主题:1、Current Sharing for Resonant Converters; 2、New and Better for a Productive Research Program
报告人:Dr. Yan-Fei Liu,Fellow of IEEE ,加拿大工程院院士,Professor Queen’s University Canada
时 间:2018年5月14日(周一) 下午14:00-15:30
地 点:清华大学黄播app
Title 1: Current Sharing for Resonant Converters
LLC resonant converters become more popular due to its desirable features, such as zero voltage switching, high switching frequency operation, and possible integration of the resonant inductor into the transformer. However, when two or more LLC converters are connected in parallel, they cannot achieve current sharing because of the tolerance of the resonant components. Switch-Controlled-Capacitor (SCC) technology and common-inductor technology will be introduced to achieve current sharing of the LLC resonant converters.
Title 2: New and Better for a Productive Research Program
New and BETTER is one philosophy to achieve excellence in research. Independent research program is a fundamental requirement for a faculty member in world leading universities. Two examples will be presented as how to achieve research excellence and how to write a good transaction paper based on the New and BETTER philosophy.