 2011. Shanghai. 2011.7.26.

[7]Jiangan Wang, Ying Y, Zhenghong Huang, Feiyu Kang. Effect of chemical activation on electrochemical performance of carbon nanofibers. Carbon 2011. Shanghai. 2011.7.26.

[8]Dengzheng Wang, Ying Y, Xiaoang Wang, Feiyu Kang. Electrospun PI-based hollow carbon fiber and its application in supercapacitor. Carbon 2011. Shanghai. 2011.7.26.(poster presentation)

[9]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Zhicheng Guan. Controlled deposition of electrospun (ethylene oxide) fibers. IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids, 2005: 457-60.

[10]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li and Zhicheng Guan. “Controlling the electrospinning process by jet current and Taylor cone” 2005 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena: 453-456.

[11]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li, Lei Hou, Haifeng Gao, Zhicheng Guan. Multiple jets in electrospinning. 2006 IEEE 8th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials.

[12]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Jianan Liu, Liming Wang, Zhicheng Guan, Effect of Solution Rate on Electrospinning. CEIDP 2007.

[13]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li and Zhicheng Guan。Improving electrospinning nanofibers alignment in a large area by using a insulating tube on the collector. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics. Winchester, Hampshire, UK, 8th-13th July, 2007.

[14]Ying Y, Zhidong Jia, Qiang Li and Zhicheng Guan. The effect of power supply polarity on the morphology of electrospun nanofibers and textiles. The 14th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH). August 25-29, 2005, Beijing.


[1]刘琦,刘东霖,杨颖。采用高压静电喷涂技术制备超疏水硅橡胶表面的应用研究。高电压技术, 2015, 41(8):2818-2824.

[2]刘瑛岩,王登政,杨颖。同轴电纺法制备纳米空心碳纤维。高电压技术, 2015, 41(2):403-409.

[3]梁幸幸,杨颖,许德平。静电纺丝法制备空气过滤膜及应用。化学工业与工程, 2015, 32(3):59-67.

[4]杨颖,贾志东,李强,关志成。电纺丝技术及其应用。高电压技术, 2006, 32(11):91-95.









