主题:Convex Optimization in Power Systems and Fluid Networks
报告时间: 2018年05月17日,星期四,下午15:00
摘要:Convex optimization has received increasing attention in many engineering fields, mainly because: 1) it is computationally effective and robust; 2) it is fundamental in both distributed optimization and bi-level optimization. In this talk, I will introduce the basic ideas and the state of the art of convex relaxations for non-convex systems based on some application scenarios, such as AC power flows, battery energy storage, fluid networks, and a stability-constrained optimization framework of nonlinear control systems. Some potential applications of convex optimization will also be discussed.
报告人简介:李启峰博士,美国中佛罗里达大学(University of Central Florida,UCF)电气及计算机工程系助理教授、博士生导师,现任麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology,MIT)机械工程系访问教授。他博士师从美国国家工程院院士、美国电力系统工程研究中心主任Vijay Vittal教授,并于2016-2018年在MIT机械工程系从事博士后研究工作。李启峰教授的研究兴趣主要为先进非线性最优化和非线性控制系统技术及其在电力、能源系统中的应用,其中包括微电网优化与控制、最优需求侧管理、energy-water-food nexus等。他曾多次受邀到哈佛大学、SIAM(国际工业和应用数学学会)、INFORMS(国际运筹学与管理科学协会)等著名高校和学术组织作学术报告。他同时也是IEEE(国际电子电气工程师协会)和INFORMS会员。